Love To Hate Me

Chapter 46 - 46: Taken Hostage


CCTV Room.

"Boss what should we do with her?" A young man with glasses, who appeared to be the age of a college student, asked, pointing to the woman laying unconscious on the floor.

"Tch. What a nuisance. Geum Suk you idiot! I told you to come quietly without arousing any suspicion." Hyeon Dae Hyun, the boss of the two men, pinched the bridge of his nose and complained to one of his lackeys.

"B—But boss... I tried to come here as discreetly as possible. It's not my fault this woman followed me here." The other young man in the room, who's name was Dae Joon, retorted.

"Just shut up!" Hyeon Dae Hyun yelled making Dae Joon flinch.

Turning towards the man wearing glasses, Hyeon Dae Hyun commanded, "Yuk In. Go ahead and execute your part of the plan."

"Yes, Boss!" Yuk In nodded and immediately walked over to the CCTV screening set up, before he connected his laptop to the software and started typing.

"And you! Come and help me tie her up." Hyeon Dae Hyun firmly stated to Dae Joon, who promptly reacted to his instructions.

"3... 2... 1... lift!" The two of them simultaneously lifted Ara's unconscious body and carried her to one corner of the room, before tying her hands and legs with a rope and finished with taping her mouth.

Hyeon Dae Hyun dusted off his hands, before turning to his other subordinate and asking, "Are you done?"

"Almost there..." Yuk In paused as he continued to type faster before saying, "There! It's all done."

All the screens that were previously monitoring sections of the hospital, were now blanked out completely.

"Good. Now let's get ready." Hyeon Dae Hyun said and signaled one of his lackeys to bring the black gym bag.

Dae Joon placed the bag down and opened it, before each one of them picked out a fully loaded gun, and some extra bullets.

Placing the pack of bullets in his pocket, Hyeon Dae Hyun smirked before he instructed, "All right. Let's go, boys."

The two lackeys nodded and the three of them made their way out of the CCTV room.


In the Hallway.

After looking for Ara for several minutes already and checking out every possible place she could have been, Soo Min started to feel something to be amiss here.

'Well... this is the last place.' Soo Min mused staring at the door that led to the CCTV room in front of her, before she finally opened the door.

As soon as she entered the room, she raise her eyebrows noticing that the large surveillance screen was completely blanked out, and the ominous feeling she was having sometime back, started to grow stronger.

Taking a couple steps towards the screen, she felt her leg hit something, when she looked down her eyes widened when she saw the two members from the security team laying there unconscious.

"Oh my god." She quickly kneeled down and checked their pulses, luckily they had only passed out. With that, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I better call the ward boys to help me out here." Soo Min mumbled and made her way towards the door, when she saw another familiar face lying against one corner.

Her eyes widened in shock. "Ara!" Soo Min softly whispered before she rushed towards her and crouched down next to the receptionist.

Soo Min lightly patted Ara's face in an attempt to wake her up, but when she didn't she placed her ear near her chest to hear her heartbeat, but she could vaguely make out a sound.

When Ara's body slightly shifted due to all of Soo Min's shuffling, her head injury came into Soo Min's viewpoint.

Soo Min leaned Ara over to take a look at her head and was shocked to see that she was severely bleeding. Someone had hit her!

"Just what is going on?" Soo Min softly spoke, still in deep thought.


Hospital Entrance.


The entire hospital staff immediately stopped what they were doing upon hearing shots fired, and they all looked in the direction from where the sound came.

"Listen up! This hospital is under our control now! Don't you dare try anything funny like calling the police, that is if... you want to live." Hyeon Dae Hyun announced with a sinister smile.

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