Loving The Devil

Chapter 19 - Unwanted

Several hours passed when the doctor finally showed. Chloe couldn't make out if he had good news or bad news. "Miss, are you the family of Sally Johnson?" Chloe bombarded the doctor with questions. "Yes, is she okay? What about the baby? Are they going to make it? How bad is she? May we see her? Please don't tell me she died." Brian wrapped his arms around Chloe embracing her and trying to comfort and support her. Preparing for the worst news, Chloe held Brian's hand. "Miss Johnson will live, she is going to have a hard recovery, but she will recover. She is going to need all the support she can get. We haven't told her yet, but she lost the child. When she wakes up, it would be nice to have support when she hears the news. She does have several broken ribs, a broken arm, and wrist. Her face is swollen and stitched. You may see her once she wakes up." "Thank you, doctor." After hearing the extent of her injuries, Brian knew what he had to do. He knew that if he wouldn't have stepped into Chloe's life that could have been her lying there.

Chloe held Brian's hand while walking to see Sally. When they reached the room, Chloe opened the door. She saw Sally lying there battered and unconscious. Sally looked as though a bus had hit her. "I can't believe he went this far. What was he thinking?" At this time, Sam came in saddened at the sight of Sally. "He just showed up at the cafe, yelling and screaming about how if she wouldn't have gotten pregnant then he could still have you. Somehow he found out that you were with Brian on your date. I don't think he fully understands that you are not his anymore." Chloe and Brian exchanged looks.

"So this happened because of me?" Chloe began to blame herself. "Silly girl, this didn't happen because of you. It happened because he is a psychopath. He saw that you were happy with someone else and wanted to ruin it. I won't allow that to happen." "Brian, calm down. It will be ok. Don't think about him we need to be here for her." Brian knew she was right. It infuriated him thinking about what she must have gone through before he met her. "Did he ever hit you, Chloe? Before you answer, remember we agreed on no lies between us." "I know what we agreed upon. I was there. Yes, he has hit me before. Mainly when I refused to sleep with him. I had much rather take a few hits than sleep with him. I think it's why he was sleeping around." Hearing her talk so casually about this upset him. He wasn't upset with her. Just what she had to go through. She was perfect. A perfect angel sent from heaven and was hurt by another man. He will pay!

The women were talking about what happened when Phillip was around when Brian's phone rang. "Hello, is everything okay?" "Hey boss, we found him. He is in the cellar tied up and waiting for you." "Okay, I'll be right there." Brian looked at Chloe hoping she wouldn't ask. He didn't want to scare her off, and at the same time, he didn't want her to stop him.

Chloe noticed that he had an urgent matter to attend and couldn't explain what was going on. "It's okay. You may go handle your business. I had Nathaniel leave the car, so I can drive home when I finish here." Brian nodded. He wanted to tell her he loved her, but it was still too soon.


Brian went to the mansion cellar, and sure enough, Phillip was tied to a chair screaming his head off. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE MESSING WITH! I WILL HAVE YOUR LIVES FOR THIS! YOU CHICKENSHIT BASTARDS! LET ME GO.! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Brian went up to him and spoke in a low deep, intimidating tone. "You are lucky. I do indeed know who you are. Someone not worth being on this planet for much longer. My actions from here forward, I will never regret. I will only regret Chloe's wrath when she finds out what I will do." Brian knew he couldn't kill him. Even if Chloe didn't have feelings for Phillip anymore, she would be upset because Brian killed a person. "Chloe? What does she have to do with this? Who are you? Does she know what you are up to? I will...." Brian hit Phillip in the jaw causing him to spit blood. "I will only give you this one chance. Boys untie him...Phillip, you can fight me like a man, I know you can beat women but what about a man? If not then you can stand there while I beat your ȧss." Phillip didn't say anything and took a swing at Brian. Brian gracefully took a step back dodging the hit. Phillip took another swing, and again Brian dodged. Brian swung on Phillip hitting his eye. Phillip lunged at Brian. Brian took the hit wrapping his arms around the top half of Phillip throwing him to the ground. Phillip let out a groan. "Ahhh. I give, I give." Brian wasn't about to let him go just yet. His anger was getting the best of him. He grabbed Phillip by the collar and started to punch his face. Ryan stood by and let Brian get about five hits in before reminding him he couldn't kill him. "Boss, if you hit him again he will die. Think about Chloe!" Chloe's face popped into Brian's thoughts. He stopped hitting Phillip. "Drop him at a hospital. Have someone visit when he gets out to let him know next time will be worse if even thinks about going near Chloe or anyone she cares about." Brian left upstairs to get cleaned up before Chloe came back. He sent her a message 'I made it home I'll see you when you get here. Be safe, angel."

While waiting for Sally to wake up, Chloe was talking to Sam. "He is the sweetest man ever. When he spends his money, it's not to impress me like others. Like when he bought out the restaurant. It wasn't to impress me. It was so we could be alone for our first date." Sam swooned over the story when Chloe's phone went off. She read the message and smiled. "Awe. This makes me want to head to his place and just give him my everything." Chloe Blushed thinking about what he would look like nȧkėd. "ugh... get quiet guys your too loud." Sally had awoken. "My head is killing me. Where am I?" Sam and Chloe looked at each other worried. "Sam, what is the last thing you remember?" "Sam and I were at the cafe working when Phillip came in yelling about you." Worried about whether or not she should tell her Chloe stands. "I'll get a doctor. They may want to evaluate you now that you are awake."

"Chloe, we have known each other for a while, now. I know your hiding something what is it?" Chloe's face turned white; she never thought she would have to break the news. "Just let me get the doctor." "No! Tell me now!" "Fine. Phillip beat you really bad. The doctor said you broke several bones and had internal bleeding. You also...lost the baby."

"....." Sally sat not knowing how to react. Then threw the closest thing to her at Chloe. "It's all your fault. I would still have my baby if you didn't go off being a tramp. Get out! I don't ever want to see you again." Sam and Chloe darted out of the room. "Don't worry she's only upset right now. She isn't sure who to take her anger out on. Just head on home, I'll keep you updated." "Okay. I know and thank you."

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