The afternoon shoot turned out to be disastrous; Julia would space out in the middle of delivering a line or two. Every time the director pointed out her mistakes, a troubled expression appeared on her face, and she would apologize. She seemed to have harbored some regret after rejecting Terence.

Usually, Julia did not let her private affairs affect her acting performance. However, the thought of Terence's hurt and disappointed look bugged her. She could not concentrate on her lines at all.

"Here you are. Have some of this sweetened coffee." Samuel approached Julia and handed her a warm cup of coffee during their break. She was sitting in the lounge and reading the script. With a smile, she thanked him.

"You're welcome." A warm smile flashed across Samuel's lips. "Julia, is there anything bothering you? Are you having any difficulties lately? Pardon my comment, but you seemed absent-minded while we were filming this afternoon. It's not like you."

Julia smiled bitterly and shook her head. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

A confused

ot is about to start. You better get ready."

Seeing the director signaling to her, Yvette had no choice but to turn around and leave reluctantly. She stared frustratingly at Samuel, who was discussing the plot with the scriptwriter, and swore to herself that she would make him change his opinion of her.

Back in the lounge, Julia had been pondering about what Samuel said. She knew that her condition had affected her work, so she must bounce back on her toes as soon as possible.

She let the warm coffee help her relax. It was a fine brew so she had no trouble emptying the cup. She looked back on all her hard work just to land this role, and finally she managed to keep things together. Later that day, she finished shooting her scenes flawlessly.

Seeing that Julia had demonstrated her signature acting prowess, Samuel smiled to himself with satisfaction.

The shoot went so smoothly that the taping wrapped up early for the day. Julia planned to go back to the hotel to rest, but she did not expect that Jean was waiting for her by the exit.

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