264 Chapter 264: Can I Tell You Something?

By the time Ken and Kylie had returned to the living room, Faith was gone, and all of the furniture had been brought in. Seeing that there was nothing else to do, she took off as well. When she got into the car, though, she found Faith sitting in the car's back seat, and she was crying.

Kylie knew immediately that the only reason she would be crying would have something to do with Ken so, the first thing she said when she climbed in, "Never mind Ken. He is a psycho. Sometimes he can be cruel..."

Faith cleared her eyes with her sleeve, looked at Kylie, and said, "Can I tell you something?"

Kylie nodded, and Faith continued, "I was pregnant once before. Back then, I was very serious about exercise, and it meant a lot to me to be at the optimal weight for the baby. If I hadn't been through that though, I wouldn't have known how to lose all that weight recently…

"I don't know how the one thing connects to the other," Faith cried, "but I hate Ken so much that I want to kill him – and I know just how to do it. He used to hate me, but now that he wants to fuck me, I can seduce him."

"Don't do that," Kylie replied, "There are many ways to get revenge on a man without seducing him. If you seduce him, you will be pleasuring him while torturing yourself. Your plan makes no sense to me."

"I will win his heart," Faith said, "and then I will break it!"

Kylie looked at her skeptically and said, "It won't work. Ken does not even have a heart! He is a loser, a playboy, and a cad. If you want to see him get hurt, I can find someone to beat him half to death."

"Ken hurt me deeply," Faith cried. "I need to hurt him in the same way. As shallow as he may be, I must believe that he has a heart and that it can be broken."

Hearing this, Kylie was speechless. She understood her friend because she had hated Laurence as much as Faith hated Ken. "Do you think that your successful life could be revenge in and of itself?" she wondered. "When Ken sees you and recognizes you, he will regret everything he said about you!"

Faith thought about it for a moment and finally said, "I suppose it could…"

Dinah looked back at Faith and asked her if she'd be alright.

"I suppose that I will be," Faith replied. "It occurs to me now that Kylie may have prevented me from making a very big mistake."

There was a sudden knock at Faith's window, and everyone jumped. They turned quickly and were surprised to see Ken's smiling face. Faith rolled her window down, and Ken said, "Hey, beauty. Why are you crying?"

"Never mind that," Kylie hissed. "What do you want, Ken?"

"Oh, nothing," Ken laughed. "I forgot. Have a good day…"

Once Ken was gone, Kylie looked at Dinah and said, "Please take us away before anything else happens. We have had enough craziness for one day!"

It had been determined that the "accident" where Sally's double had been injured as a result of sabotage and, in order to keep everyone safe, the police had ordered all fighting scenes not to be shot until everything had been figured out – which meant that Kylie had a lot more free time than she had expected. Half of her scenes involved fighting!

"What happened to your baby," Kylie wondered as they sat down in the waiting room.

Faith looked at her sadly and said, "I wish that I hadn't done it, but I had an abortion. I regretted it right away, and, to make matters worse, the abortion had been botched, so they had to go back in and scoop out any remaining baby bits.

"There have been other hard moments in my life," Faith continued, "and I have never had anyone in my corner, so I hope you know how much our friendship means to me…"

There wasn't a lot of traffic in the gynecology department, so when two people passed the window, it was only natural to turn their heads. It wasn't officially starting until they recognized the ladies as Aliceand Khloe. Alicewas carrying a book in her hands and, even though they were walking quickly, Dinah was still able to read the cover before they disappeared around the corner.

The book was called Early Pregnancy.

Kylie accompanied Faith in the examination room and, by the time they were done, it was nearly dinner time. As soon as they got in the car, Faith turned on her phone and notifications popped up like machine gunfire. They all had a good laugh at that.

"Looks like I'm pretty popular," Faith chuckled.

"Seems so," Dinah agreed.

Kylie turned to look at Faith and asked her if she wanted to come for dinner, and she happily accepted the offer.

Faith was still texting when they arrived at Kylie's home, and Dinah was beginning to feel worried about her. "Who are you talking with?" she wondered.

"It's just a friend," Faith explained. "There's nothing to worry about."

Once they were inside, all three ladies went into the living room to watch TV, but Faith didn't watch it at all. She was too busy with her phone.

After a little while, Faith went to the washroom, but she left her phone on the table. Faith had only been gone for a second when her phone rang. Kylie was always nosey, so she picked it up to see what it said – and when she saw what it said, her eyes went wide. The screen said: "I love you" "Well, well, well," Kylie wondered as she opened the phone to see who the text was from.

"Who's it from?" Dinah wondered.

"I don't know," Kylie replied. "Unknown name. Whoever it is, though, he is very sweet. Every sentence is like a love poem."

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