"I loved you so much and this is the price I am paying to love you" she angrily shouted.

"Are you crazy? Why don't you trust me? You really think I'll do this to you. I love you more than anything." He said pleadingly

"Shut Up. Don't lie, I saw with my own eyes" she cried

"At least let me try to explain, please give me a chance." He pleaded desperately.

"I am done with all this; I want a divorce."

"Xi" he said defeatedly


There was a huge car blast and Ning Wanwan woke up terrified, with sweat on her face.

It took few minutes for Wanwan to realise it was all a dream. She sighed

It was a disturbing dream. A wife and husband for fighting and decided to have a divorce and on way to get a divorce, their car blasts and they die.

It was a very disturbing dream.

Wanwan did have dreams but she never remembered them or was affected by them, but today she felt the dream was so real as if all did this happen.

She suddenly thought of Ye Han and didn't know why but felt this dream was something related to him.

She didn't realise when she fell asleep thinking about him.


Next day after the classes were over Wanwan and Xiu again met in the mess, had lunch and Wanwan left for her classes.

Xiu did not have any lectures after the break so she decided to spend some time around the campus and wait for Wanwan to get done with.

Xiu was sitting on a bench in the garden and saw one of her batchmates strolling around.

She was getting bored and decided to approach him to pass some time.

"Hi I am Xiu, first year, Medical department" she approached the guy

"We are done with classes, why are you still wandering around? Sorry just curiosity, don't mind" asked Xiu

"Hahaha I want to ask you the same question. Actually, my friend is in Architecture department, I am waiting for him, I drive him to his home and pick him up." Replied Moshen honestly

"Woah, I am too staying back because of a similar reason. My friend Wanwan is in architecture department too and I drive her around." Laughed Xiu

They spent the rest of the afternoon together.

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