Love Made Me Cry

Chapter 7:Saw Her After A While

Five months passed after that last meeting. I was in London since then and she was in same college. Our long-distance relationship was going well. I used to be very busy in my job and she in her studies but still we save our time to talk and chat with each other. She used to send me her one photo every day and I used to do the same. Both of us used to miss each other too much but she never asked me to come back because she didn't want to come between me and my career. Soon I was supposed to get 5 days off from the office. And I had already booked the flight to back home. But I didn't tell Myra about this. I wanted to give her a surprise. I was very excited that I was going to meet her. I bought a lot of gifts for her.

After that she had ran into the hostel and I returned to London with the next day's flight.

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