Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 220 - 23 Heartbeat

"Dominik..." said Andrzej quietly, lowering his camera. All that is tempting nudity, the sensual act that is the subject of the photos, is another thing, but this is another. Nowicki could not take pictures when Śliwiński...

The young actor looked up and smiled warmly.

Sex was a pleasure, sometimes a fun or a game, but never something to cause any discomfort to either party.

Andrzej fell to his knees. His heart pounded alarmingly. His head bowed slightly and the photographer found the man's sweet mouth. His passion grew so intense that he suddenly found himself lying on top of Dominik, whose bare back was on the brown skin of a bear.

'My, God, I love him so much, I want him so much,' thought Andrzej, still kissing. Śliwiński's hand wandered freely around the regions of Nowicki's crotch, caressing and teasing him. 'I love him so much I'm going crazy!'

The very thought was insane. You can't love anyone that much. It is impossible. And yet Andrzej felt his body, his heart and his mind melt, sinking into Dominik.

Śliwiński opened a love in him so great that Nowicki was unable to comprehend it. He couldn't even believe that something like this could happen to anyone, much less to him. To him, who thought that no one could ever love him, that he was simply not made for love.

He had waited twenty-eight years for this love. He received it suddenly, when he had lost all hope of it.

He received it in the most perfect possible form - in the person of Dominik Śliwiński.

The young actor had already liberated Andrzej's manhood and sucked in a contented breath. He even purred like a satisfied little tomcat. This excited Nowicki, who was already struggling to control himself.

How did it happen that Andrzej lost his body so much, and above all his heart, in this one, only man? Just in a man?

It was not a time to remember. This was not a time to reflect. Andrzej Nowicki knew one thing - Dominik made his lonely heart no longer feel lonely.


Dominik turned so that his head and left hand were on Andrzej's chest. He didn't do it on purpose, but his ear was at the level of a lover's heart, and the young actor heard every beat of that heart.

The heartbeat was strong, calm and steady. The rhythm of their beats calmed down and gave a sense of security. This can let him fall asleep calmly. Dominik knew that he was completely safe with Andrzej.

Śliwiński was a man. In principle, he should give a sense of security to others, but who said that a man must always be strong? Who said a man can't be hurt? Anyone who said that should go through the same experiences as Dominik. I wonder what he would have said then?

"You can not sleep?" Andrzej asked.

"Not so much I can't, and I don't want to. I like being with you that way."

"Naked on a bear fur?" Nowicki joked.

"Exactly," Dominik admitted smiling.

Yes, they were completely naked, but despite the heat outside, they had a light blanket thrown over them. They weren't cold, although the cabin did provide a bit of a pleasant chill. They covered their naked bodies because, despite how open and daring they were towards each other, they also had a bit of shame, and when the passion was gone and there was fulfillment, the need came to cover their bodies. However, they were too lazy to get dressed.

Dominik felt so good in the arms of Nowicki that he forgot how he felt in the arms of another man. Probably worse, since the photographer had superseded those memories.

Śliwiński took a deep breath. Does the man he's lying with now feel the same?

"Andrzej, are you satisfied with your life?" he asked softly. "I mean the whole."

"Overall, professional and private life?" Nowicki made sure.

"Yes. Do all these aspects give you satisfaction?"

Dominik did not know why his own heart trembled at that moment? Was he afraid to hear the answer? Then why was he asking?

"Let me think..." said Andrzej thoughtfully. "I haven't thought about it. At least not recently. Hmm, Mrs. Janka is a really good and understanding boss. Someone else in her position would have fired me long ago, but not her. Plus she pays me well. I work by taking photos, so I am actually professionally fulfilling myself. I could, admittedly, win a photographer award, but otherwise it's ok. I like the company I work for and the people I work with. If a model starts to be wayward or mean to a friend, she is quickly pacified, so the atmosphere in the company is really good. Yes, I am professionally satisfied. And privately..."

Andrzej dangerously suspended his voice. Dominik shuddered uneasily. He did not do it on purpose. It was a reflex. For some reason, he was getting more and more nervous.

He shouldn't be nervous, Śliwiński told himself. He knew Andrzej loved him. He even knew how much he loved him. But was this love making him happy? Maybe Nowicki was like Werner? Maybe like Marek?

No, what a thought! How can Dominik even think of such a thing! How can he compare Andrzej to someone like the other two? After all, this is an insult to Nowicki and his love.

"And in private?" Śliwiński urged. He wanted so badly to hear the answer. He was afraid of her, but he wanted to hear her.

" Should I be honest with you?" Nowicki asked seriously.

Dominik's heart beat faster with anxiety. He will be brave. After all, he trusts Andrzej.


"You know I'm straight and I never thought of any man," the photographer began to say, "so at first I felt insecure and weird. Being with you was so new that I had to come to an understanding with myself. Besides, you are incredibly special, so I had a lot of doubts and was anxious. But then, I don't even remember when it happened, you cut into my heart so much that I was more anxious without you than with you. Now, and it has been for many months, I believe that you are the best thing that could happen to me in my life. I can repeat hundreds of times that I love you and that I am happy because of you, but I find these simple words too simple in relation to what I feel about you. Unfortunately, I'm also simple and I can't find better ones, so..."

Andrzej suspended his voice again and Śliwiński's heart fluttered with its little wings.

"... so I have to use these simple words" finished Nowicki with a warm, soft, gentle voice. "I love you, Dominik. Being with you makes me happy."

Maybe they weren't really complicated, poetic words, but who needed them? Beauty lies in simplicity and honesty, and Dominik, hearing every beat of Andrzej's heart, knew that his man was one hundred percent honest.

This made Śliwiński happy to the point of tears.

"Thank you," he said. "Thank you. Andrzej, I..."

"I know, silly," Nowicki smiled. "I know you love me too."

After all, he too felt Dominik's heartbeat on his body.


Rysio Skawiński returned to his darkened room with a mug of coffee from a vending machine in his hand.

Tired and bored, he sighed.

He did not like this element of his job, but he knew that it was sometimes necessary - observing activity on the properties belonging to the suspect. It was nothing more than watching CCTV recordings.

For five days, Rysio had been keeping an eye on the infamous gangster from the left bank of the Vistula, Bambus. The gangster did not have much real estate and focused solely on his apartment and clubhouse. He had a small house on the Bug river, but he did not go there at all.

It didn't mean that anyone from his criminal group couldn't be there. This place could be used to store illegal goods or as a hideout for illegal immigrants.

That is why the cottage on the Bug River was also under surveillance.

Of course, this was not a constant and careful observation. Yes, the camera recorded everything, but you didn't look at all monitors all the time. Only when something started to happen...

Rysio nearly dropped his coffee mug.

Something was just beginning to happen in the cabin on the Bug River. And it was something ...

Rysio turned pale and then reddened so much that steam almost started to come out of his ears. What Rysio saw...

Surprised, even shocked, the young policeman looked for a moment at the scene, where a well-known actor posed nude for photos of a photographer whose face had also recently become popular due to posters and TV commercials. What these men were doing was...

It was so fucking erotic that a polite, girlfriend-wielding lawman like Rysio almost exploded with embarrassment. And out of shame because his body began to react in an unforeseen manner.

None of these men were Bambus, and their behavior was so private that it shouldn't have been filmed on that secretly mounted spy camera. What was happening clearly had nothing to do with Bambus, so...

Rysio reached out to turn off the recording. However, something very strange began to happen to his mind and body.

Rysio's hand was still hanging in the air, and he, enchanted, watched as Dominik Śliwiński...

Sometimes we discover something completely by accident. We discover something good in ourselves, something bad or something… disturbing.


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