Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 216 - 19 A Fate That Could Have Been His

Dominik did not understand what was happening.

Adrian did what?

But how? Why?

How is that why?

Did Dominik not know how the heart hurts when torn to shreds? Did he not remember how masculine pride hurt when it was trampled underfoot?

"I'm so sorry..." he said, his voice breaking.

"Thank you" Miss Shmidt placed her hand on his. It was a gesture to reassure him of her support. It was he who should support her, it was she who lost her little brother.

"If I had earlier..."

Adrian's sister shook her head.

"Mr. Śliwiński, five years ago I did not know what happened and I wanted to discover the truth. I didn't understand why my beautiful, dear brother took his own life. I was devastated and furious. But I was not blind. I did a very thorough investigation. That's why I know that many people have been hurt. On different ways. Adrian just..."

"He couldn't handle it," finished Andrzej for her.

"Yes," she admitted. "Adrian was very naive, very idealistic and very sensitive. And way too young. I studied, our parents worked. Nobody had time for him. Nobody noticed that he was going through difficult times. In your eyes, Mr. Śliwiński, I know that you are guilty, but please tell me who is more guilty, a colleague from work who was also a victim of manipulation, or the family who did not even notice that there was a problem?"

"Both sides," Dominik announced firmly. "You can't ignore anyone, not even a colleague."

"Thank you," Miss Shmidt smiled. "I think Adrian would be glad you thought so. He'd be glad you thought of him."

"I thought about him too late."

"Please, don't worry about that. You were both practically kids at that time. You were of age but had no social experience whatsoever, and both of you… sorry to say that, but both of you have been abandoned by your families. Although in both cases it was not so obvious."

Because abandonment takes many shapes. A parent who shows no interest in the fate of their child also abandons them. A parent who says, "You're eighteen, you're an adult, do what you want" is also abandoning. Legal age does not mean that a child already knows and can do everything and that he does not need his parents, their love, their warmth, their advice. And this is the most difficult period when a child suddenly has to become an adult.

Dominik's parents did not abandon him in the literal sense of the word, but allowed the immature young man to go out into the great and dangerous world and disappear into it for seven years, content only with the laconic news and information coming from the media.

Dominik did not blame his parents. They just trusted the wrong man. So why would he blame himself when he trusted that person too?

"I want to help you with your revenge," Śliwiński stated firmly.


Andrzej's heart trembled. He wanted to scream, "Hey Dominik, what are you thinking, idiot, don't get into it!" but he couldn't.

Dominik had a good and noble heart. He couldn't look at the suffering of others, and he always felt guilty when he hadn't prevented someone from suffering, even though he felt he had the opportunity. He always wanted to help others, even at the expense of himself. This was the case with Maciej Werner.

I think even Marczak knew about it, since instead of fighting this trait of Śliwiński, he intended to use it.

"Thank you, but that won't be needed," replied the young woman. "Tonight I saw the prosecutor in charge of this case. He contacted people from the CBA. With the evidence I collected while working for Mr. Marczak, your testimony will not be needed, Mr. Śliwiński. Actually... I actually want to do it myself. For Adrian. I wasn't there when he needed me, so now I want to make it up to him."

Andrzej felt the tension drop away from him and he was filled with a refreshing feeling of relief. Is it possible that despite all the confusion, Dominik will come out alive? Is it possible that neither the police, nor the CBA, nor even the media will pursue him with a scandal?

But then what will happen to Miss Shmidt?

"Aren't you afraid of Marczak? If he knows, that you are behind everything, he may want to stop you..."

"It's too late," the woman replied with a sad smile that nevertheless contained satisfaction and pride. "I have already provided all the evidence and my statements, so even if anything happened to me, the prosecution has everything I need. Anyway... I don't think that Mr. Marczak went so far as to hurt me. Maybe his morals leave a lot to be desired, but he is certainly not brutal. And besides…"

"Yes?" Dominik asked as she stopped.

"Besides, he is not in much danger anyway. The prosecutor promised he would try, but we all know that Marczak is too powerful."

"Then why are you doing this? Is this really revenge? " Andrzej asked feeling sorry for this woman who knew that she had not really won anything.

"Yes, Mr. Nowicki" she surprised him with this answer. "You see, reputation is very important in this business. Everyone knew the CEO was extravagant but effective. He really was able to promote stars. But if the world finds out that he has had other immoral activities as well, that he has hurt his actors and actresses, people will be less likely to work with him. And this will cause Mr. Marczak to lose a lot of money. It won't kill him, it will make him weak. Maybe it will be the shy beginning of his end."

Maybe, who knows, thought Andrzej. He didn't really believe it. In his eyes, Marczak was strong enough to survive anything.

And there was still a problem, what will the media do with this scandal and how much will Dominika be involved in it?

Although, looking at Śliwiński, Andrzej came to the conclusion that this was the young actor's least concern at the moment.

"I'm really sorry about your brother," said Dominik sadly.

Yes, Nowicki knew how much, because Śliwiński's eyes could not lie. Andrzej was also sorry for this young, unknown actor, too sensitive to deal with the disgusting things of this world. However, he was glad that this victim was not Dominik.

"Thank you and… I'm really glad you were stronger than my brother. And that you had someone by your side to support you at the right moment."

The eyes of the young woman turned to Andrzej and Nowicki felt that Shmidt was expressing gratitude to him and… regret that her Adrian was alone then.


After Miss Shmidt's visit, Dominik was in no mood to talk. Andrzej understood it perfectly. He did not even ask how the young actor felt, but let him go to bed early.

For his part, all he could do was lie down next to him and put his arm around him.

They lay there for quite a long time. Nowicki felt the tension slowly dropping from his man's muscles. How stress subsides from it. Finally, after a long time, Dominik took Andrzej's hand and put it to his mouth. Nowicki felt the warmth of his breath on his fingers.

"You saw Marek today, right?" Śliwiński asked quietly.

Andrzej did not ask how Dominik knew about it, how did he guess? He wasn't even surprised Dominik knew.

"I figured he might have kept some information from you on purpose."


Nowicki sighed.

"I don't understand this guy. All I know is that when you were together, he really loved you. " Dominik's body tightened again. "I just don't know if I should tell you about it."

"I think so too," admitted Dominik. "But it wasn't good love. It was something toxic. There is probably even such a term 'toxic love'. "

"It is" admitted Andrzej. "I don't think he can love otherwise."

"Andrzej, let's go somewhere for a while," Dominik asked. "I know I should take care of all these things, but I need to breathe. Maybe your friend would lend us this cabin? I have the best memories associated with that place."

"Maybe at the weekend? I have pictures the day after tomorrow."

"The weekend will be perfect... Andrzej..."


"I love you. And thank you."

"What for?"

" For not letting the same thing happen to me as it did to Adrian."

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