Loving The Devil

Chapter 17 - Silly Girl

When Chloe showed up for work, she saw Sally sitting at the front bar. When Sally turned around, she saw a bruise on the right side of her face. "Did Phillip hit you?!" "Don't worry about it. I mad him mad. It was my fault." "Don't worry about it? Seriously? Sally, you don't need to stay with him. I know what you are going through. I dated him remember, hitting a woman is one thing but hitting a pregnant woman is different. I will not allow him to get away with this." "Chloe! Just stop, I'm with Phillip now not you. You're just jealous that he chose me."

Chloe was revolted by her accusation. "Seriously Sally is that what you think? I don't want Phillip. I have Brian now. Of course, I don't need a man; it's just nice to have one. Phillip could never be Brian. I'm rather glad Phillip made his choice, or I would still be pining over him while he slept with you." "I'm sorry Chloe that's not why I came here. I wanted to know if your job offer was still available." "Yes. I know you now have a little one to think about which is why I offered the job. Besides, I was mad about him cheating, but I'm not anymore. I can't be too mad when it has given me the best person I could ever have." "When can you start?" When Chloe spoke about Brian her face glowed, almost like a new bride. "I see that you are happy. I was shocked to hear you had someone new. But I'm glad you are happy. I can start today." "Okay. But you have to work under Sam and do everything she tells you. If you can't do this, I don't see you working here." Sally gritted her teeth not happy about working under Sam. "It's acceptable; I will do my best to get your trust back." "Oh and Phillip is not allowed here, Sally. If he comes to the cafe, he will be arrested." "I understand I just don't know how he will take it."


At Company A, Brian walked into the lobby smiling for once. He couldn't stop thinking about who he woke up to. When the receptionist saw this, she was confounded. She had never seen him smile. It was attractive. "Hello Mr. Hughes, You look pleasant today." Brian glared at her. "Are you here to work or flirt? If its work, then get back to it. If it's to flirt and find a rich man, then leave immediately. I do not tolerate slackers in my company." Ryan raised his eyebrow baffled by Brian's reaction. "Sir, she was just complimenting you." The receptionist vigorously shook her head up and down. "Yes sir, Yes sir. I was just complementing you, sir." Brian looked at Ryan and then the receptionist. "Your fired, clean everything out and be gone in 30 minutes or I'll have the police escort you off premises." Brian continued to head to his office. Now his day has turned sour because he knew that lady was flirting with him. This he would not tolerate. The last thing he needed was for someone to spread lies to Chloe. He needed her to trust him and wouldn't give her any reason not to.

"Send out a company-wide letter. Anyone who is caught gossiping or flirting will be fired immediately." Ryan agreed and thought 'man, I thought she saved us from the tyrant, but it appears it's only around her that he changes.' Brian headed to his office, sat down at his desk and typed a message on his phone. 'Hey, silly girl. I miss you already. About that date tonight: 8 pm at Le Bel Endroit. I'll send Nathaniel to pick you up. Wear the outfit." Brian was laughing and scheming like a little schoolboy with a crush. This was definitely a sight to see.


Chloe and Sam were doing inventory when Chloe's phone when off. "Are you going to check it?" Sam looked down at the phone. "Not right now we're still working. It's probably just from Brian. He will understand." "Okay, I've heard you speak of this guy a handful of times now you have to spill. what's his deal?" "Honestly Sam, I'm still figuring it out. I can't come within three feet of this guy and not want to disrobe him. I know once I do all bets are off. We kissed yesterday and my heavens neither of us wanted to stop." Sam giggled like an elementary school girl who just had seven minutes in heaven. "I'm glad you're not with Phillip anymore he was too abusive, not to mention a cheater. I kinda feel bad for Sally. No matter her crimes, she doesn't deserve to get abused." "I know, I stayed with him all those years because I thought I loved him and when he hit me I really felt it was my fault. It wasn't like he hit me all the time. Just when I made him angry. I can only imagine what Sally is going through. I need to do something." "Chloe you don't need to get involved. She will work it out." Feeling the mood decline. Chloe checked her phone. She read the message and became confused.

What dress was she to wear? At this time Sally came to the back with a dozen white roses and a beautifully wrapped box. "These just arrived for you. I'm not sure who they are from there was no card and the delivery guy wouldn't give me a name." Chloe smiled. "I know who they are from. Such a cheesy move. Adorable, but cheesy." She sent a message back to Brian 'I got the dress. I will wear it just for you. You are incredibly cheesy. But I like it; you don't have to try too hard I already like you.'

Brian let out a hearty laugh when he saw the response. 'Silly girl, the world isn't enough for you. So I shall start by giving you the universe. You deserve to have everything.' Chloe chuckled at his cheesy response. With her heart racing and her palms sweating she gave him her epic response. 'I already have everything. I have you.' When Brian read this his heart almost jumped out of his ċhėst. He was so excited, he shouted at Ryan, "Tell the whole company everyone is getting a raise." Ryan was so shocked he stood there for a few minutes. "Sir are you okay? Did she propose to you?" "Don't be silly Ryan it's too early for marriage." Brian showed him what she said, and after reading it, he understood. The only other person who felt that way about him was his mother.

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