Love You Forever

Chapter 159 Business Trip

When I got in the taxi, I took a deep breath. Distancing myself from Jiang Miao was a strategy and a form of protection for myself. Tingsheng's surname was jiang now, and her account was in the The jiang family. I had to rely on this wall of the jiang family to protect Tingsheng, so I could only alienate Jiang Miao and not break my face with him.

But if I were to curry favor with Tingsheng to protect him, he wouldn't be able to do anything to me. Like last night, I don't think I'd have to rely on my body to ask tingsheng for protection.

Now this is the best distance between me and Jiang Miao.

When I arrived at the company, I made Zheng Jiabo's favorite tea as usual, and at the same time, I put a cup of coffee on the table. Sometimes he was busy with work, and coffee was more useful than tea.

Doing this every day, I don't believe that Zheng Jiabo will rely on me as a secretary.

"Chen Qing, I'm going on a business trip tomorrow. In two days, you come with me." Zheng Jiabo ordered.

If I had been told to do it, I would have agreed immediately. It was urgent, but on a business trip...

"What's the problem?" Zheng jiabo asked me.

I shook my head and smiled. "Zheng Boss, no problem. I'll arrange it right away. Do you want to drive or take the high-speed rail or the plane?"



After I agreed, I immediately went to prepare. I couldn't see Tingsheng for two whole days. I was afraid that I would think of him going crazy. I habitually wanted to scratch my hair. I just lifted and put down my hand. Forget it. I'll just let it go!

When I went back tonight, I told Jiang Miao about it at the dinner table and asked him to take care of Tingsheng.

"I'm the child's father. I'll take care of him if you don't tell me." Jiang Miao said that, but I was still worried.

When Tingsheng cried that day and he was impatient after a while, I was worried.

But I can't do anything about it. I can't take my child on a business trip. It's the only way.

"Xiao Qing, you're in our The jiang family. Aren't we treating you well? I really don't know what you think about having to go to work without a good child." Nanny Jiangmiao said in a strange tone.

"Auntie, thanks to your help, I and tingsheng are here, but we can't be rice worms. I want to do something for the The jiang family." I forced a smile.

Jiang Miao scoffed. "Come on, just do that job for you and ask you to do something for the The jiang family?"

I can't stand to lose face, I can't refute her contempt.

"Mom, Xiao Qing is now Zheng Jiabo's secretary. Zheng jiabo praises her a lot. Xiao Qing helped Zheng Boss solve the demolition problem in the west city development case. This is a great contribution to our The jiang family. You don't know how much money the west city land can make for us."

Nanny Jiangmiao pouted and did not speak again.

I quickly ate two mouthfuls of rice and went upstairs. Instead of sitting here to eat, I should go up and spend more time with Tingsheng.

In two days, I brought two sets of clothes and toiletries in a small bag. I put these personal things on one side of the suitcase and put all the documents on the other side. After I finished sorting them out, I fed Tingsheng again before climbing into bed.

The next morning, I left for the airport. Zheng Jiabo also pulled a suitcase. I picked it up and went to check in.

I did a good job on a series of procedures. Zheng jiabo stood behind me and lined up with me to board the plane. As long as there was a security check, there was nothing left to worry about.

During the security check, the security inspector asked me to open my suitcase. When I opened my suitcase, everything was arranged in an orderly manner, while Zheng Jiabo's...

The moment I opened his box, he turned his face around. The inspector's eyes changed as he looked at me. I smiled awkwardly and quickly picked up the things that had fallen out and put them away.

"Well, Zheng Boss, you live alone?" I asked tentatively.

He grunted unnaturally and looked into the distance.

This man looked to be only forty years old, and I estimated that he was in his thirties. Logically speaking, such a successful and good-looking man should be a hot commodity. Why didn't he have a woman around him? No wonder an old man packed his things like that.

"You must be wondering if I have a girlfriend now. Why not?"

I was stunned. I didn't expect him to take the initiative to talk to me about such a private topic. I smiled. "Zheng Boss, you're amazing."

"Don't flatter me. I don't like that." He looked at me. "I came from the countryside. I came to North city to study. I stayed here after I finished my studies here. I was almost thirty years old, so I didn't have the heart to talk about those romantic things."

"Oh?" I joked, "I thought you had a bad temper and no woman dared to approach you."

Zheng Jiabo laughed. "Aren't you afraid that I'll get angry and fire you with my bad temper?"

"I'm not afraid of that. I believe zheng is always a person who takes work first. However, I'm your secretary. If you can't handle the little things in life and are too lazy to do them, you can give them to me." I looked at the suitcase in my hand.

He cleared his throat and looked away again. For the moment, I thought he was embarrassed.

We flew from North city to our destination, got off the plane and went straight to the hotel. After putting down our things and simply washing up, we had dinner with our customers and went to their company for a meeting in the afternoon.

I was by Zheng Jiabo's side, watching the way he dealt with people, and I benefited a lot.

The same case, how he handled it, how he talked to others, I kept it in my mind. I won't be a secretary all the time. I have my own ideas.

After a busy day, I found jiang miao to open a video. The screen was buzzing with anger and sleeping. Two small hands were raised by my ears, and my mouth was pouting as if I wanted to kiss someone. I wanted to kiss him across the screen.

"Rest early. I'll take care of Tingsheng. Don't worry."

I grunted, hung up the video, washed up, and was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I wasn't in a hurry to open the door.

"It's me."

When I opened the door, zheng jiabo stood at the door, holding a bottle of red wine and two glasses.

"A little red wine before bed is good for a woman's skin." He was wearing a nightgown, and I really didn't dare let him in.

I smiled and blocked the door. "Didn't you drink it tonight? Zheng Boss, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Why don't you go to bed early? We can go back to North city as soon as we finish our work."

Zheng jiabo raised his eyebrows. "Really don't want a drink?"

"Thank you for your kindness." I put my hand on the door frame and naturally rejected him.

He glanced at the wine in his hand and didn't mean to force it. He smiled at me and left.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I pretended to be calm just now. In fact, my heart was so nervous that it almost jumped out. This kind of business trip, leaders and secretaries, men and women, lightning and fire, it is bound to happen.

Fortunately, I was quick-witted.

I walked to the bed and the door was knocked on again. Did he come back? It wouldn't be so ungentlemanly, would it? I opened the door and Fu Jing's face came into my sight.

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