243 Chapter 243: I Am Not A Witch

Sally excused herself so that she could find her seat, but Dora grabbed Kylie's jacket and forced her to stay where she was. Once they were alone, Dora stepped close to Kylie so that no one could hear what they were saying, and she said, "I don't know how you pulled that off with the dress, but I have to give props where props are disserved. I do not know how you figured that out about the dress and, I suppose, at this point, it doesn't matter, but don't think that you won't get yours. In the end, the house always wins!"

Kylie was shocked by what Dora had said, especially because she didn't know what she'd been talking about. She was still trying to figure it out when Dora threw her coat at her and walked away.

Kylie reasoned that there was a connection between Ethan, Dora, and the dress, but she couldn't figure out what it was. Not knowing what to do, Kylie decided to let it go for the moment and join the cast in the conference hall for their first official press conference.

Khloe had not been invited to take part in the press conference, but she had been allowed to come and sit in the audience – and the whole time she was there, she watched and waited for an opportunity to make a fool out of Kylie, and she had brought Jane to help her in any way that she could.

Khloe looked at Jane and said, "Did you bring what I asked you to bring?"

Jane pulled an eyebrow razor from her bag and handed it to Khloe. "Be careful," she said. "It's sharp."

"I will," Khloe replied. "Now go take some photos. Keep your eye on the net, and I will text you when or if I need you."

Before the press conference got started, Miller stepped forward and introduced the film. The hero was a man named Berry. He killed bad guys and helped poor Latin Americans. In this capacity, it wasn't long before he was assassinated by evil government officials. Eventually, though, a group of knights stood up. They killed the rich and helped the poor, a modern-day Robin Hood.

Cliff Benjamin would be the leading actor. Although Cliff was eccentric, he was also gentle. When he saw Kylie – the second leading lady – off to the sides, he helped her to the front so that she could stand beside Sally. "The leading actress and the second leading actress should be standing next to each other," He said.

Standing next to Cliff and Sally, it all felt very surreal to Kylie. She saw them smiling and tried to smile along with them, but it was very hard. The cameras flashed one after another, and she began to feel dizzy. A moment later, she found herself looking in Dora's direction. Bob happened to be standing beside her, though, and he thought she was staring at him, so she smiled and looked away.

At the end of the photoshoot, Kylie walked away hastily. After everything that had happened so far, she had begun to doubt the durability of her dress. Parts of it kept sliding, and it had begun to feel loose. Finally, she went to a corner and called Faith. They had been texting back and forth about the issue for the past half hour.

"How's it coming?" Kylie wondered.

"I've snuck into the venue," Faith replied. "Where shall we meet?"

Kylie said, "Let's meet in the bathroom. Come Quickly."

Kylie hung up and began to walk in the direction of the bathroom.

Khloe, who was behind Kylie, heard the whole conversation. She smiled and whispered to herself: "Kylie, you have no way out!"

Kylie was looking for the bathroom like a headless fly when, suddenly, Faith appeared and led her away from the bathrooms. "I have another dress for you to wear," she said, "but it's not safe to change clothes in the bathroom. I found an empty room that we can use instead."

"Will it work?" Kylie said. "Don't you think people will notice?"

"The waiters are serving dinner now," Faith replied, "so it should be fine. And by the time it is over, nobody will care what anyone is wearing."

The bathroom door opened, and Khloe snuck in. She checked every cubicle to make sure that no one was inside, and then she took cover in one of the stalls to wait for Kylie to come in. She was only there for a minute before someone entered. Khloe looked under the door, and she could see Kylie's beige dress.

A moment later, she heard Kylie enter the stall next to her, and Kylie took a gigantic shit. The sound was horrifying and, when the smell hit her, she nearly threw up. It wasn't long though – thankfully – before Kylie wiped her ass and flushed the toilet. When Khloe heard Kylie go to the sink to wash her hands, she pulled the razor blade out of her purse, came out of the cubicle, and snuck up behind Kylie.

