Love You Forever

Chapter 187 Lead the Child

Good dad class, what the hell is this? Fu Jing went to this class?

"Aren't you... Not planning on having this child? Why are you still going to class?" I asked in a low voice.

"I repeat, I never thought of not having this child from the beginning to the end. Even if my grandfather had spoken, I had no intention of listening. Now that my power is growing, I can stop listening. You don't believe me."

Fu Jing explained to me solemnly, looking as charming as when I first met him.

"So, you're accusing me?" I asked back.

He turned his head and stopped talking.

"You're too lazy to argue with me now." I muttered to myself.

Fu Jing put Tingsheng, who had fallen asleep after drinking her milk, on the bed. "I'm trying to avoid a fight. I've been fighting all the time. I've lost all my feelings."

I was a little surprised and wanted to laugh, and suddenly felt that he was different from before.

I know how to get along, and I don't let my temper and temperament dictate it. I seem to like Fu Jing a little.

Tingsheng looked a little like me when he was asleep. My lips were thin, and so was he. His lower lips were a little upturned when he was sleeping. I lay on the bed and looked at the sound of the thunder carefully. Fu Jing also laid down with me and put it on.

"Tingsheng looks like me. I don't know where Jiang Miao's dna came from, but I just think Tingsheng is my son."

"You haven't told me yet. Why would elder sister Zhang call you when something happened to me?" I immediately changed the subject.

He lay flat on his back with one hand behind his head and the other above Tingsheng's head. "I'll give her the number and tell her that you'll come to me when something happens to you. It looks like you've found a smart babysitter."

I nodded. This guy was so thorough.

But fortunately, he had an extra thought.

"How did you know I was going to be okay?"

Fu Jing touched Tingsheng's head and looked up at me. "The child is sick. How can a father not go to the hospital with him? Jiang Miao has a bad temper. Can you stand it if you follow him?"

He was so meticulous that he saw all the details and cared about us both. I admit I was touched.

I didn't sleep last night. I just ate something. I was tired too. I fell asleep in bed after a while.

When I woke up, I was covered with a blanket. It was neither hot nor cold. It was very comfortable.

I turned around and saw that Tingsheng was gone.!

"Tingsheng? Tingsheng!" I quickly lifted the blanket and sat up.

"Here." Fu Jing walked in with the child in his arms. Tingsheng blinked and looked confused. "Have you had a nightmare?"

I shook my head, took a deep breath, and went back to sleep. "I thought Tingsheng was gone. You can play with him. I'm still sleepy."


I don't know how long I slept again. I only woke up when it was dark. When I woke up, the nanny I hired was holding the baby, and Fu Jing was cooking in the kitchen.

I looked at my phone. Ten missed calls. All of them belonged to Zheng Jiabo!

Oh no, I didn't ask for leave!

"Fu Jing, why don't you wake me up? It's over. My boss is going to scold me to death." I was so anxious and scared that I didn't dare call zheng jiabo back.

"You still want to go to work? It's like throwing yourself into a trap."

He was right. If I went to work, would Jiang Miao still worry about not catching me?

But it's basic to start and finish a good job. I can't just run away without saying hello. Just leave zheng jiabo alone. I think about it. Even if I don't go, I have to say hello.

When I went to the balcony to make a phone call, Zheng Jiabo's first sentence was full of sarcasm. "Do you still know how to call me?"

"Zheng Boss, I'm sorry. Something happened to my family. I can't go to work anymore."

"If you want to resign, tell me where to find a secretary now!" There was a crash on the other side.

My neck shrank. "I'm sorry, Zheng Boss."

He hung up the phone, and I sighed. What the hell is this?

"Dinner." Fu Jing called me.

As soon as I smelled the smell of the food he cooked and the haze cleared up, I was already starving. Even if I was unhappy, I would wait until I was full!

The nanny hugged her voice and Fu Jing and I ate together. It's been a long time since we sat down to eat together. The past flooded in. I chewed on the food and looked at him a few times.

"Something on my face?" Fu Jing asked.

"No." I lowered my head to eat. "What do I want to say for tomorrow?"

"We'll go shopping together later. You can buy whatever you want. I'll make it when you come back."

Well, I was instantly satisfied.

After dinner, I took the initiative to do the dishes. I didn't expect Fu Jing to let me do the work. The nanny wouldn't let me do the housework, and there was no need to take care of the children.

It seems that I haven't been so idle for a long time. Ever since I left Fu Jing's villa, I've been busy living alone, taking care of my food, clothing, and transportation. Later, jiang miao picked me up and laid in bed every day to recuperate. I was so sick that I wanted to die. After giving birth, I came to my aunt all the time and learned to take care of my child...

Along the way, I came too.

In just a few months, it seemed like a few years had passed.

"Let's go to the supermarket." Fu jing wanted to carry the child.

I disagree. "Tingsheng had a fever last night. It's not appropriate to take him out for a breeze now."

He hesitated for a while, then handed tingsheng over to the nanny and let's go shopping together.

In the past, we would go out and buy food together. If I told him what I wanted to eat, he would be able to do it well. He would find a way to make good food for me. That was probably the happiest time of my life.

"Haven't you changed your taste?" He asked.

I pouted. "Maybe I've become more picky."

"Just in time, my cooking has improved."

What? "You're still improving. There's no room for improvement."

He was very pleased. "Although there is little room for improvement, there is still room for improvement."

I looked at him speechlessly. Would he die if I wasn't narcissistic?

After shopping in the supermarket for a long time, I bought two carts of things. I think this one is good too. That one needs to buy some too. It's enough to buy a cart of ingredients. There is also a cart of daily necessities and small toys.

Tingsheng had been playing for more than three months. He didn't know if he could play. He bought it first.

We put the things back in the car, the car drove downstairs, and then carried them upstairs a little bit.

"When will the house be demolished?"

Fu jing thought for a moment. "A few months, or less."

It's okay. There's still time.

We filled the fridge, put the things away, and let the nanny go home. During the day, fu jing took more children with him. I told him to go to bed, and I brought him. He took the pillow and went to the living room, saying that he wanted to leave the big bed for us.

"Why don't you stay in the other room? You have to sleep on the sofa in the living room." I said it opened the door of the other room. Who knew it was full of baby products and a delicate crib.

When... Was this prepared?!

"Oh no, I got caught early." Fu Jing leaned against the wall and smiled at me.

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