Love Lives In His Eyes
Chapter 76 - Uninvited Thought, Uninvited Guest
However, Nowicki himself did not see himself in a relationship with the man and Dominik loved him too much to make him unhappy. He realized that one day Andrzej would leave, perhaps to start a family and have children, something that Śliwiński would never be able to give him.
But before that happens, Dominik might be able to find at least a little bit of happiness with this man. They both enjoyed their closeness and sex. The actor always approached matters of heart and body with the same weight, and for him they had to agree with each other. Andrzej was the second person he had made love with in his twenty-four years, and he did so only because he loved him.
The car stopped at the side of the road and Dominik recognized the area. They had already been to Wola Grzybowska, the district of Warsaw in which they lived. Andrzej parked in front of the pharmacy.
"Be right back," he called and jumped out behind the cars. He was gone for less than five minutes. This time was enough for Śliwiński think about some questions. He asked them immediately when Nowicki returned.
"Why are you doing this? Are you playing my babysitter? After all, it takes you a long time that you could spend better."
Andrzej looked at him severely, even angry. Dominik was not afraid of that sight. On the contrary, his heart began to beat with excitement. He could see in those eyes that Nowicki cares about him.
"You are my friend. Not a single moment for a friend is wasted."
Dominik could not expect any other answer from Andrzej, because that was exactly what Andrzej Nowicki was, a talented photographer in his late twenties, who hated his work in the tabloid because his ethics clashed with the publishing house's assumptions to sneak into the private lives of stars. Andrzej was the type of man who, seeing someone in need, could not remain indifferent. Despite his harsh feeling at times, his heart was huge and hot.
And for that Dominik loved him so much.
They were home after literally three minutes. As Dominik got out of the car, he took a deep breath. Despite all the unpleasant events that had happened here recently, he loved his house. After all, it was there that he also met the most pleasant moments - those spent with Andrzej.
"Go to bed. I will prepare something to eat in a moment and give you some medicines" Nowicki said as they crossed the threshold.
"Just a moment. I was supposed to call Werner."
Andrzej went to the kitchen and Dominik took out his phone, sighed and dialed the number.
Werner picked up almost immediately, which surprised the actor. He hadn't expected such a quick response.
"Mr. Śliwiński, I'm glad you're calling. What can I do for you?"
Dominik's heart beat harder. Why has he such stage fright?
"I'm calling because I just got back from the doctor and… I can't do production yet. I'm sorry."
There was silence on the other side.
"How long?" There was a tone of genuine concern in the question.
"A month. I don't want to cheat on you, maybe longer."
"If necessary, we will postpone production. I wanted to shoot the winter scenes in December, but we can postpone them even to February. Please don't worry about the movie and get better."
"But ... for the sake of one man ..."
"For your sake," he heard an emphatic statement with the middle word strongly accentuated. "Mr. Śliwiński, please do not underestimate yourself. You're not only popular, but gifted. I will not lie if I say that you are becoming our national treasure."
"That's an exaggeration, Mr. Werner ..." Dominik blushed to the tips of his ears.
There was a soft, warm laugh on the other side of the line.
"You're too modest. Please take care of yourself and don't worry about my film," he repeated. "We'll start shooting as soon as you're ready."
"Thank you."
"And if I can help you with anything, please let me know."
"Thank you, I will."
Dominik smiled as he hang up. Was the next person really showing him heart and support? Did anyone else really care about him?
On him as a man or on his talent? Where was he, Dominik, a twenty-four-year-old man in all this, and where was Dominik Śliwiński, a famous actor, a national treasure?
Werner's words were a big exaggeration. Dominik knew he could play, but he was not the only one in this country. He did not consider himself better than any of his colleagues. In fact, he admired them all for their hard work and years of college. He himself was a naturalist and learned the acting craft during his first film. Each subsequent role was a specific challenge for him, because when he became a character, he did it with his whole being. On entering the set, he was only the hero he played.
