Loving The Devil

Chapter 15 - Nincompoop

Brian stood in his office leaning against the floor to roof window. He stood there trying to guess what happened. He had her and just like that he let her go. Maybe it was for the best. If she ever got hurt because of him, he would never forgive himself. While self-reflecting his phone rang, he glanced in the direction of the noise to his desk. "I can't; I just can't talk to her. I can't hear the words from her." The phone stopped ringing, and a text message popped up. Ryan cautiously walked into the office. "Mr. Hughes? Are you not going to read that?" Ryan was headed to his desk to drop some files off when he noticed the notification. "Leave it be. Are those the merger files? Drop them there and leave." As cold as stone Brian knew that if he read the message, it would be the end of him.

As Ryan was leaving the office, he stopped to look at Brian's phone. Once he read the message from Chloe, he got happy. There may still be hope. This means that Brian hasn't lost her. He knew what he had to do. "Mr. Hughes, Why don't you take a break and go visit your mom." Brian sighed, he knew that Ryan was right. Seeing his mom always made him feel better. "Get the car ready I'll be down in a few. Cancel all of my appointments for the rest of the day." Ryan headed out to get the car happy with himself. Hopefully, she will still be there.


Chloe finished grabbing a few items from her home. She looked around and tried to think if she may need anything else. If all goes as planned, she may not be back for a little while. "Okay, Nathaniel we may leave now." They left the house headed for the cemetery. Chloe went to her parent's grave and hoped that he at least read her message.

Brian was leaving his office when an attractive woman stepped into view. "Brian, baby, oh how I've missed you. Where have you been?" Brian didn't want to deal with this woman right now. She can be very delusional. She got it into her head once that she and Brian were in a relationship. "Leave." Brian gave her the coldest look he could manage. With a black aura, he walked past her. "Don't follow." Brian got into the elevator making his way to the garage. When the elevator doors opened, he spotted Ryan. "That girl is back. Have security throw her out and get a restraining order. "

Brian climbs in.

On the way to the cemetery, Brian kept thinking of Chloe how she is a remarkable woman. With just a look she could make his heart stop and take away his breath. Why must he be so stubborn? He should just contact her. If he did what would he say? What would she say? No, she's with him again, remember?

Immersed in his thoughts, he didn't realize when they pulled into the cemetery that someone else was there. "Mr. Hughes, We have arrived." Brian sat thinking for a second of whether or not he should get out. In a sense, he knew how he was behaving and that his mom wouldn't approve of it. He also knew there was no fighting it either. He decided to get out and face his conscience.

While walking to his moms grave, he noticed a small figure in the distance. He knew who it was and knew she was also visiting.

Brian gave in walking to her. "Miss Chloe, how are you." He chose to act like nothing ever happened between them. Chloe jumped in surprise. She knew his voice; this is the voice she had waited to hear all day. "Brian." She said his name with a smile. She turned to see Brian standing behind her. His face was sorrowful. Her heart broke seeing him like this. She originally thought he read her message, but from the look on his face, she could tell he hadn't. "What are you doing here?" Brian's eyes narrow, seeing her now, she looks like she is happy. This pained him to see. He wanted her to be as miserable as he felt, he just couldn't figure out why. "I'm here to see my mother. She passed when I was 13."

"So, I won't dance around the subject. I'm going to be honest, and brutal, and you are going to sit there and listen. I refuse to be treated like some second rate floozy. I am a person, I have feelings, and you will hear them." Brian was dumbfounded by this little woman. She was no longer a little angel but a spitfire demon. "Yes. I'll listen to what you have to say. I may not like it, but I'll listen."

Chloe took a deep breath let it out to relax a little then let him have an earful.

"You dare believe someone over me again I will make you suffer. Phillip and I are not together. I told him I was through with him, done. You would know this if you picked up the phone just once. I don't know why but for some reason I can't stop thinking about you. It's weird because you sir are an ȧsshole. When I asked you if you thought I should get back with Phillip you should have told me no. I was your girl and would forever be your girl. You are a nincompoop."

Brian laughed at the way she scolded him. It was innocent like a school girl. This made him happy because that meant that he didn't touch her. "Why are you laughing? I'm getting onto you here." Brian reached out softly grabbing her face. Placed a strong, passionate kiss on her lips. Their tongues entwined feeling each other passionately. He wanted Chloe to know she was his. He pulled her to him one hand was around her leg pulling it up to his hɨps. And the other hand was tugging at her hair. Making her mȯȧn with his touch and kisses. Coming to her senses, she lightly pushed him away. "Brian we can't continue this here."

"My apologies ma'am I got carried away. I do believe I crave you more than I realized. Would you like to go out?"

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