Love Or Hate

Chapter 1 - Job hunting

After graduating from the xx college I was searching for a job. Ughh job hunting is so tiring. I was not a bright nor an average student in college. I submitted my resume in many companies hoping I would get a job somewhere. My best friend, sara, the topper of the college got into one of the biggest company "jhonty". I heard that the company was run by a young man whose age is same as mine. I'm not jealous, well a little bit. Here I am breaking my head how am I gonna live and that guy has his life sorted.

Sara insisted that I should also apply in that company. I know she is kind hearted but really? Do you think I would get selected. Even if I get selected I bet for my marks, I would be a bathroom cleaner. But sara insisted on submitting my resume. I made sure I didn't get my hopes high.

(A week later)

It's been a week. I got no replies from any company. Pressure was increasing. I got up from my bed. As usual I checked my phone and post box even before brushing. WAIT .. There is something in the post box. I prayed to god it was not a stupid spam letter.

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