Loving A Heartless Lawyer

Chapter 499 - Your Name

Sarah woke up with another pang of a severe headache.

"Damn this stupid head!" she barked with her eyes closed as she rolled over and buried her face into a soft and comfortable pillow that smelled nice.

'A pillow? How did I end up on a pillow?' she thought and instantly woke up with her eyes wide open.

She covered her mouth with her palm after finding herself in an unfamiliar bedroom that upon looking around clearly looked like a man's bedroom with the interior designs of blended black, gray and white colors.

Her eyes widened seeing she too was wearing a big loose shirt.

"Oh my God! What did I do?!" she panicked as she quickly stood up to look for her dress but she only found her purse. She was only wearing her panty underneath the big loose shirt but it was long enough to look like sleepwear as it ended above her knee.

She immediately jumped off the bed and grabbed her purse. She started walking silently as if sneaking out of the house. Seeing the transparent glass with a view of the city from the living room, Sarah could tell that the apartment she was inside was on a high floor.

There was an indoor pool and she noticed how luxurious the apartment was. She wanted to pull her hair wondering who could it be, the person she ended up disturbing this time. But then a flashback of what happened last night came to her and she gasped, "No way!! Him?!"

She recalled a familiar man with her inside the car. Then a series of flashbacks followed where she was drinking with the man, pouring her heart out how heartbroken she was and the man did the same, pouring his heart out on how brokenhearted he was.

The man who was in love with Lana Huang! That man!

But then her face paled…

"No...." she weakly whispered, making her knees weak as she helplessly slumped on the floor.

She and the man were kissing in her flashbacks. She touched her body, feeling as if something happened.

"My body doesn't feel weird though…" she whispered.

"Oh yeah, don't worry nothing happened between us, so stop making that worried face. Why are you on the floor? Come and join me for breakfast. I bet your head will explode soon." Sarah heard the man's familiar voice.

She raised her head and saw him offering his hand to her so that she can get up.

"Come on… Get up there and let me explain what happened yesterday during breakfast. Let's eat something first," the man kindly said with a reassuring smile.

Sarah looked at his hand, contemplating for a few seconds but ended up grabbing it as she stood back on her feet. She followed the man to the dining area, it felt weird thinking that she didn't even know his name yet.

He moved a chair and signaled her to sit down. Sarah unconsciously blushed at that gentlemanly gesture. She sat down and waited until he also got seated opposite her.

She gulped, suddenly feeling hungry on looking at the food on the table. She was quiet as she observed the man scoop a bowl of soup to her and say, "Here, drink this first. This will help you relax and ease the headache."

"Thanks," Sarah answered and quickly took the soup. She was actually comfortable with him at this point since he was too nice and seemed to be a gentleman as well ever since their first encounter.

Kyle smiled as he started to explain to Sarah what happened and why he ended up getting her out of the bar.

"Didn't I tell you not to drink on your own outside? Why not just drink inside your house? Good thing I was there. God knows what could happen to you if those two men took advantage of you?!" Kyle scolded.

"I know, just that… I saw Liam with Lana. They looked so happy leaving the office hand in hand…" Sarah muttered timidly. She too was to leave the office for good yesterday and accidentally saw the couple in the parking lot.

She felt so heartbroken that she ended up driving to the nearest bar from that place. But then, the man in front of her was right.

"Nothing happened, right?" she bashfully asked, wondering if the kissing she recalled was real.

Kyle gulped and whispered, "We had a few more drinks when we got here, at my place. You kissed me…"

"What the heck??!!! Holy sh*t!" Sarah burst in shock. She could not believe that she would initiate the kiss but then it was indeed what happened in her flashback.

Kyle shook his head because he noticed Sarah cursed a lot for a woman. He had never met a woman who talked and cursed that often. Being a gangster would fit her character more than being a lawyer does.

He had that roguish grin as he added, "And then puked all over me as well. I guess you always puke whenever you drink over your limit, huh? That's why I had to change you and clean you up on my own since I have no helper here to take care of things like these…"

Saran's face reddened. It meant Kyle saw everything on her, except her most private part between her thighs since she was still wearing her panty.

"There was no other choice… That's why you're in my shirt. Don't worry nothing else happened after that. I let you sleep in my room since my spare room was occupied with other things. I slept on my couch." Kyle explained further.

Sarah was speechless and after composing herself a little, she murmured, "I guess I owe you one more. Tell me how I can repay you, like I said before I don't like being in debt."

"Just finish your breakfast first. Your dress is in the laundry shop. You can wait for it or if you want I can buy you something to wear at the nearest dress shop," Kyle offered.

Sarah smiled and said, "Thanks…"

Then she realized she still did not know his name so she asked, "Sorry I haven't asked your name…"

"Kyle… You can call me Kyle," the man answered with a smile.

"Thanks, Kyle," Sarah whispered with a half-smile. She was glad that she ran into a nice man like Kyle whenever she got drunk. This would be the last time for this, and she would definitely make sure that she doesn't get drunk alone without a trusted person beside her.

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