From the kitchen he heard the sounds of sizzling fat and boiling water. The air smelled like fried meat. It reminded him of the days before he had become an actor, when someone was always hanging around in the kitchen of his family house - usually his mother. The noises and the smells as it did then made him feel less lonely. After all, there was someone around who cared for him.
Nowicki wanted Dominik to lie down right after the conversation with Werner, but the actor did not feel tired. All he wanted was more Andrzej's company that made him feel better. Nowicki was a remedy for the loneliness of his heart and the presence of the photographer, his closeness, gave him a sense of belonging and warmth. After all, there was someone with him who genuinely had a sincere, warm affection for him. This friendship was simply priceless.
But it was Śliwiński's lawlessness and his habit of asking Andrzej to change the situation in his favor that put him in this situation. If he had listened to Nowicki and consulted a doctor from the beginning, now he would not have to stuff himself with drugs. Will Andrzej be very angry if Dominik asks for some concessions again so that they can spend some time together?
Śliwiński slipped into the kitchen. He felt his heart beating uneasily. His roommate was just vigorously stirring something in the pan, releasing the aroma of fried meat and onions. Nowicki always looked great at the stove - extremely masculine, strong, and also very fit and sexy.
"It smells so delicious that I was drawn here," Dominik said. His heart was pounding. He mentally begged Andrzej to let him stay and look at himself. "Do you mind if I wait with you until dinner?"
"Just sit nice in the corner," came the resigned reply.
"Yes, sir," he rejoiced.
The actor took exactly the same place he had always occupied since they ate meals together. It became part of the routine of their day and felt like a community. Although they were not linked by blood or affinity, Andrzej was not an ordinary friend to him at this point. He was like family.
"What are you cooking?"
It was warm in the kitchen. Not only because of the sun falling through the window or the heat from the burners and pans, the most warmth came from the man standing next to them, who, despite his sometimes rough habits, was always like the hottest and most beautiful sun for Dominik.
"A thick and thick sauce dripping with fat and roux. Exactly as the doctor advised."
"I can't understand how a medical man can recommend such a thing.
"Because you don't know what a well-balanced meal is. Eating healthy is important, but you have exhausted your body and need to replace it with the missing nutrition's."
Dominik rested his chin in his hands. The warmth flowing from Andrzej flooded his heart. He loved being next to this tall, fair-haired man.
"And while you're here, put your hand up" Nowicki handed him the medicine and a glass of water. "It's for the appetite."
Śliwiński never liked taking medications, but now he had no choice. Finally, he promised Andrzej that he would take treatment. He swallowed the pill without blinking an eye.
"Good boy," Nowicki praised him with a pleasant smile and returned to cooking.
Dominik suddenly felt sorry - not because of the photographer's behavior. He felt the pain as he realized that while taking the medicine he was thinking only that he promised this to Andrzej. He wanted to heal for him, only for him, not for his mother, father, siblings or even for himself. Is Andrzej really the only reason for him to live?
In a way, it was wildly romantic, but is he going to end his life as a tragic hero who, as a result of unrequited love, dies of longing or commits suicide? It's absurd. How will Andrzej deal with such a solution, as he said clearly that he cannot love a man? Dominik knew that he had never been interested in women himself and had never imagined for either of them to change that, so how could he require a heterosexual man to fall in love with another man?
Will this unrequited feeling shatter his heart and take his breath away?
He turned his head towards the window. His eyesight accidentally fell on the last thuja. The ground beneath it was freshly dug up, because Andrzej buried the whole box with its gruesome contents there. After the ambulance left, Nowicki and Werner insisted on calling the police, but Dominik refused. 'It's just a stupid joke,' he repeated. Dumb and painful.
Why are he having these bad and unpleasant thoughts? After all, everything was so nice and pleasant just a moment ago.
Why? Does he really need someone to help him deal with it all?
"Ding dong"
The doorbell made him jump up immediately from his chair and into the living room.
