Loving The Devil

Chapter 13 - Heartbreak

Even though they both agreed to "date," after she left and went home, life became busy. She did manage to speak to Brian a few times and exchanged a few text messages every now and again. But Seeing each other, that has been a new issue. Their relationship was more like friends than anything else. When she opened the cafe back up, she became surprised by the unexpected amount of customers. "Sam, where did all of these people come from?" "I have no clue but if it keeps up this way you may have to hire new hands." Chloe laughed she knew Sam was right. Working through the lunch rush, she hears the bell ring. "Please have a seat anywhere; we will be right with you." Chloe was serving a table when she felt a tap on her shoulder. This tap was different than anything she had felt before. It cast off an eerie feeling of cold dread. Slowly she turned and saw Phillip standing there. His eyes were sunken in. His skin was pale and blotchy as if he hadn't washed since she saw him last. He looked thinner, and his clothes were worn and falling off. What happened to him? It's only been about a week since she saw him last. "Phillip? What are you doing here? Why do you look so terrible?" She cast a look of pity and sorrow for him. "Chloe, can we talk? Please just hear me out." Reluctantly, Chloe took him by his hands and led him to the back office. "Sam cover for me."

Once in the office, she gave Phillip all of three seconds to speak. "Whatever you have to say do so now. You won't get a second chance." Chloe sat down at her desk propped her feet on the desk her arms relaxed over her ċhėst.

"Chloe, I am sorry. I don't know what I thought when I cheated. It took for me to lose you to realize what I wanted. If you are willing to forgive me maybe, we can work things out and be together again. I love you, Chloe. I don't think I can live without you." Chloe was perplexed by his words. "...." Not knowing what to say she just sat there — thinking about her life without him and her life with him. For some reason in spite of everything she wanted to speak with Brian more than anything. She wanted to know how he felt.

"Phillip I want you to know I forgive you and Sally. But I'm not sure what you are expecting here today. If the answer is for us to be together, I'm not sure that can happen just yet. I do still have a boyfriend." "Please, Chloe you and I both know he was never your boyfriend but some random guy you chose in a fit of anger." "He is more my boyfriend then you ever were." With rage in his eyes, Phillip grabbed Chloe slamming her into the desk. "More than I ever was hun? Does that mean you gave 'it' to him?" Struggling to get out from under him she wasn't sure how to answer his question. If she replied yes she knew it would anger him if she replied no she was not sure of the outcome. "PHILLIP GET OFF ME!" Chloe yelled hoping someone anyone would hear. Phillip gave a mischievous grin; he knew with her actions that no other had touched her. Which, to him, meant he still had a chance. "I'm sorry Chloe I got jealous thinking another man had touched you." "Phillip please just give me some time to think things over ok?" Chloe, shaking at this point, flinched when he leaned down to kiss her cheek. When Phillip left the office, she slumped into the chair with a loud sigh of relief. Wanting to talk to someone anyone, she picked up her phone and called any random number. "Hello? Chloe is everything ok?" This voice, this is the voice she wished to hear right now. Chloe began to feel calm again and started to tell Brian what happened. "You're kidding me. Where did this take place?" Chloe had just finished telling him everything that took place about 15 minutes ago. "Here at the cafe. I'm still here with Sam. She is on the floor dealing with customers. "

Outraged by what happened, Brian began to blame himself. If he didn't push her away knowing she was leaving. If he had just made her stay, what could he have done to prevent this from happening? Then what he heard next was deafening. "Brian, I know that we are technically together. but if you don't object I would like to try and work things out with Phillip." Brian's face turned five shades red. His blood was boiling the thought of losing her to that filth. What should he do? How should he respond? So Brian being Brian gave the coldest response he could muster. If she were going to break his heart, he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing. "Honestly, we bȧrėly know one another. I don't see why you are asking me. If you want him, go, it makes no difference to me. Your not that special of a person anyways." With these words, Brian hung up the phone. His heart broke into pieces. Shattered and hurt Brian threw himself into his work, being more cold and distant than usual. Ryan had an idea of what happened but couldn't get Brian to talk about it.

Chloe sat there staring at the phone, almost wishing it would do a trick, at least then she wouldn't look so stupid. All she wanted was for him to say no, that he wanted her and Phillip couldn't have her. How did it turn so bad so quick? Chloe pondered on whether she should call him. Finally making a decision, she called Brian one last time. He didn't answer so she left him a voice mail. "I'm not sure what I did wrong. Maybe it was nothing, whatever it was I'm sorry. I just wanted you to say you wanted me and to never go to him. I wanted to feel like I mattered to someone. I guess I'm just a joke to be thrown around. That's fine. 'BEEP.' "Damn it." Chloe wanted to call back but decided to leave a text instead. "I thought I was falling for you. But instead, I fell for a joke. Bye." She then gathered all the courage and sent one other text. "Phillip, we will never get back together. Our time has passed. All that is left for us is friendship. Tell Sally I forgive her. If she wishes she may return to work." After sending the last message, she began to cry.

In the meeting, Brian's phone went off several times. Without looking at who it was from Brian continued his meeting. Knowing it was from her, he fought every urge to cry. He needed his walls again. Ryan grew impatient waiting for him to grow up and answer her calls. Ryan noticed that since the earlier conversation with Chloe, things have been worse everywhere Brian goes. Once the meeting ended Ryan pulled him aside "Brian, I do hope I can be frank with you." "What is the problem?" "Sir, please just give her a call. Let her explain. You're scaring the staff." "Fine." Giving in Brian opened his phone to reveal he had a missed call, a voice mail, and a text. He listened to the voice mail then read the text. Almost overwhelmed with emotions Brian gave her a call. She didn't answer, so he called her again. A male voice answered, "Hello who is calling?" "Where is Chloe is she ok?" Fear turned into panic Brian was not sure what to feel until he heard the next set of words. "Chloe is indisposed at the moment." " Who are you to be answering her phone?" "Phillip, her boyfriend."

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