Love Struck
Chapter 134 - Let The Games Begin
Towards the end of the day, Xu Likun had finally grasped control over her lost composure and she decided to have a direct talk with Ah Hai. She had spent the afternoon studying about the girl Shi Ai and she could not see a single thing in her thatade her worthy of standing next to a man like him. He was not just an ex soldier but also belonged to one of the ric.h.e.s.t families in country A and Country C. How dare a nobody like her try to latch onto a prince like that. So in her own false sense of importance, Xu Likun made her way to Ah Hai's office to confront him. Since she knew everyone was busy,she believed that she would be able to find some time alone with Ah Hai. But when she opened the door,she did not expect Shi Ai to still be there. Wasn't the girl a student? Then she should've been at her university.
The cold stare of Xu Likun caused Shi Ai who had just nodded off to wake up with a jerk. Shi AI had been waiting for Ah Hai to return so that she could leave it unexpectedly someone else had come in first.
Both the women were at first disappointed to see each other but soon had bucked up and were glaring at each other. Xu Likun snorted at the bleary look in Shi Ai's eyes am before saying,"Miss Shi, I must say you are a clever fox who knows how to change with the tide. And that too at such a young age.Just what did you do to get Ah Hai to marry you? Did you use your cunning or your body? A trash like you has no business standing next to him so you better be prepared to run away! Tell me what weapon you used? I know Ah Hai very well. He wouldn't have fallen for a trickster like you under normal circ.u.mstances. So why don't you elaborate what despicable means you used?"
Shi Ai suddenly realized that she was not sorry for having antagonized this woman. With an innocent smile she asked,"Why do you want me to elaborate? You want to use a similar method to get him? And anyways you just said you know him best so you tell me is he a naive little boy to be taken in with cunning or a horny teenager to be seduced? This shows how little you know Ah Hai. Miss Xu, why don't you concentrate on your self rather than on others? Maybe then you would have had a chance." Losing her hard gathered composure once again,Xu Likun moved to slap Shi Ai with an irritated scowl when Shi Ai simply dodged the attack and sitting back she murmured,"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Ah Hai won't take kindly to this a second time. I thought you were smarter than this."Pulling her hand down and glaring away at the window as if the window had done her some harm, Xu Likun pulled her hand away and could only place the office.
A few minutes late Ah Hai and Shot made their way to the office and were greeted to the site of a laid back Shi Ai sitting on the couch,reading a book while Xu Likun was pacing in front of the table like a caged tiger.
Actually Xu likun had convinced herself that Ah Hai had been somehow forced to marry that girl. But the moment she had seen him,she had also noticed her slightly swollen lips and the small love bite on her neck. This had shattered her composure once again. The moment she saw the two men she approached them,"I need to talk to you Ah Hai." But before she could extend her hand, Ah Hai moved a step to the side, subtly rejecting her touch. Fisting her hand she pulled it back. The man had changed into a different suit thus giving a stark reminder to her of his wife's possessiveness.
Though she only said talk her implied meaning was clear. She needed to talk to him alone. Understanding the situation, Shot excused himself at once and even Shi Ai was about to leave when Ah Hai said,"There is nothing you cannot tell me in front of your wife."
Seeing that Ah Hai would not even give her this much face,Xu Likun directly attacked," Even if you may be comfortable I am not. And is your young wife so insecure that she wouldn't let you talk to an old friend?"
It was a direct jab at Shi Ai but once again Shi Ai showed her confidence by not even deigning to reply. With a saccharine smile she said,"It's alright Ah Hai. I have not even had the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of seeing your company,you have kept me locked to yourself. I'll take a look and you can have a pleasant chat. We have all night to talk later."
Ah Hai could only smile at his little cat's claws. She knew where to jab them. Xu Likun had noticed the subtle changes in Ah Hai's expression and unable to stop herself she asked,"Is that the kind of white lotus you like Ah Hai? Is that it? I have professed my love for you multiple times and you have always rejected. In what way is that girl better than me. Please tell me Ah Hai."
Any man would have felt hurt to see such a pretty girl cry but not Ah Hai. He could only look at Xu Likun with a dispassionate gaze. But for the sake of his dead comrade,he decided to explain. Those who really knew him would have understood him and his choice.but this girl was under wrong was better to have them cleared before anyone was hurt.
"When did you fall for me Xu Likun? Tell me!"