"I'll open it!" Dominik exclaimed in a rush. He was pleased that something appeared that might distract him from the unpleasant thoughts that were coming to him.
"Dominik, wait!"
Too late. The actor opened the front door and saw ...
But before that happens, Dominik might be able to find at least a little bit of happiness with this man. They both enjoyed their closeness and sex. The actor always approached matters of heart and body with the same weight, and for him they had to agree with each other. Andrzej was the second person he had made love with in his twenty-four years, and he did so only because he loved him.
The car stopped at the side of the road and Dominik recognized the area. They had already been to Wola Grzybowska, the district of Warsaw in which they lived. Andrzej parked in front of the pharmacy.
"Be right back," he called and jumped out behind the cars. He was gone for less than five minutes. This time was enough for Śliwiński think about some questions. He asked them immediately when Nowicki returned.
"Why are you doing this? Are you playing my babysitter? After all, it takes you a long time that you could spend better."
Andrzej looked at him severely, even angry. Dominik was not afraid of that sight. On the contrary, his heart began to beat with excitement. He could see in those eyes that Nowicki cares about him.
"You are my friend. Not a single moment for a friend is wasted."
Dominik could not expect any other answer from Andrzej, because that was exactly what Andrzej Nowicki was, a talented photographer in his late twenties, who hated his work in the tabloid because his ethics clashed with the publishing house's assumptions to sneak into the private lives of stars. Andrzej was the type of man who, seeing someone in need, could not remain indifferent. Despite his harsh feeling at times, his heart was huge and hot.
And for that Dominik loved him so much.
They were home after literally three minutes. As Dominik got out of the car, he took a deep breath. Despite all the unpleasant events that had happened here recently, he loved his house. After all, it was there that he also met the most pleasant moments - those spent with Andrzej.
"Go to bed. I will prepare something to eat in a moment and give you some medicines" Nowicki said as they crossed the threshold.
"Just a moment. I was supposed to call Werner."
Andrzej went to the kitchen and Dominik took out his phone, sighed and dialed the number.
Werner picked up almost immediately, which surprised the actor. He hadn't expected such a quick response.
"Mr. Śliwiński, I'm glad you're calling. What can I do for you?"
Dominik's heart beat harder. Why has he such stage fright?
"I'm calling because I just got back from the doctor and… I can't do production yet. I'm sorry."
There was silence on the other side.
"How long?" There was a tone of genuine concern in the question.
"A month. I don't want to cheat on you, maybe longer."
"If necessary, we will postpone production. I wanted to shoot the winter scenes in December, but we can postpone them even to February. Please don't worry about the movie and get better."
"But ... for the sake of one man ..."
"For your sake," he heard an emphatic statement with the middle word strongly accentuated. "Mr. Śliwiński, please do not underestimate yourself. You're not only popular, but gifted. I will not lie if I say that you are becoming our national treasure."
"That's an exaggeration, Mr. Werner ..." Dominik blushed to the tips of his ears.
There was a soft, warm laugh on the other side of the line.
"You're too modest. Please take care of yourself and don't worry about my film," he repeated. "We'll start shooting as soon as you're ready."
"Thank you."
"And if I can help you with anything, please let me know."
"Thank you, I will."
Dominik smiled as he hang up. Was the next person really showing him heart and support? Did anyone else really care about him?
On him as a man or on his talent? Where was he, Dominik, a twenty-four-year-old man in all this, and where was Dominik Śliwiński, a famous actor, a national treasure?
Werner's words were a big exaggeration. Dominik knew he could play, but he was not the only one in this country. He did not consider himself better than any of his colleagues. In fact, he admired them all for their hard work and years of college. He himself was a naturalist and learned the acting craft during his first film. Each subsequent role was a specific challenge for him, because when he became a character, he did it with his whole being. On entering the set, he was only the hero he played.
From the kitchen he heard the sounds of sizzling fat and boiling water. The air smelled like fried meat. It reminded him of the days before he had become an actor, when someone was always hanging around in the kitchen of his family house - usually his mother. The noises and the smells as it did then made him feel less lonely. After all, there was someone around who cared for him.
