Love You Forever

Chapter 133 Are They Asleep?

"Uncle Fu, do you know where the Hai Tang family lives?" I put on my coat and yelled at Uncle Fu.

"Miss Hai Tang has many residences. I only know where his parents live. As for her private residence, I don't know either."

I got in the car and was going to look for Fu Jing in North city like a headless fly. I called Fu Jing and Hai Tang in the car and turned off their phones. All sorts of images flashed through my mind, but I couldn't stand the thought of them being drunk.

I won't allow this to happen. Otherwise, I won't be able to face Fu Jing and tell myself.

"Uncle Fu, go to the company first."

I didn't hear Fu Jing's voice on the phone just now. I can't believe that Fu Jing betrayed me just by Hai Tang's side. I want to prove it myself.

Uncle Fu drove me to the office. I ran to the office. Fu Jing was not there, and the table was neatly arranged without any sign of overtime.

I wanted to call mandy and ask her who Fu Jing's secretary was, but I knew she wouldn't help me, and Fu Jing's secretary wouldn't reveal his schedule to me. After all, I was just a secretary in their eyes, not Fu Jing's girlfriend, not even the president's wife.

For a moment, I was like a headless fly without a solution.

"Young madam, you don't have to be nervous." Uncle Fu comforted her. "What happened? Why are you so anxious to find the young master?"

I shook my head. How can I say something like this?

I slumped to the ground and drove upstairs. "Uncle Fu, let's go home. I want to sleep."

"Okay, I'll take you home." He started the car, then turned to me and said, "Young madam, seeing is believing. Don't believe anything you've never seen before."

I heard what Uncle Fu said, but I didn't sleep all night. I told myself to relax. Fu Jing didn't like Hai Tang, and it was even more impossible to have anything to do with Hai Tang. As it turned out, this psychological hint and kindness were useless.

I couldn't sleep for a whole night. The next morning, I asked uncle fu if Fu Jing had come back. After getting a negative answer, my heart sank.

After a quick breakfast, she went to work and went to Fu Jing's office as soon as she arrived at the company.

"Secretary chen, Fu Boss hasn't come to work yet."

I let out a cry of disappointment. Mandy came over to remind me that my job was no longer Fu Jing's private secretary and that I shouldn't be at the company now. I glanced at her and took my bag to the studio.

Fu Jing didn't explain to me for an hour, and my heart was restless for an hour. Even if I was at work, I couldn't work at ease.

Messages from the wechat discussion group kept popping out, and it didn't matter if I set up a non-interference mode. When I got my message, my phone vibrated. There was always someone on the discussion group about Tan Jie who asked me to play Tan Jie's messages and photos.

I said it wasn't appropriate without Tan Jie's permission. They didn't understand and asked me to let them go secretly.

I was really upset and decided to quit the discussion group. I just quit for a while, and there were so many private messages that I had no choice but to quit wechat and get Ning Jing for a while.

I really don't understand the current trend of star chasing. Those women in the company are at least 25 or 26 years old. Why are they still so keen on liking a little fresh meat? I caught a glimpse of Fu Qing, who was visiting the class, and it dawned on me that this aunt was at least forty years old, and she was still chasing after the stars.

With that thought, my doubts were gone.

Fu Qing didn't visit for long, but she was very good at getting stuck. Every time she was busy with Tan Jie's work, she would come when she was free. If she caught up with Tan Jie to make up and change clothes, she would stay longer.

For the first time in my life, I have seen such a shameless woman eating tofu from an artist.

Tan Jie was even happier being pestered by Fu Qing, so he didn't have time to bother me. Watching Tan Jie deal with Fu Qing, I felt like laughing for no reason. And his manager next to Tan Jie, who acted with three people, was really alive and well.

After a while, fu qing walked towards me. I thought I would sit here and be fine. I didn't offend her. Why did she come to me?

"Are you still sitting here? Ah Jing didn't come home last night." Fu Qing hugged her shoulders, her heels slightly parted, and her weight shifted to one foot.

I frowned. "How do you know?"

Fu Qing took out his phone and slid it to me. "Hai Tang's circle of friends has been posted. These two kids have been together since they were young. I knew they would be together again."

Looking at Hai Tang's circle of friends, I sat there petrified as if I had been struck by lightning.

She said that I was relieved to have you by my side late at night.

And me? She waited for him to come home with her phone in her arms all night, worried.

"Hai Tang is a generous child. I don't think she would mind if dad brought your child home. If I were you, I would give birth to the child and get out of here. It would be a nuisance to delay a couple here."

After Fu Qing finished his sarcastic remarks, he left me alone to stare blankly at the busy staff.

Fu Jing really slept next to Hai Tang last night. Uncle Fu said not to believe what his eyes didn't see. Now I saw Hai Tang's circle of friends and the picture. It was Fu Jing's side face. I recognized it.

"Chen Qing, do you have time tonight?" Tan Jie appeared beside me at some point in time.

"No, I'm not free tonight, and I'm not free tomorrow. I'm not free the day after tomorrow. Can you stop bothering me?!" I was missing a vent when Tan Jie hit the gun. I yelled, then turned around and left. He was living like a plague to me.

Tan Jie grabbed my arm and stared at me with his eyeliner. "No woman has ever dared to talk to me like that."

"That's because you haven't met a woman like me. I'm warning you not to use what you learned from your tv series against me. I'm upset." I threw his hand away impatiently.

He suddenly pressed my shoulder against the wall and I looked at him angrily. Before I could react, he lowered his head and kissed me.

I reacted very quickly, my face tilted to one side. He was going to kiss my lips, but it turned into kissing my face.

I violently pushed him away and slapped him in the face. "Hooligan, pervert, bastard!"

After the call, I ran away with my cell phone in my hand. He forced a kiss on me. Everyone saw that. I had a reason not to follow him anymore. I ran back to the office to look for Fu Jing. It was noon and he still didn't come to work.

Didn't he say he didn't like Hai Tang? Isn't that all in the past?

Once upon a time, I didn't believe in the idea of an old relationship reviving, because when I fell in love with fu jing, let alone an old relationship, it was a new man who came to me, and I didn't even take a look at it.

But I forgot one thing. Not everyone is like me. At least Fu Jing and Hai Tang are different.

I walked to the elevator in a daze. As soon as the elevator door opened, Fu Jing's face suddenly appeared in front of me.

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