Loving Madeline

Chapter 103 - Because I Love Him

Madeline's POV

I can't stop myself from crying when I saw Hunter sleeping on the bar counter. I can't imagine the pain he is going through. I tried to wake him up, but I didn't force him to get up when Hunter didn't answer me, and I let him sleep. And I wonder if he was drunk, I haven't seen an empty bottle on the bar counter. And all I can see are the shattered bottles and glasses on the floor. I don't peg my husband as a violent type of person because I can tell he is the most well-behaved person I have ever known, but judging by the pieces of broken glasses in front of me, I can say he was hurt and in too much pain.

I get a dustpan and broom, and then after getting the pieces of the broken glasses and bottles, I mop the floor; when I can no longer find any mess, I decided to return the mop and went back to our room. I know I can't go back to sleep after what I witnessed in the bar this dawn, and I want to call Gina, but I am sure she is still sleeping at this hour. I lay in my bed thinking about what will happen to my relationship with my husband now that he learned the truth. I don't feel guilty anymore, knowing I already told him about Rebecca.

I felt glad that even in my confusion and desperation, I was able to sleep for one hour more or less, but still, I can feel the heaviness of my head and eyes, and I can still feel the hollowness in my stomach, and the pain in my heart, and my back is aching terribly. I stretched my limbs, and when I looked at the empty space beside me, I can't stop my tears from falling again. We used to cuddle each other at this hour, and I miss the time when this room is filled with my outcry of pleasure as we made love early morning, but I tried to keep my feelings at bay. I got up, and I get my robe, and I put it over my nightdress.

I went to the bar, and I felt glad Hunter is no longer there, and I release a sigh of relief when I found him in the living room lying on the sofa. I want to come near him and hugged him, to feel him, but I can tell he is having a hard time, and he is baffled at this moment. I stride towards the kitchen, and I prepare breakfast because he wants to leave early to meet Rebecca. 

I wonder if I made the right choice, but at the back of my head I know, it was the most suitable decision since Rebecca needed help. If our situation has been reversed, I am unsure if she will do the same thing, but I can tell it would be unfair if I did not tell my husband about her. I am doing all this because I love him, and no one is to be blamed for all this except Clark Divenson. He was greedy for wealth, that he even formulated this stupid scheme and made his son suffered.

I can't stop myself from crying as I chopped the onions and tomato, and I want the pain to disappear because I can't show my husband how I felt. After all, it will make him more miserable. I need to pretend I am okay, I made this decision, and I should deal with it, but I know it would never be easy to mask my real emotions right now because we became closer and more in love with each other before these things happen to us. 

After cooking, I returned to our room and took a bath, and I get dressed quickly. I returned to the kitchen and prepared the food at the dining table when I heard loud thumpings on the main door. I wonder who it could be, it is still very early, besides Felix has his key, he is the chief manservant of our house, and he also lives in one of the residences inside the estate. I am just glad that the entire place is quiet, and I could listen to the knocking on the door. I pull out my apron over my head after I untie the knots from my back, and I lay it on the kitchen counter before I go to the main door.

" Calixto! I exclaimed.

"Hello, Madeline, good morning." He greeted me, and I widely open the door for him, and I motioned him to get inside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, and I can't stop myself from worrying.

"Mr. Divenson asked me to come here early morning, and I believe he wants me to accompany him in going somewhere today." He responded, and I realized Hunter asked Cal to escort him in going to the Mental Care Homes. It pained me so much, but I will still come with him even if he asks me to stay because we need to talk with Mindy together, and deep in my heart, I want to know what his reactions would be once he meets his ex. But I know even though their last encounters were terrible, it didn't change the fact that they are still in love with each other. I can see it in my husband's eyes.

"My husband is sleeping on the couch in the living room, Cal, and I think you have to wake him up now since he wanted to leave early." I declared, and he smiled at me.

"Thank you, Madeline." He responded, and I can tell Cal wants to talk with me, but he feels hesitant to do it, and he strides towards the living room while I return to the dining hall. After setting the table, I walk to the living room, and I didn't expect my husband is still on the couch talking with Cal. When I heard Calixto tell my husband he needs to impress Rebecca, I can't stop myself from feeling so hurt, and it became more painful for me, but l covered up the pain with my fake sweet smile, and I return to the dining area as fast as I can after Hunter left us. And I can hear Cal's footsteps behind me as he follows me into the dining hall.

"Look, Maddie, I am so sorry. I don't mean to hurt you." He said, and I stopped in my tracks, and I turned around to face him.

"It is okay, Cal. You don't need to apologize." I replied.

"Madeline, you can never hide the pain that you are feeling right now, and I want you to know I like you more than Rebecca, but I can't dictate Mr. Divenson. And I am hoping he will choose in the end." He declared, and I can see Calixto's sincerity.

"Cal, don't worry about me, I already know where I stand in Hunter's life, and even though I am hurting, I am strong Cal, I have suffered worse," I said, but I know I was lying. I will never be okay knowing I am about to lose my husband.

"I think you should not come with us today, Madeline. You will get hurt more." He replied.

"It is okay, Calixto. I will never tell my husband about Rebecca if I wasn't ready to face the consequences of my actions." I declared, and I continue to talk with him, and I poured out everything that I felt as of the moment, and I know he pitied me, and he wants to comfort me, and I always like talking with him because I know I can confide on him. 

We ate our breakfast in silence, and I can't stop myself from feeling so worried when I saw Hunter's face. And I realized he was back to being cold and distant, and I know I have to understand him because of what is going on with his life right now. I am his wife, and I need to be there for him even if it will wreck me too, as long as I can take it, and I hope I will have enough strength to face everything, and I don't want to add to his problems as of the moment.

By the time we left home, I can't stop myself from feeling nervous that I can't stop myself from fidgeting. I know Hunter's escorts are riding on the other car following behind our vehicle. I kept my head down the entire ride because I don't want to look at my husband and cry. We are all silent for the rest of our trip. And even though I made this choice, I can't stop feeling so worried about our marriage. Deep inside me, I am still hoping that my husband will choose me over Rebecca, and I don't care if I have to undergo pain as long as our love will survive. But I don't want to hope and get devastated in the end; besides, I want my husband to be happy even if it means I am no longer part of it because I know how much he suffered after Rebecca was gone for so many years.

I raised my head when we arrived at the gate, I waved to the guard on duty, and he smiles when he saw me, and he opened the gate for us. It is still early, but I already texted Mindy, but when we reach the parking lot, my entire world stood still when I saw Clark Divenson climbing out from his car. Hunter could no longer park the car properly. He stopped the car in the middle of the driveway and got out immediately, and he ran towards his father. 

I quickly got out of the car, and the next thing I saw, Hunter is already punching his father so hard on the face from left to right, and he didn't give his dad a chance to speak as he continues to beat him. His father's bodyguards are all in shocked as they watched him hit Clark. I don't want him to be violent. Still, I understand why Hunter is doing this to his dad, and even though I know his father deserves the worst, but I don't want my husband to be put behind bars if he couldn't stop himself; I ran towards them, and I hugged Hunter from behind, and I begged him to stop, and I felt so glad that he listened to me. And I saw his father stumbled on the ground, and Clark's bodyguards helped him to get up.. And I can feel the entire body of Hunter was shaking, and I couldn't believe we will be facing Clark Divenson today.

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