Nowicki wanted Dominik to lie down right after the conversation with Werner, but the actor did not feel tired. All he wanted was more Andrzej's company that made him feel better. Nowicki was a remedy for the loneliness of his heart and the presence of the photographer, his closeness, gave him a sense of belonging and warmth. After all, there was someone with him who genuinely had a sincere, warm affection for him. This friendship was simply priceless.
But it was Śliwiński's lawlessness and his habit of asking Andrzej to change the situation in his favor that put him in this situation. If he had listened to Nowicki and consulted a doctor from the beginning, now he would not have to stuff himself with drugs. Will Andrzej be very angry if Dominik asks for some concessions again so that they can spend some time together?
Śliwiński slipped into the kitchen. He felt his heart beating uneasily. His roommate was just vigorously stirring something in the pan, releasing the aroma of fried meat and onions. Nowicki always looked great at the stove - extremely masculine, strong, and also very fit and sexy.
"It smells so delicious that I was drawn here," Dominik said. His heart was pounding. He mentally begged Andrzej to let him stay and look at himself. "Do you mind if I wait with you until dinner?"
"Just sit nice in the corner," came the resigned reply.
"Yes, sir," he rejoiced.
The actor took exactly the same place he had always occupied since they ate meals together. It became part of the routine of their day and felt like a community. Although they were not linked by blood or affinity, Andrzej was not an ordinary friend to him at this point. He was like family.
"What are you cooking?"
It was warm in the kitchen. Not only because of the sun falling through the window or the heat from the burners and pans, the most warmth came from the man standing next to them, who, despite his sometimes rough habits, was always like the hottest and most beautiful sun for Dominik.
"A thick and thick sauce dripping with fat and roux. Exactly as the doctor advised."
"I can't understand how a medical man can recommend such a thing.
"Because you don't know what a well-balanced meal is. Eating healthy is important, but you have exhausted your body and need to replace it with the missing nutrition's."
Dominik rested his chin in his hands. The warmth flowing from Andrzej flooded his heart. He loved being next to this tall, fair-haired man.
"And while you're here, put your hand up" Nowicki handed him the medicine and a glass of water. "It's for the appetite."
Śliwiński never liked taking medications, but now he had no choice. Finally, he promised Andrzej that he would take treatment. He swallowed the pill without blinking an eye.
"Good boy," Nowicki praised him with a pleasant smile and returned to cooking.
Dominik suddenly felt sorry - not because of the photographer's behavior. He felt the pain as he realized that while taking the medicine he was thinking only that he promised this to Andrzej. He wanted to heal for him, only for him, not for his mother, father, siblings or even for himself. Is Andrzej really the only reason for him to live?
In a way, it was wildly romantic, but is he going to end his life as a tragic hero who, as a result of unrequited love, dies of longing or commits suicide? It's absurd. How will Andrzej deal with such a solution, as he said clearly that he cannot love a man? Dominik knew that he had never been interested in women himself and had never imagined for either of them to change that, so how could he require a heterosexual man to fall in love with another man?
Will this unrequited feeling shatter his heart and take his breath away?
He turned his head towards the window. His eyesight accidentally fell on the last thuja. The ground beneath it was freshly dug up, because Andrzej buried the whole box with its gruesome contents there. After the ambulance left, Nowicki and Werner insisted on calling the police, but Dominik refused. 'It's just a stupid joke,' he repeated. Dumb and painful.
Why are he having these bad and unpleasant thoughts? After all, everything was so nice and pleasant just a moment ago.
Why? Does he really need someone to help him deal with it all?
"Ding dong"
The doorbell made him jump up immediately from his chair and into the living room.
"I'll open it!" Dominik exclaimed in a rush. He was pleased that something appeared that might distract him from the unpleasant thoughts that were coming to him.
"Dominik, wait!"
Too late. The actor opened the front door and saw ...
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