Loving A Heartless Lawyer

Chapter 45: 45 Favorite Person

Jorge was panting hard when he went inside the cafe where Miley said she was. Her voice was cracked from the call he got, saying she needed help. She was nearby Sy Building and Jorge rushed there as soon as he heard her location, not even bothering to ask what happened to Miley. "What happened? Are you alright? What is it Miley? What's wrong?" he asked in a row as soon as he approached Miley's table. He looked worried. Miley was hiding the satisfied grin on her face, instead, she sniffed and mumbled, "You came." "Of course, you called saying you need help." Jorge remarked.

for visiting. Miley bit her lower lip and helplessly stared at Jorge as she whispered, "The heels of one of my shoes broke." She raised the shoe with broken heels and showed it to Jorge. "Huh? That's all?" Jorge breathed in disbelief and scratched his head. "It's embarrassing to walk" Miley added in a hush. She knew her reason was too lame, but it was always effective. "Miley, you have your personal assistant to ask and buy you new shoes im a flash. Don't you know how busy I am in Liam's matters? We can't afford to waste time. Next time don't call me if it's just on small things like this." Jorge complained. Though Miley would often do this kind of thing repeatedly, Jorge could not just take the risk of ignoring her, thinking it was really an emergency or Miley could be in danger somehow. Miley ignored Jorge's complaint and mused, 'Busy? You still run in here, anyway. Besides, my brother will understand you since I'm a very important person in his life.' Miley helplessly stared at Jorge afterwards. She wondered up to what extent she would need to do for Jorge to express his real and true feelings for her. She definitely could feel Jorge care for her and in his eyes she was someone special, but she just could not get why he kept denying it. His actions spoke louder but Miley would prefer to hear words as well. She could no longer count how many times Jorge turned her down, for the same alibi that she was only like a sister to him. She would never buy that. 'It was pure bullsh*t!' Miley mused because she could feel the opposite. At first, she thought that maybe because she was still young or Jorge might want her to finish her schooling but 'Hello?! I'm already twenty-seven now and yet still the same progress? No! There's no progress at all!' Miley quietly protested. "You do know that you're the first person I think of whenever I have an emergency whether it's on little things like this. You're my favorite person in the world!" Miley whispered. And it was true. Today's incident was intentional. She missed Jorge, and she was free and bored in her office, so she made a way to see him. If she would just ask Jorge to plainly see her, he would only ignore her for sure. She saw Jorge exhale loudly before turning his back on her and bent down in front of her. "Come here. There are nearby shoe shops in the area. I will give you a piggyback ride there since my shoes would not fit on you." Miley's eyes sparked, her lips curved up as she quickly latched on Jorge's back. It had been awhile since he gave her a piggyback ride and she was so happy. 'See? Piggyback ride instead of letting me wait here while he buys me shoes. He knew my size anyway!' Miley silently concluded. The two did not mind people's eyes on them while Jorge walked out of the restaurant and at the side of the road. Miley comfortably rested her chin on his shoulder. "How come your heels are not that sturdy. They are high class shoes!" Jorge complained. Miley put her cheek next to Jorge's and muttered, "I dunno. Maybe I overused it? Or intentionally crack it so you can come give me a piggyback like this. I missed it. You always do this when we are young or whenever I cry Jorge, remember? Or I'm drunk. Maybe I should get drunk again sometime." Miley reminisced. Jorge was quiet and did not respond. He was in deep thought and Miley hated it whenever he acted quiet like that because Jorge was a bubbly person whose mouth never stopped in talking "When will you open up to me Jorge? You keep me waiting for so long already. I don't want to become an old maid you know." Miley suddenly whispered. "Stop that Miley or I will put you down now and leave you here." Jorge threatened. Miley released a loud sigh of frustration. "Alright I will stop. I guess I will just need to get a boyfriend. Geez, I've been reserving myself too long for you, but it seems like you're not movable. Don't worry, I will soon let suitors flood me left and right and choose the best." she irritably grumbled. Jorge chuckled at that because Miley often said that. So it was something not new to his ears. Miley would always dare to do a lot of things, but in the end it was only just words. "You think I won't really do it, huh? Watch me. This time it's for real! Anyway, this is the last time you will hear this dialogue because next time it will be in action and no more words." Miley threatened. Maybe it was time that she showed some actions for Jorge to take it seriously. "Miley How come you're so heavy?" Jorge asked, trying to divert the topic. "What heavy? I'm sexy and always on a proper diet. I'm not heavy, but it's just you getting weak. How come my weight is already heavy for you? Do more exercise and weightlifting will you?!" Miley chided and Jorge victoriously smiled, thinking he again succeeded to kill off the previous topic. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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