Love You Forever

Chapter 25 The Truth

"I want to know everything about my sister in North city." This is my request.

Fu Jing did not refuse to answer me or get angry at me. Instead, he was unexpectedly calm.

"You can ask questions, I'll answer you."

I was overjoyed and hesitated. "Why did Hai Tang say she was missing and you said she was dead?"

Actually, there was another question that I wanted to ask. I wanted to ask him if he loved Chen Lai and if Chen Lai loved him. I felt that I was sorry for asking my conscience and principles, so I held back.

"She's missing and dead." Fu Jing took a deep breath. "Nine years ago, I was doing business in Golden Triangle. Chen lai insisted on going with me. I couldn't help but take her there..."

Golden Triangle was famous for its chaos. The police and the law were all set up there. After Fu Jing told my sister about the stakes, she insisted on following, but something happened.

It's impossible to survive in a place like that. Strangers will not be friendly to you. They will only shoot you as if they were playing with guns, or see how pretty you are.

"Haven't you looked for her?" I frowned and my heart was like a knife.

"Yes, I used all the power I could, but I got nothing." Fu Jing heaved a heavy sigh.

I turned around and took my phone to google for information about Golden Triangle. I read it all over and finally understood what Jiang Miao and Fu Jing were saying. There was really no difference between missing and dying there.

Besides, my sister hasn't appeared in so many years.

My phone fell on the table and I was in a daze. Everything went through my mind. Whether they loved each other or not was no longer so important to me. My sister couldn't come back, and I couldn't be with Fu Jing. There was no point in pursuing it.

"Thank you for helping me with my sister's studies. I have some savings. I was going to let her enjoy herself when I found her, or prepare a dowry for her. It's not necessary now. I'll give you the money." I got up with my head down, and he grabbed me.

"Sit down." I obeyed his orders instinctively. "Do you think I'm incompetent?"

I shook my head. "You tried your best, you tried to find her, you tried your best to make up for it, you even gave her a shot before she made her decision... Why did she have to go with you?"

I suddenly stared at him, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"You were in love?" I asked.

He frowned. "Not really."

"Then why is she..." My eyes glazed over. "Is there someone or something in North city that she's afraid of? Or is someone going to take advantage of your absence and let her go because she has a hunch?"

"It's not impossible." He lit a cigarette.

I thought of Jiang Miao, I thought of Hai Tang. They were all hostile to my sister. If it were them, I would never let them go.

I clasped my hands in front of me, and the smoke was coming out of Fu Jing's mouth. My eyes narrowed and I couldn't see the expression on his face. At this moment, I didn't even realize that I was walking towards the grave he had dug for me.

The next day, while I was working, I received a call from Ning Jing, screaming and laughing, and the joy that was about to spill out from her came to me through the electromagnetic waves.

"Hai Tang, she appreciates my paintings and says that she wants me to bring her works to choose and let my paintings be displayed in her art exhibition. Xiao Qing, I'm going to succeed, and my dream will come true soon!"

The corners of my mouth rose involuntarily. "I know. Is it your turn to treat me to coffee?"

"Of course, what starbucks are we going to aim for in the future? I'll take you to the origin of cat poop coffee to drink authentic cat poop coffee."

"Come on, come on, don't spoil people's coffee. It's not like you don't know I can't drink it at all." I held the phone between my shoulders, and my hand was typing on the keyboard. "I'm at work. Let's not talk about it. After you choose the painting, I'll celebrate for you."

When I got rid of Ning Jing, I felt very comfortable. It was as if the burden of so many years had finally been lifted. One word: yes.

Sometimes I think, I'm not much of a success in life, I just want to be worthy of the good people for me, not to let go of the bad people for me, just do these two things, the rest of what to save the world, just leave it to superman, I just want to sweep the snow in front of my door.

Before Ning Jing and I could celebrate alone, I received a call from Hai Tang asking me to have a casual meal with Ning Jing.

The restaurant was extremely luxurious, and I couldn't even talk about vip customers with such a big hand. When I came to a six-star hotel, Ning Jing began to sigh from the moment he entered. Did rich people have to be so luxurious to eat? Will the food on the golden plate taste better? You can't eat your plate.

"Chen Qing, I have to thank you for introducing such a good artist to me. I am worried that the style of the exhibition is simple and lacks some fresh blood. Ning Jing's style is exactly what I need."

Faced with Hai Tang's praise, I smiled. "You guys are so close. You don't have to take me with you. I don't know art, and I don't know painting."

When Ning Jing heard what I said, he immediately switched on the mode of spitting. I was so happy that I only ate without talking, especially when I saw that Hai Tang wanted to talk to me but was interrupted by Ning Jing.

At the end of the meal, I ate the most. Ning Jing was the kind of person who spoke without delay while Hai Tang hardly ate.

Before leaving, Hai Tang stopped me and said he wanted to talk to me. I took a taxi and asked Ning Jing to leave first. "Report to me where you are."

"Don't worry, how old am I?" Ning Jing waved his hand and got into the car with a smile.

I looked at Hai Tang. She pointed to the hotel and took me to the coffee shop on the second floor.

"You will come to the art exhibition then, right?" She said.

"Ning Jing, this is the first time she has the opportunity to display her own paintings. I will go." I looked into her eyes.

Hai Tang smiled. "Can I ask you a favor then?"

I knew a long time ago that there was no free lunch in the world, and Hai Tang was not such a simple person. She didn't want any paintings, not just Ning Jing's style. It seemed that I had to pay the price.

I can't get off the hook. No matter what she says, I have to agree.

But I didn't expect that the help she asked me to do was...

Hai Tang's exhibition opened three days later. I was wearing clown clothes and wearing clown makeup. I stood in her designated position to do human art. There were many people who came and went to visit me, including Fu Jing and Hai Tang.

"This is my latest work. Do you like it?" Hai Tang smiled like a flower and was on good terms with Fu Jing.

Fu Jing glanced at me faintly. His eyes did not even linger on my face. He spat out two words: "Like."

Hai Tang lowered his head, his eyes towards me, and his smile towards me. At that moment, I suddenly understood something. Behind the clown's smiling face, there were tears.

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