Love Lives In His Eyes

Chapter 71 - Excited For A Business Meeting

In the morning, neither of them mentioned the conversation they had right after intercourse. Andrzej felt strange after that conversation, but Dominik tried to behave as he does every day. It was as if nothing had happened between them that night. He got up before Andrzej and prepared breakfast for both of them.

"What time is the director coming?" The photographer asked over the cup of white coffee. Dominik tried to act naturally, but it was impossible not to notice a certain artificiality in his behavior. Nowicki knew that Śliwiński was suffering because of him. The truth stabbed his heart painfully.

"Eleven o'clock" the actor answered.

"After you meeting, would we go to Paulina?" offered Andrzej.

"Ooooo… I can't do it today. I have no idea how long it will take us, and if we come to an agreement, I'd like to work on the script. Forgive me."

"No problem."

"Maybe another time" Dominik added apologetically.

"Sure" Andrzej smiled, although he felt somewhat rejected. Śliwiński wanted everything to be as before, but it was impossible. The words spoken could not be undone, and they both felt uncomfortable now.

Maybe the actor understood how unrealistic his desire for Nowicki to love him was? He tried to accept it, but subconsciously suffered because of it?

"Andrzej, could you be home when he comes?" Śliwiński asked timidly. "I don't really know him, and I don't know what to expect from him," he blushed.

Nowicki blinked his eyes.

"Okay, but then why did you invite him to your house if you don't trust him?"

"Because ... I want to learn to trust people. I don't want to stay locked at home forever."

So Dominik was already able to make such decisions on his own? He knew what his problem was and was able to take a step to overcome his fears.

"I'm proud of you" Andrew blurted before he realized how silly it sounded.

"Really?" The actor, however, looked beaming. If he were a woman, Nowicki would run up to him, embraced him and kissed him with all passion.

"I wonder how to get you to people, and you invite them home. But I think I once mentioned to you to be careful with stranger men."

"Yes, that's why I'm asking you to stay. After that, it will definitely get better, but this is my first time and I would like to have you close to me."

"How close?"

"As much as possible."

Why was the silence between them erotic?

Shit, I want to hug him. I want to kiss him. I want…

Dominik bit his lower lip. His gaze from beneath trailing lashes developed a lump in Andrzej's throat.

"Sorry," mumbled Śliwiński and headed towards the door. "I have to take a shower."

"But ..." after all, his hair is not completely dry from the previous one. "But… I could use a long, cold shower too" Andrzej finished, when Dominik disappeared on the stairs.

And how can you stay normal then?


The erotic tension between them actually made their lives difficult. Though they were drawn to each other, the two stubbornly refused to talk about sex or to come closer to each other less than half a meter. There was no denying that their bodies were drawn to each other like a magnet, but reason just couldn't come to terms with it. At least that of Andrzej. Dominik knew this perfectly well and when the tension was starting to build too much, he got out of his way.

After the night conversation and in the perspective of Śliwiński's meeting with the director, the atmosphere was unfavorable. Dominik had to focus on the negotiations and not on his desires.

On the other hand, it was quite a distraction from a stranger's visit to his home.

To his surprise, Andrzej discovered that he himself needed a diversion in thinking about Dominik. This boy was just like a flame.

Only today, for the first time, he was going to be talking about his own participation in production. Nowicki had never attended such meetings and had no idea what topics were being discussed. He suspected that the actor had left everything in Marczak's hands so far. These negotiations were important because Śliwiński needed this role both for professional and private reasons. Whether it would be a super-production or a niche, was in the background at this point. The most important thing was that Dominik wanted to appear in it at all.

Nowicki did not quite know what to do with himself or in what character should he introduce himself. The fact that he lived with Śliwiński was not common knowledge at the moment and he wanted it to stay that way - not for himself, but for the actor. What explanation could they possibly have for this situation? Neither of them had to have a roommate, they lived together by choice, and the tabloids could smell it right away. Is explaining that he is his private photographer enough?

While before the party they could still answer all insinuations about what they had in common with all honesty that only friendship and cooperation, now such a denial was not credible. They slept together, not once, but twice. It might not make them a couple yet, but it could have sparked quite a scandal.

Andrzej would survive it. His parents died a few years ago, he had no siblings and the only friends who mattered in his life would not point their fingers at him (and something told him that Paulina would even applaud). Even Nowicki's career would not suffer in any way, because he had already quit his job and he did not intend to look for another. He even assumed that he would be more successful with women who would like to know what is there about the famous Dominik Śliwiński and why he decided to change his orientation.

It's not that he actually changed it, he thought to himself. He just tried something new.

Dominik, on the other hand, would not have gone through it all unscathed. His family, and indeed all of Poland, was very Catholic, so he expected rejection on all fronts. He would have received the support of some open organizations and communities, but that would not have mitigated the shock sufficiently. Dominik was stronger than in August, but still not enough to face such a scandal. So Andrzej knew that under no circumstances should he reveal anything about him, that they could have any mutual intimate relations on their conscience.

He decided to be a roommate and photographer preparing Śliwiński's new photo material. This explanation was acceptable to everyone. Why are they living together? To get to know the real self of the actor and to have free access to his world without creating artificial situations.

The explanation was absolutely brilliant.

He also decided not to hide around the house so as not to arouse suspicion. He will behave normally, as in a meeting with a journalist. Of course, he won't be with them all the time. After all, he also had work to do with Śliwiński, and he would use the time when the actor would devote to the director to select photos for the first part of the album.

Although he asked Dominik what the name of the director who was to come was, the name Maciej Werner told him nothing. A pity, he thought, because that meant someone was really new, with no familiarity or no established reputation. He probably thought that Śliwiński's name would attract sponsors and advertise his production. He was probably right. Super-production is unlikely to be it, but a niche film can also bring interesting results. European cinema preferred independent filmmakers and gave them prizes more often, and Dominik proved that no role is too much of a challenge for him.

"You think I might be wearing this?" Śliwiński suddenly asked him. Andrzej twitched with surprise and looked at the actor. The blue shirt he was wearing emphasized the already intense color of his eyes.

"Sure. Everything is good for you."

He smiled flushed with the compliment.

"Thanks, but it's more of an occasion."

"Hmm, it's not a very formal meeting, rather a casual introductory conversation, right?"

"Yes. We will exchange observations and comments regarding the script and the character I would play."

"It fits great for me. Elegant, but free, handsome, with a claw, but also ..." he wanted to say 'sexy', only that the word was a risk at this point. Better not to arouse certain… associations. "It's perfect," he finished. "When are you expecting him?"

"In five minutes."

Andrzej nodded. He felt as if he was excited about this meeting no less than Dominik himself. They both visibly flinched when the Śliwiński's cell phone rang on the table. They looked at the phone uncertainly. Was he canceling the meeting?

The actor went to the phone.

"This, Marta ..." He blushed up to his ears and answered.

Marta? Andrzej was no less surprised. He wouldn't have thought the girl was one of the first to call guys. She was fairly brave and confident, but calling men after a date just wasn't her style.

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