Xu Li looked up from where she was staring at her toes at his question. Taking a minute to react she finally took this chance that she had never been given before-a proper confession.
Gulping she stammered a bit and then explained,"I have loved you for years
I don't know when your place in my heart changed from my brother's friend to the man I admire the most."
Her earnest and shining eyes looked at Ah Hai hoping against hope that this time he would accept her confession. But instead of giving her an answer,Ah Hai asked another question,"What do you love about me?" Frowning at this abrupt question asked in his usual unemotional tone indicating that he was not even a little bit moved by her confession, gave Xu Likun a pause and she this time she paused to think before answering,"I love everything about you
From your coldness and ruthlessness towards your enemies to the way you do things in business. I just I love you the way you are."
Though the answer that Xu likun gave would have been acceptable to some people but it was not to Ah Hai. Instead his eyes dimmed at this answer. Because this was exactly how he saw himself cold and ruthless,undeserving of Shi Ai's beauty and warmth. And now the girl who claimed to love him also said those things. He should have accepted this truth but he thought back to what Shi Ai had told him when he had asked her why she loved him. So Ah Hai asked Xu Likun the next question, "Xu Likun, do you think I am a kind man?"
To this question,Xu Likun had no answer and she stood there with a blank look on her face. She could not understand what Ah Hai was trying to tell her so she could only look at him non plussed. Taking pity in her Ah Hai said,"When I first met Xaio Ai,she told me that she was going to make me hers. You fell for me over a period of time and are willing to accept me as I am. She,on the other hand took me as I am. Not once did she ask whether I was good or bad. You and I both know that I have no kindness in me. But she firmly believes that I am the kindest person on earth. You accept me as I am but so does Shi Ai. The only difference is that her love makes me want to be kind. There is a darkness within me Xu Likun that you cannot disperse but Shi Ai is like that light which scares away the darkness and the warmth that disperses the coldness within me. Tell me does she not deserve my love?"
Xu Likun wiped the tears in her eyes when she heard his confession. She had always believed that he did not return her love because he was incapable of that feeling. It is only now that she understood that her hope was wasted. He did not return her love not because he could not but because he had someone else in his heart. She could bear to stand by his side as his comrade forever waiting for him but she could not accept his love for another woman. Shi Ai, you may have won Ah Hai but now you would only win humiliation. Saying nothing,Xu Likun left Ah Hai's office with a hard heart. She had exposed her heart and thrown away her pride only to have her face rubbed in another woman's virtues. She could not let Ah Hai suffer but that Shi Ai, let the games begin.
The cold stare of Xu Likun caused Shi Ai who had just nodded off to wake up with a jerk. Shi AI had been waiting for Ah Hai to return so that she could leave it unexpectedly someone else had come in first.
Both the women were at first disappointed to see each other but soon had bucked up and were glaring at each other. Xu Likun snorted at the bleary look in Shi Ai's eyes am before saying,"Miss Shi, I must say you are a clever fox who knows how to change with the tide. And that too at such a young age.Just what did you do to get Ah Hai to marry you? Did you use your cunning or your body? A trash like you has no business standing next to him so you better be prepared to run away! Tell me what weapon you used? I know Ah Hai very well. He wouldn't have fallen for a trickster like you under normal circ.u.mstances. So why don't you elaborate what despicable means you used?"
Shi Ai suddenly realized that she was not sorry for having antagonized this woman. With an innocent smile she asked,"Why do you want me to elaborate? You want to use a similar method to get him? And anyways you just said you know him best so you tell me is he a naive little boy to be taken in with cunning or a horny teenager to be seduced? This shows how little you know Ah Hai. Miss Xu, why don't you concentrate on your self rather than on others? Maybe then you would have had a chance." Losing her hard gathered composure once again,Xu Likun moved to slap Shi Ai with an irritated scowl when Shi Ai simply dodged the attack and sitting back she murmured,"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Ah Hai won't take kindly to this a second time. I thought you were smarter than this."Pulling her hand down and glaring away at the window as if the window had done her some harm, Xu Likun pulled her hand away and could only place the office.
A few minutes late Ah Hai and Shot made their way to the office and were greeted to the site of a laid back Shi Ai sitting on the couch,reading a book while Xu Likun was pacing in front of the table like a caged tiger.
