Xu Xiu Mei came in her Zotye E200 to pick Wanwan. Xiu Mei was also one of the toppers and Wanwan's childhood bestfriend. They both were like sisters from another Mother-Father. They know each other inside-out and it won't be an exaggeration to say they can give their lives for each other.

They knew each other since they were in their mother's wombs; their mothers too were best friends and lived in the same neighbourhood. Later Xiu Mei's family shifted to another location but the relation between the families was unchanged.

Xus and Nings hangout almost every weekend and even went on some family trips. The fathers bond well and so does the siblings. Xiu Mei has a younger sister Xu Yue who is one year younger to Sriwan and they too are good friends.

Xiu Mei too got a seat in Imperial University but unlike Wanwan she wanted to be a doctor and therefore she is in the Medical Department.

Honking Loudly Xiu Mei shouted "Oh my pretty lady, come fast. I don't want to be late on my first day to college."

Wanwan came running with a bag with all the basic necessities, kept it in the back of the seat and joined Xiu Mei.

"Hey Xiu Mei, don't shout like a dog this is our neighbourhood and what is it with this 'my pretty lady' don't you want to give me any face in my neighbourhood." Said wanwan smiling.

"Hahaha as if I care what others think." Xiu started the car "Madam you should just be happy and satisfied with having me as your loyal friend, with your beauty every guy is interested in you and no one looks at me, yet I drive you around and hang out with you, so just be satisfied with it." Teased Xiu.

Xiu was just teasing Wanwan, infact lot of guys proposed to Xiu but no one was attractive enough for her and she never accepted any of their proposals. Xiu too is a charming beauty with cute facial features and is sexy.

Both the friends giggled and had fun all the way to Imperial University and reached their dream college.

Xiu parked her car in the common parking space. They both headed towards their departments.

Medical and Architecture departments are in different buildings but not very far and was on the same way.

Imperial University's campus is all together a different world, you will feel like you are in a different country. After the parking there is just greenery ground on both the sides of the road. The first department is after a 10 minutes' walk.

Xiu and wanwan were so lost in admiring the campus and its beauty that they did not realise when they reached the first department, which was the Technology department. Going forward for 2 minutes comes the Medical department.

"Hey I'll meet you at lunch, till then miss me" exclaimed Xiu cheekily and headed towards her department.

Wanwan saw her leaving and nervously headed towards the Architecture Department.

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