Love You Forever

Chapter 184 Give Him An Answer

I used to think that Jiang Miao was a playboy and rebellious man, but I didn't expect him to have the potential of a man like ma bao inside him. That's the same.

I pretended to be a good girl and waited for him to bring his voice back.

After waiting for a day, I couldn't wait to get back from work and buy a lot of things that ting sheng would use, such as wet urine, milk powder, wet towels and so on. They were all his usual brands.

I went home alone with these things, and I was still excited.

Around eight o' clock, Jiang Miao came back with the baby in his arms. I was so happy that I ran to the door to greet him. Who knew Nanny Jiangmiao would get out of the car and look serious.

"Auntie." I smiled at her, but she ignored me.

I held the child from jiang miao's hand, a little worried in joy.

Walking into the living room, Nanny Jiangmiao looked around. "Why aren't there any servants?"

"Auntie comes over regularly to clean up. Mom, don't make it look like you did when you came down from above. I'll find a servant." Jiang miao said.

"What about cooking? What have you been eating these two days? Who's cooking? Chen Qing is so busy all day. How can I rest assured that Tingsheng is with you?"

It turned out that she didn't want to let go. "Auntie, I can cook. Jiang Miao has eaten. I can take care of the child, and I can take care of him."

"Take good care of her? Do you know what Miaomiao likes and dislikes to eat? Also, you have to go to work every day. Who brings Tingsheng?" Nanny Jiangmiao threw out a series of questions, clearly wanting to take the thunder away.

Nothing I say will allow her to succeed.

"I will slowly learn to take care of my career and family. In fact, I also want to hide and help Miaomiao. He is so tired of working alone in the company. Zheng Jiabo looks good on the surface, but in fact, he is very strong. It is good for miao miao to be with Zheng Jiabo."

Nanny Jiangmiao stopped talking. It seemed that she was more interested in jiang miao's career.

"Yes, Xiao Qing is not idle at the company. She will help me." Jiang miao took my shoulder and I smiled at him.

Mother Jiang Miao nodded. "That's good. Let your father worry less in the future. He's already in his fifties. He has to be so busy all day. As a junior, you should share more."

"We will." I answered obediently.

I finally got Nanny Jiangmiao. I was relieved as soon as she left.

Jiang Miao, have you eaten? I'll cook for you."

"I still like to hear you call me miaomiao." He smiled vaguely at me.

He really took what I was doing seriously. Well, it's only good for me to let him trust me more. "Then look at hui tingsheng. I'll cook. Tomorrow I'll hire a babysitter."

There was a roar tonight, and I felt much more at ease. The bed was split in half. It was even more impossible for Jiang Miao to touch me.

The next day, I hired a babysitter and Jiang Miao bought a crib.

I explained the situation to Tan Jie. He reminded me that the method of my period was not effective. I also felt that it had been a few days, and if he always used this method, sooner or later he would doubt the truth.

I didn't know what to do, so I went to the hospital and checked in. I told the doctor that I was bleeding down there, and I didn't take the birth control pill. The doctor gave me a certificate that I had irregular bleeding from yindao.

With this, I can pretend to be uncomfortable and lie to Jiang Miao for a while longer.

After I was done, I received a call from Fu Jing asking if I had thought it through.

Actually, I already thought about it. I don't want to be stupid again.

"I think so." I took a deep breath. "I don't want to be with you. Tingsheng has nothing to do with you. He's Jiang Miao's son."

After I said that, I hung up the phone in one breath, feeling as if my heart had suddenly been emptied out. It doesn't matter, does it? I finally have nothing to do with him.

In a trance, I touched my face and felt cold. Why did I cry? I dried my tears, there was nothing to cry about. I had suffered enough with him. God wouldn't help me if I knew it was hell.

Fu Jing, you can only live in my past.

I closed my eyes and indulged myself once again to think about the intravenous drip with him, and once again, I didn't want to think about it.

I thought I would think about how bad he was to me, how he misunderstood me and all his overbearing behavior, but all I thought about was how good he was to me, how he cooked for me in different ways, how he lay on my stomach and listened to the baby movements, how he carried me around the house, how he walked around the supermarket with me, and so on...

"Chen Qing, are you sick?" I was so angry that I slapped myself. "He already has Hai Tang. Why do you love a man who can't give you a future?"

Even so, Fu Jing's offer still seduced me. I didn't know that I could love him to the point where I didn't want to be recognized or shameless.

I shook my head wildly, and Tingsheng's crying suddenly brought back my thoughts.

"Good boy, why are you crying again? How long have you been sleeping?" I touched his face. It was so hot.

I hurriedly called the babysitter, elder sister Zhang, to come up. "Elder sister Zhang, the baby's face and forehead are so hot. Is there a fever?"

Elder sister Zhang touched it. "Is there a thermometer at home?"

I shook my head. "I didn't even remember to prepare this thing."

"Go to the hospital. I think Tingsheng has a fever." Elder sister Zhang picked up the baby. I took a bag and filled it with milk bottles, milk powder and diapers.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor took his temperature. It was indeed a fever. Tingsheng was only three months old, and the fever was a little troublesome to handle. The doctor gave him an injection first, and he cried in pain, breaking my heart.

This was my first time as a mother, and all my experiences were unprecedented.

I walked up and down the hallway with Tingsheng in my arms, talking to him, making him laugh so that he could quickly forget the pain of the injection.

An hour or so after the injection, he didn't have that fever. The doctor was worried and asked us to stay in the hospital for observation. I told elder sister Zhang to go back and I stayed in the hospital with him.

Who knew that after elder sister Zhang returned home, he was sent back by Jiang Miao.

He sent elder sister Zhang back without even looking at Tingsheng himself. The longer I stayed with him, the more I could tell what kind of person he was.

In the early morning, Tingsheng's fever started again, and the doctor decided to give her an iv. The nurse stuck a thin pillow in her forehead and my heart broke when the first injection didn't go in.

"Nurse, please wait a minute. We'll do it later." I held the child and didn't want to suffer a second time.

"He's burning like this now. Don't waste time." The nurse's tone was fierce.

I looked at Tingsheng's red face, and my heart sank. I held down Tingsheng's little hand, and elder sister Zhang helped fix his head. The second needle went in.

The infusion was done, and then there was a long wait. Tingsheng cried for a long time. I couldn't coax him, and I didn't dare to carry him around. I was afraid that the needle would break again.

The phone rang. I asked elder sister Zhang to put it in my ear.

"Are you asleep?"

"No, Tingsheng is sick. I'm in the hospital." I sniffed and deliberately told Fu Jing about it. I wanted to know if he was like Jiang Miao.

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