Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 62 - Just This One, Only Time ...

Andrzej reached out and touched the silky soft hair. Śliwiński moved his head towards his hand, like a kitten that wants to be petted. Is this sweet, sensitive Dominik so hungry for caresses and the warmth of human touch?

"Dominik" Andrzej leaned over him. The actor stopped his efforts and raised his head. Nowicki took his face in both hands and, pulling it up, leaned down even more. He didn't know why he was doing it. It took no sense or reason. Andrzej pressed his lips to Dominik's giving him a passionate kiss.

"Only once," he said when he finally paused to catch his breath. "Just this one time…"

He saw tears in Dominik's eyes, but his lips smiled happily, and Andrzej was already wearing his arms around him tightly and his lips devouring his skin with the hunger of greediness.

Damn it!

Andrzej's erotically stimulated body was on fire. They joined again in a kiss that had the taste of forbidden fruit. Feeling the body of another human being so close to him, Nowicki embraced it tightly, slipping his hands under his shirt. It surprised him how soft the skin was under his fingers, but only for a moment. After all, he had already touched those backs that then bore the horrible signs of attack.

Never again, he thought passionately, this body must never be hurt.

He was warm like a woman, soft like a woman, and delicate like them. Andrzej broke the kiss to be able to look at his face. He wasn't a woman, Andrzej had no doubts about it, and yet ...

"I love you," the actor said softly, looking him straight in the eyes.

It's bad, thought Andrzej. It's very bad. He liked Dominik, he liked him very much, but it was definitely not love. Andrzej will never be able to be with him as the young man wishes. If he goes on like this, Śliwiński will suffer, maybe even more.

Apparently something was written on Andrzej's face, because Dominik smiled faintly but warmly.

"I know," he whispered, clinging to him again. Andrzej had the impression that he was pouring all his longing and hunger over him. "Just give me this one time to have that fervent memory."

Then the last dams in Andrzej were released.

"Not here," he said softly. He did not want to make love to him on the same couch that Dominik used to do it with Marczak. He did not want to He did not want this only time between them to be in the place where Śliwiński almost had been brutally violated.

Dominik got up, took his hand, and led him to his bedroom.

Already at the door, the actor stripped off his elegant jacket and shirt, showing a beautifully sculpted, though slim body. He was not an athlete type, but he had hard muscle knots under his soft skin. He dragged Andrzej to bed almost on the run, depriving him of his clothes. His haste and excitement spread to Nowicki, whose heart started to beat very fast and his breathing quickened. No one has ever been so impatient to fuse their body with him. It was extremely exciting. Dominik was extremely exciting.

Dominik almost threw him in the sheets and quickly freed himself from his pants and boxers. The shy, quiet Dominik disappeared somewhere, and a man determined to get what he wanted appeared. For a moment, Andrzej was surprised, he thought that the actor was going to be the dominant party and froze. He was definitely not ready to let someone put a penis in his ass. Dominik, however, began to fawn at him and kiss the skin on his breasts, stimulating every inch of it. Although he was undoubtedly excited and eager for something more, Andrzej felt how much the actor cared about Nowicki's pleasure. It squeezed his heart with emotion. He hugged Dominik's back and caressed them as well. He didn't even notice when he reached the buttocks. It was Dominik who signaled the rise of his tension with a slight tremor.

"Do you want me to…?" Andrzej could not finish the question, but his hand pressed harder on the actor's buttock speaking instead of his mouth.

"Yes," he assured him, blowing his hot breath against his ear.

"But ... I don't know how to make you feel good. I don't want you to hurt..."

A strange sound escaped from Dominik's chest and Andrzej had the impression that it was a muffled sob.

"Is something wrong?" He asked frightened.

"No no. You are so caring. I'll guide you, but first let me ..."

Śliwiński went down to his penis and took it to his mouth again.

The experience was very pleasant, but Andrzej could not understand why Dominik was so persistent to suck his penis. Was it a habit he had learned from his previous experiences, or was he enjoying it himself? His penis was trembling with excitement, but Andrzej felt that he was missing something. He wanted to know that his lover was also getting satisfaction.

"You don't have to do this, if it's just for me…"

"No" Dominik released his penis for a moment, but he started caressing his testicles with his hand. "It feels good for me.. Very good."


"It's a bit like a French kiss, only you have more, more intense in your mouth. See."

Dominik turned so that Andrzej could clearly see his manhood. Nowicki saw Dominik's raised penis, on the tip of which liquid appeared, and Andrzej bit his lower lip with excitement.

"You are so exciting" continued Śliwiński "that I am almost ready."

He straddled his belly. His penis stretched proudly before Andrzej's eyes and he wanted to try it for a moment and take it in his mouth. Didn't make it. Dominik took his hand and looking him straight in the eyes began to lick his middle finger, erotically and with care, as if it were a member.

Andrzej swallowed hard. The act was so erotic and the sight so obscene that his mind went blank for a moment and his penis twitched.

"Now put him down slowly," Dominik instructed. "Don't press hard. When you feel the resistance weaken, put it in."

Śliwiński moved so that Andrzej had convenient access to his anus. Following the order, Nowicki touched the closed eye and waited tensely. After about ten seconds, he felt the barrier give way and stuck his finger inside.

The interior was hot, humid and very tight. He did not know what to do next, so he decided to listen to his lover's body and trust his reactions. He moved his finger gently and heard a sweet sigh. He felt Dominik tremble as his upper body fell against his torso.

"I love you," he heard a passionate whisper. "I love ... more, oh, more ..."

He found his mouth, which wasn't difficult, and he stuck into them passionately. Dominik, arched over him, was hot and wonderfully soft. He reacted so vividly to every movement of his tongue, to every movement of his finger, that Andrzej could not help but demand more moans and sighs from him. Soon he felt a relaxation in his anus and put a second finger in him. But he felt more and more tempted to give him more.

"Oh… oh yes…" Dominik groaned in the beginnings of ecstasy. "Take them out ... take them out ... I want ..."

Andrzej knew what. He himself felt the same. He withdrew his hand. Dominik stepped back and straightened. Andrzej saw him take his penis and put it inside himself.

The sight of this beautiful creature putting in Andrzej's member by himself was stunning. The mouth parted in a delightful groan, the tousled hazelnut hair, the beaded sweat on his forehead and torso were absolute beauty. Dominik groaned softly and tossed his head back. His skin glistened. At that moment he looked like a perfect work of art, no, he was a perfect work of art! Nowicki suspected that at the moment of his climax Dominik will become supernaturally beautiful, like a creature from the higher planes of existence.

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