Loving The Devil

Chapter 10 - In Your Face.

Chloe opened the message from Sally, first. "Chloe, I know Phillip spoke to you. I'm not sorry I slept with him. He was only faithful for the first three months of your entire relationship. I'm having this baby with him, and I plan to marry him. You know, I did you a favor. So, you can't hate me at all. I see you closed the store I'll be in tomorrow to open it up. I need the money, and I am still the manager and your best friend." Chloe read this and became appalled at her behavior.

Brian watched as she started to viciously send a reply. "Is everything ok angel?" "No, it's not. Sally slept with my ex and had the nerve to make it all my fault. She said I didn't have a right to be mad, and Phillip had been cheating after the first three months. She also informed me that she thinks she is still working for me and we're still best friends." Brian became awkward, not sure what to say "Mmm-hmm." Chloe didn't seem to notice and began to read what she was writing. "Sally, I am saddened to inform you, you are fired. Haha, just kidding I'm not saddened. However, you are fired. Fired from my cafe and fired from being my friend. With friends like you, who needs enemies? I just feel that you have stabbed me in the back way too much. Congratulations on having a baby with a cheating horndog. I wish you both the best happiness. Quick question, how long before he cheats on you? Once a cheater always a cheater. Ta-Ta" Satisfied with her reply she sent the message and read the one from Phillip. "I'm serious call me, or I'm calling the police." This angered her even more. With a loud sigh, she looked at Brian.

"What's the matter, love?" "Phillip is threatening to file a missing person's report, claiming you kidnapped me if I don't contact him. I'm sorry I got you into this mess." Chloe was about to break down crying at this point.

As the car reached a driveway with a four-story mansion at the end, Brian embraced Chloe; he wanted to console this fragile woman. "I can fix that. Ryan call the chief. Let him know the situation. Put a stop to it before it starts." Ryan nodded in agreement.


Phillip was with Sally when she got the message from Chloe. Sally became enraged; she had just been fired."I can't believe that bitch. She just fired me. What is she thinking?" "It will be ok Sally. I'm going to the police, obviously, that person kidnapped her and is forcing her to write these horrible things. She hasn't even contacted me, and there is no way she is mad at us. I mean its little push over Chloe."

Phillip contacted the police station and tried to file his report. When he gave his name, he was automatically sent to the chief. "Mr. Dawson, we take these matters seriously. Filling a false report is against the law. Miss. Willison already notified us of your intentions. She told us who she was with and where she is at. So if you continue to file a false report, I will have no choice but to arrest you." "She did what? Fine, I'll get to the bottom of this. She won't get away from us that easy" Phillip hung the phone up aggravated at this point. "Can you believe she went to the police already?" Phillip wasn't sure what to do now. "You could always go to her job and her home. Wait for her to show up and demand she leave that guy. Who the hell is this guy? He looks too good for her. Phillip, did you two actually break up?" "As far as I know yeah. She met the guy at the door and said it was her 'new boyfriend."

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