Love You Forever

Chapter 224 It Turns out to Be like This

Fu Jing scratched my nose, lifted me out of bed, and wrapped a blanket around me.

It was cold outside, but it was hot inside. I still liked to wrap my arms around his neck from the blanket. "Feed me."

"Okay." He carried me to the table, put me on his lap, and took a piece of meat with a mouthful of rice.

He was very patient with me when I blurted out which dish to eat.

As I ate, I would still laugh out loud. I was already in my thirties and acted like a little girl of fifteen or sixteen. My old face couldn't help but blush.

"Do you think I'm being too pretentious?"

Fu Jing grunted.

"What? Do you really think I'm pretentious?" I immediately became unhappy. When he fed me again, I kept my mouth shut.

"If you don't eat well, I won't feed you." When he threatened me, my momentum immediately weakened.

I curled my lips. It's important to be angry or to eat. Of course, it's the latter. I can be angry after eating.

After lunch, I lay lazily on the bed. Fu Jing said he was leaving, and I felt melancholy. "Can you not leave?"

"There's something else in the company."

I muttered, "Why didn't you say Hai Tang had something to do?"

"Chen Qing." His voice suddenly became low and I realized that I was being unreasonable.

But I don't want to apologize, and I don't want to pull my face down. "You can go. I'm going to sleep."

I covered myself with the quilt and listened to his footsteps and the sound of the door closing. I was unhappy again. I felt that I had crossed over and went back, even worse than before, but I couldn't control myself, especially when I knew that fu jing loved me but didn't love me enough. I was eager to prove that he loved me with all the words and means.

I have a hunch that this will not lead to good results.

Forget it, let's just focus on getting up and working.

I carefully found myself a set of clothes, put on a slightly different makeup, packed my keys and phone, and carried my bag to the company.

"Chen Boss, you're here." A little secretary greeted me.

I looked around. "Where's Er De?"

"She asked for sick leave and I came to take over."

I suddenly remembered that Er De had something personal to do with me before. I waved to the secretary, ordered a cup of coffee, and went back to my office. I called erde and asked her how she was feeling. She hesitated.

"Tell me the truth, what's going on?" I interrupted her. This girl is like this. She can't even lie wisely.

"Chen Boss, did Brother Jay come to see you?" Her voice was filled with tears.

I frowned. What does this have to do with Tan Jie? "No, he has a lot of things to do. He can't come to me every day."

"I heard that Brother Jay... He..."

"What's wrong with him? Can you finish your sentence all at once?" I was almost driven to death by her.

Er De sniffed. "A friend of mine told me that Fu Qing paved the way for Brother Jay to get to that movie, and that he was Fu Qing..."

She didn't have to say anything, I already understood.

"Is this information reliable?"

Er De didn't say anything. She was crying. She couldn't breathe. It seemed that this was true.

I cut off the phone and threw it on the table. Is Tan Jie stupid?! No wonder he gave me forty million without blinking, no wonder he's become so depressed now, and he even mentioned death to me...

I hit myself on the head twice and put my good friend in that position. I deserve to die too.

No, I have to ask him. I just picked up my phone and put it down. How can I ask him this in person, especially when he's a man?

I thought about it, or I would like to find a private investigator to investigate Fu Qing and find out what her relationship with Tan Jie is.

After this was settled, I still couldn't calm down and face Tan Jie. Fu Jing had a wife, and he still maintained this relationship with me. I had the same relationship and support as him, but I liked him, and he liked it.

Tan Jie was different. He wouldn't like Fu Qing. Fu Qing didn't really care about any man. She only liked fresh meat with nice skin. It seemed to me like a pure rou trade between them.

Two days later, Er De, who was a little more stable, returned to work.

"Chen Boss, coffee."

"Your eyes are so swollen that you can't even cover them with makeup. Do you like Tan Jie that much?" I pointed to the chair in front of her and she sat down.

Er De nodded. "It's because I like him and have high expectations of him that I can't accept him doing something like that."

"What kind? In your opinion, it's a dirty thing to be taken care of and traded your body for benefits, isn't it?" I made her speechless.

She bit her lips and her eyes were red.

"Everyone has a side that no one knows about. One can't just look at that side. Even if Tan Jie and Fu Qing are on the same page, can this erase the good side of him? No, you can't. You continue to like the good things about him and ignore the bad things. Will you be happier chasing stars like this?"

Er De shook his head. "Chen Boss, I'm not a fan. I like Brother Jay. I liked him when I was in school."

"You..." I don't know what to say.

"He's really good. On the surface, he doesn't seem like a talkative person and is always cool, but he cares about people very much. Once he came to our school to perform, and I accidentally fell down when I went on stage to deliver flowers. At that time, the whole school was laughing at me. He didn't care if his steps were out of order, but he even helped me up and sent me off the stage, telling the staff to show me my feet."

I didn't even know Tan Jie had such a side.

Er De talked about the excitement and came around the table to shake my hand. "Chen Boss, Brother Jay is really good. He doesn't like to laugh, but I just know he's good."

"Okay, okay, I believe he's fine. Calm down first." I was a little helpless. "Yeah, he's so nice. Why are you sad? Just pretend you didn't hear all that nonsense. Don't think about it, I don't know."

"But..." Apparently, she hadn't gotten around the whirlpool of thoughts.

I sighed. "Why are you so stubborn? Look at me. When we first merged, everyone was talking about me as an airborne force. I was not fit to be the boss. I said that I had the company today by climbing into Fu Jing's bed. Didn't you still take care of me with all your heart?"

"That's what I know about your relationship with Fu Boss, not what those people outside say."

"Why not?" I asked back, "He gave me the company, and I did rely on him to have the present. He has a wife. To put it bluntly, I am now a third party."

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