Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 28 - A Broken Heart Cannot Be Ignored

"Paulina, do you take take-out orders?"

Nowicki didn't even realize how heavy and disturbing his voice sounded.

"Andrzej, is it about Dominik? How is he feeling? Will he be okay? "

Nowicki was not even surprised that Paulina realized so quickly that it was about Dominik and that something bad had happened to him. Sincere anxiety in her voice made him feel grateful.

"He's broken and weak. Sleeping at the moment. But when he wakes up, I'm going to try to make him eat something. I'll force him, if needed"

"Don't you dare force him to anything!" she strictly forbade him. "Give me the address, I'll be there in half an hour."


"Don't argue with me, just give me the fucking address!"

There was no point in arguing, especially since she used a curse, which only happened to her in a state of high agitation. Anyway, she was right. After all, he called her to help him. He did not know how Śliwiński would react to another stranger in his home, but he was ready to take the risk.

Andrzej gave Paulina the address, poured a glass of fresh water into and returned upstairs.

Dominik was still asleep. Surprisingly quite calm and deep. He was frighteningly pale and his cheeks sunken, taking away some of the beauty of that face, giving it a martyr's look. His eyes were also recessed into the skull and the rims around them were blue.

How long did a young, sensitive man cry alone in his bed with no one to turn to for some comfort and help?

Andrzej closed his eyes, which began to stung him.

It was his fault. He knew it perfectly well. He should do something, anything, to convince Dominik that Marczak is bad man. He should have talked to Marczak and threatened that if something happened to Śliwiński, anything, then the whole world would find out what kind of manager and man he was. And most of all, he should not, even for a moment, leave the actor completely alone so that he lost faith in him and did not seek support from him.

"I am sorry," whispered Andrzej and stroked Śliwiński's hair. "I'm so, very sorry."

He must have lost track of time because the doorbell rang too quickly. Śliwiński was sleeping so deeply that he did not react to its sound. Nowicki, however, did not feel anxious about this. It was a quiet, deep sleep of a child who, having cried all his tears for his mother, is now sleeping to regain strength. Andrzej went down to open the door. Paulina, standing in the doorway, looked deeply moved.

"How is he feeling?" she asked forcing herself inside.

"He's still asleep."

"Where's the kitchen? Oh, it's here! "

Paulina immediately felt at home taking the food supplies out of the bags. Some of them were put in the fridge, some in the freezer and some of them were put into bags and saucepans. She did not forget about the dessert, a light cold cheesecake with fruit mousse.

"I brought you stuffed cabbage rolls, croquettes and roulades. Don't you dare give them to him now," she threatened Nowicki with her index finger. She was firm and serious, ruled almost like a dictator, but the fact that she took the initiative was a relief for Andrzej. "First, a light broth with lots of vegetables and some cooked chicken meat. You know what happened?

Her tone changed suddenly from a dictator to a worried mother. Probably all women had this magical trait that allowed them to take command in times of a similar crisis and be one moment a field marshal and the other a protective mother. Andrzej admired this trait and envied it in women.

"More or less," he admitted, resigned. "It was difficult to get consistent information from him ..."

"What did the doctor say?"

"There was no doctor. Dominik says he's fine and refuses. I looked at him a bit and I don't think he has any physical damage. I haven't seen any bruises or abrasions or anything like that. I think it was his heart that was brutally broken. As if his whole world had fallen to splinters. "

Paulina thought, worried.

"If that's the case, the doctor won't help much. But if Dominik is exhausted, maybe he will need something to strengthen him? Any vitamins? Maybe I'll go get some medications after all? "

"No, rather not. At least for now. Maybe when he wakes up and eats something, he will be more willing to talk and maybe agree to see a doctor after all? I do not know. It's just a broken heart ... "

"A broken heart cannot be ignored" Paulina was indignant at Andrzej. "I thought you were smart enough to know this. Even a man can become depressed because of this, and what the consequences may be, you can imagine. Where is his bedroom? "

"Upstairs, but ..."

Paulina, however, did not listen to him. She hurried up the stairs so fast he was having trouble keeping up with her.

"Hey, you can't just roam someone else's house," he called after her in a whisper.

"Shut up," she replied softly, though bluntly, and slipped into Dominik's bedroom.

Angry at her for violating Śliwiński's privacy, but also glad that she had taken the initiative into her own hands, he followed her and saw how, with a truly motherly concern, she put her hand to Dominik's forehead, measuring his body temperature.

"Has an elevated temperature."

"He was cold when I found him."

"He is very weak and susceptible to infections. Oh good morning," she suddenly exclaimed brightly. "Do you remember me?"

"Dominik!" Andrzej immediately went closer to bed.

"Yes, Mrs. Paulina," the young actor replied softly. He still looked very weak, but his eyes were calmer now - still full of pain and sadness, but at least they looked at them alertly.

"You really remember! We've only met once! " she smiled. "I would like to talk to you in private for a moment. Can I? Andrzej, come out for a moment. "

"What? For what?" the photographer was surprised. He wanted to be with Dominik. Not because he was afraid that Paulina would do something bad to him, but the young actor is not used to the company of strangers and may feel very uncomfortable in the company of Paulina.

"Don't ask stupid questions," the woman was indignant at him, "just leave this room out of your grace."

Nowicki looked at Dominik, who did not understand anything. The boy was confused but did not seem scared. Paulina was clearly not a threat to him. Śliwiński signaled for the photographer to leave. So Andrzej had no choice. Although reluctantly, he left the room.

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