Actually Xu likun had convinced herself that Ah Hai had been somehow forced to marry that girl. But the moment she had seen him,she had also noticed her slightly swollen lips and the small love bite on her neck. This had shattered her composure once again. The moment she saw the two men she approached them,"I need to talk to you Ah Hai." But before she could extend her hand, Ah Hai moved a step to the side, subtly rejecting her touch. Fisting her hand she pulled it back. The man had changed into a different suit thus giving a stark reminder to her of his wife's possessiveness.
Though she only said talk her implied meaning was clear. She needed to talk to him alone. Understanding the situation, Shot excused himself at once and even Shi Ai was about to leave when Ah Hai said,"There is nothing you cannot tell me in front of your wife."
Seeing that Ah Hai would not even give her this much face,Xu Likun directly attacked," Even if you may be comfortable I am not. And is your young wife so insecure that she wouldn't let you talk to an old friend?"
It was a direct jab at Shi Ai but once again Shi Ai showed her confidence by not even deigning to reply. With a saccharine smile she said,"It's alright Ah Hai. I have not even had the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of seeing your company,you have kept me locked to yourself. I'll take a look and you can have a pleasant chat. We have all night to talk later."
Ah Hai could only smile at his little cat's claws. She knew where to jab them. Xu Likun had noticed the subtle changes in Ah Hai's expression and unable to stop herself she asked,"Is that the kind of white lotus you like Ah Hai? Is that it? I have professed my love for you multiple times and you have always rejected. In what way is that girl better than me. Please tell me Ah Hai."
Any man would have felt hurt to see such a pretty girl cry but not Ah Hai. He could only look at Xu Likun with a dispassionate gaze. But for the sake of his dead comrade,he decided to explain. Those who really knew him would have understood him and his choice.but this girl was under wrong was better to have them cleared before anyone was hurt.
"When did you fall for me Xu Likun? Tell me!"
Xu Li looked up from where she was staring at her toes at his question. Taking a minute to react she finally took this chance that she had never been given before-a proper confession.
Gulping she stammered a bit and then explained,"I have loved you for years
I don't know when your place in my heart changed from my brother's friend to the man I admire the most."
Her earnest and shining eyes looked at Ah Hai hoping against hope that this time he would accept her confession. But instead of giving her an answer,Ah Hai asked another question,"What do you love about me?" Frowning at this abrupt question asked in his usual unemotional tone indicating that he was not even a little bit moved by her confession, gave Xu Likun a pause and she this time she paused to think before answering,"I love everything about you
From your coldness and ruthlessness towards your enemies to the way you do things in business. I just I love you the way you are."
Though the answer that Xu likun gave would have been acceptable to some people but it was not to Ah Hai. Instead his eyes dimmed at this answer. Because this was exactly how he saw himself cold and ruthless,undeserving of Shi Ai's beauty and warmth. And now the girl who claimed to love him also said those things. He should have accepted this truth but he thought back to what Shi Ai had told him when he had asked her why she loved him. So Ah Hai asked Xu Likun the next question, "Xu Likun, do you think I am a kind man?"
To this question,Xu Likun had no answer and she stood there with a blank look on her face. She could not understand what Ah Hai was trying to tell her so she could only look at him non plussed. Taking pity in her Ah Hai said,"When I first met Xaio Ai,she told me that she was going to make me hers. You fell for me over a period of time and are willing to accept me as I am. She,on the other hand took me as I am. Not once did she ask whether I was good or bad. You and I both know that I have no kindness in me. But she firmly believes that I am the kindest person on earth. You accept me as I am but so does Shi Ai. The only difference is that her love makes me want to be kind. There is a darkness within me Xu Likun that you cannot disperse but Shi Ai is like that light which scares away the darkness and the warmth that disperses the coldness within me. Tell me does she not deserve my love?"
Xu Likun wiped the tears in her eyes when she heard his confession. She had always believed that he did not return her love because he was incapable of that feeling. It is only now that she understood that her hope was wasted. He did not return her love not because he could not but because he had someone else in his heart. She could bear to stand by his side as his comrade forever waiting for him but she could not accept his love for another woman. Shi Ai, you may have won Ah Hai but now you would only win humiliation. Saying nothing,Xu Likun left Ah Hai's office with a hard heart. She had exposed her heart and thrown away her pride only to have her face rubbed in another woman's virtues. She could not let Ah Hai suffer but that Shi Ai, let the games begin.
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