Once she was directly behind Kylie, she slashed the back of her dress and rushed out of the bathroom.

When Kylie came out of the room that she'd been changing in, she nearly ran into Khloe, who was rushing out of the bathroom. When Khloe saw that Kylie was wearing her coat again, she naturally assumed that it was to hide the damage that had been done to her dress.

"Kylie," she prompted. "It is hot in here. Why don't you remove your coat?"

Kylie didn't want to argue with Khloe, so she turned to walk away. Suddenly a thought crossed her mind, though, and she turned to confront her sister. "Did you stop paying our father's medical bills?" she wondered.

"Why do you care?" Khloe sneered. "You hate him. All you've ever wanted from him is an inheritance!"

"Is there even an inheritance to receive?" Kylie wondered. "From what I've heard, you have not been a good steward."

Khloe didn't know what to say suddenly, because Kylie was right. Duncan had told her, just hours previously, that her stock was at an all-time low. The remaining stockholders were trying to sell their shares, but no one was buying. Everyone knew that Garcia Entertainment was on the verge of bankruptcy.

She had asked Duncan if he'd had any ideas, but he hadn't had any.

"It is not as bad as you've heard," Khloe lied. "All will be well."

Khloe watched as Kylie took her seat at the front of the room, and she sat down behind her. When everyone saw what Khloe had done, they began to grumble. These seats of honor had been reserved for important people, and Khloe was not important. She was always pulling crap like this, which was one of the main reasons her reputation was bad.

Khloe leaned back in her chair and looked at Kylie's back. She needed to find a way to get Kylie to remove her coat so that everyone could see her dress. Finally, the moment arrived and, when Kylie took off her coat, Khloe smiled and poked a finger into the hole she'd cut.

"My, my, my…" she whispered. "Look at how easy it is for the high and mighty to fall. It is like the bible says: "Pride cometh before a fall; a haughty spirit before destruction."

Kylie turned around quickly and, what Khloe saw made her jump. The dress had been cut, but the person she'd thought was Kylie was not Kylie. It was the movie queen, Sally Finch!

"What did you just say?" Sally snarled.

Khloe's fingers were still stuck inside of Sally's dress. She wanted to pull them out, but her body was frozen. She looked helplessly at Bob on the opposite side of the table, but he was also staring at her with a look of disgust on his face.

Everyone's eyes turned to Khloe. She had become a laughingstock at the Oscars. No doubt, after this, her career would be ruined as well. If worse came to worse, Sally could also sue her for damages. If she did, Khloe did not doubt that Sally would win.

Khloe scrambled for words. She said, "I am so sorry. I thought you were Kylie…"

Cliff suddenly smiled. He put down his glass of wine and said, "I have heard rumors that you are always tormenting Kylie. Now we all know the truth! You are a real witch! In medieval times, we could have stoned you. Even the bible says, 'Do not suffer a witch to live' – so count your blessings that you were born in such a forgiving time as this!"

"No," Kylie cried. "I am not a witch! It was just a joke!"

"Ha!" Sally cried as she slapped Khloe across the face. Jokes are supposed to be funny. This was not a joke. It was an attack!"

"I'm sorry," Khloe whined. "When I saw that Kylie copied your dress, I thought it would be a good idea to prank her. That is all!"

Sally scowled, and she said, "I don't know what you are talking about. I saw Kylie's dress, and it doesn't match mine!"

"I'll prove it to you," Khloe replied. "Where is Kylie?"

When Kylie heard Khloe's question, she stood up and said, "I'm right here. Why are you dragging me into this? I didn't do anything to deserve what you've done, and neither did Sally!"

Khloe's jaw nearly hit the ground when she saw what Kylie was wearing. Kylie was wearing a rose-red evening dress that looked nothing like the dress that Sally was wearing. As Khloe stared at her, Kylie walked over to where Sally and Khloe were sitting.

Dora saw that Kylie had changed her clothes, and she wanted to say something, but all she could do was clench her teeth and remain silent. She knew that if she said something, she would have to admit to her own wrongdoing.

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