Loving Madeline

Chapter 86 - Lucinda’s Call

Madeline's POV

I couldn't believe Hunter will confess his feelings for me, I felt guilty because a while ago, I thought he would ask for a divorce from me, but I was on the seventh heaven when I heard the words from my husband's lips that he is now falling in love me. And I can feel my entire body was on fire, and I pinched my skin to make sure I wasn't dreaming at all. I want to shout with joy, and when my husband deepened our kiss, I can't stop myself from moaning, and I realized this is the happiest day of my life, and I can't ask for more.

"I love you too, Hunter," I said the moment he let go of my lips. He smiled and caressed my face with his fingers, and his feather-light touch ignites my body on fire, and I can feel the butterflies on my chest as he pulled me closer to him.

"Thank you, Madeline, for teaching me how to love again. I know I can't let go of Rebecca's memories that easily, but I hope you will be there every step of the way as I will try my best to forget her. But I hope you will understand that Rebecca is part of my life, and she was my first love, and I thought I will never be in love with anyone ever again, and I am so grateful that you came into my life. I was trying my best to push you away, but when you came home late, and when I saw the picture of Jack Morigan hugging you tightly, it made me realized I don't want you to be in the arms of another man because you belong with me, Madeline." He said as he caressed my long brown hair. 

And I am stunned that somebody sent a picture of me while Jack was embracing me during the opening of his restaurant, and it made me realized it was Hunter's father who delivered him the information because it was the same night Clark Divenson talked with me at the parking lot of Jack's restaurant. And I am just glad it made Hunter realized he loves me, and not the other way around because I can't afford to be pushed and hurt by my husband again.

"Hunter, I like Jack Morigan as a friend, and you don't need to feel jealous about him because I only love one man in my entire life, and I am glad it was you that my heart chose to fall in love with," I said, and he cupped and lifted my chin to see his beautiful eyes that made my knees go weak.

"I know, Madeline, and I am sorry that I can't control myself to be jealous of Jack every time he is near you." Hunter declared, and a smile spreads across my face. We stay on the sand for a long time listening to the waves hit the shore. And I didn't realize I dozed off, and when Hunter wakes me up with a soft voice, I realized I was lying on the sand, and my head is on his lap. When I opened my eyes, I smiled when I realized the moonlight illuminated the coastline. 

Hunter put his arms around my waist and heaved me from the ground, and we walk holding hands going inside our vacation home. And I want to stay on the sand longer, but I felt so sleepy. We showered together, and after I put on my nightdress, I quickly walked into the bed, and when my body hit the mattress, I fall asleep immediately. 

The following months were a series of shopping and eating dinner together at fancy restaurants in Archois City, and I felt so happy that my husband keeps his promise that he will try to start over, and he promised to spend more time with me. And I realized my husband is sweet in his way.

Gina is in our house, and I asked her to spend the night with me because Hunter is out of the country. He always calls and texts me now, unlike before that I seldom hear from him, and mostly he will ask Cal to communicate with me.

We are in the kitchen, and I am busy slicing the carrots, cucumber, radish for our Ensalada dish. And she was leaning on the island counter of the kitchen, and she keeps on eating the pieces that I cut.

"Hey, stop eating that, or else we don't have anything for dinner," I said, and she just laughed, and I get the plate and put it away from her, and the laughter of my best friend reverberated in the kitchen.

"You better get the lettuce from the fridge, Gina," I said, and she walked to the refrigerator and pulled out the lettuce.

"So, you are happy now?" Gina asked.

"Of course, I almost screamed when I heard Hunter said he was falling in love with me," I said, and my best friend giggled.

"Wow! I am so happy for you, Madeline. And I hope Hunter will stay like that until you grow old together." Gina declared, and I beamed at her.

"Thank you, Gina, and I was hoping the same thing," I replied.

"Well, now that your husband is finally in love with you, you only have one problem left; it is Hunter's father, Clark Diveson." Gina declared, and I suddenly felt worried. 

"Sometimes, I was afraid if he will come here and threatened me again," I reply 

"Well, you better tell Hunter about it, Madeline, before it is too late," Gina said, and I could tell she has a point.

"I want to, Gina, but I don't want him to hate his father, and as possible, I want him to have a good relationship with his Dad. Growing up without a father was hard, and even though I am doubtful about Clark Divenson, I still want them to get along. Besides, I need to have proof before telling Hunter about his father's involvement in Rebecca's death. I want to unravel that mystery first before I can say he needs to answer to his son." I said.

"Do you think you can find a way to discover Clark Divenson's secret?" Gina asked.

"Do you remember Lucinda? I am positive she knew something, and she promised to help me, and I am still waiting for her call, and I hope when she is ready to tell me everything you can come with me to the Magnolia Village, and I need you to go with me, Gina." I said.

"Of course, I will always be here to give you my full support, Madeline, and all I ask from you is be careful. There is a big possibility he will do the same to you, Maddie, and I am afraid if you will get hurt." Gina responded, and I smiled at her.

"I know Gina, he already told me once that he wants me out from Hunter's life, and if I remain firm in my decision to stick with my husband, he will do something to me too, and at first, I thought Hunter's father was not capable of doing something like that. But when he talked to me during the grand opening of Jack's restaurant, I realized he wasn't a good father at all." I declared.

We finished preparing our menus and put everything on the table, and I realized I am starving. We eat in silence, and I suddenly hear my phone is ringing. And when I pick it up, I can see an unknown number flashed on my screen, and I wondered who could be calling me using another number. I felt apprehensive as I answer the call.


"Is this Mrs. Madeline Brownwood?" Asked a woman from the other line, and I can tell I hear a familiar voice that I can't pinpoint who she was.

"Maddie, this is Lucinda." She said, and I felt my entire body turned cold, and I can feel my whole body shook, and I don't know why I am feeling this way. Maybe because of my excitement to know about Rebecca's death. All I want is to help my husband to forget her totally, but I can't be at peace knowing his father has some secrets.

"Lucinda, it is nice to hear from you. How are you?" I asked with a trembling voice.

"I am fine, Madeline. If you have time, meet me at your Villa this coming Saturday, and please don't tell your husband about it, and I want to talk with you first." She said, and I felt so happy.

"Of course, don't worry, Lucinda, I will come, and I hope you will not mind if I will bring my best friend with me," I said.

"It is okay, as long as she is the only one and no one must know about this, even the sister of Hunter." She said, and I can tell she was referring to Lily, and I couldn't stop myself from feeling so excited, and I hope this meeting will have a good result.

"Of course, Lucinda," I replied.

"Bye, for now, Maddie, see you on Saturday." She said and ended the call. And it took me a long time to move because I still couldn't believe Lucinda will help me.. After all, I believed she was loyal to Hunter's father.

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