Loving The Devil

Chapter 28 - Old Friends

Chloe was taking her time in the tub and remembering every passionate touch from last night. She couldn't believe he could be so sensual. She felt like their bodies were in sync with each other. Maybe he's a mind reader she thought. To her, it seemed as if Brian already knew what she wanted, and when. He quickly found all her sėnsɨtɨvė spots. She felt like she was in heaven. She had finally decided to leave the tub and get dressed after her body started to wrinkle. Her phone had begun to ring while getting dressed. She rushed to answer thinking it was Brian, tripping along the way. "Hello?" She answered without seeing who it was from. "Hey Chloe, can you come to see me today? I miss you. I am sorry about the things I said last time you visited me. Please come by for a minute at least." Chloe recognized the voice, Sally. "Hey Sally, yeah I think I could stop by and speak with you. We have something to discuss anyway." Chloe hung up the phone and proceeded to get dressed. Pain still coursing through the body. She took some medication to ease the pain and headed to the hospital to see Sally.

Arriving in Sally's room, Chloe noticed a depressing Aurora around Sally. "Are you ok?" "I wanted to see how you were doing. Considering Phillip's untimely...death..." It hit Chloe as to why Sally called her here. Sally was genuinely upset because of Phillip's death. Chloe had forgotten how much Sally loved Phillip. Chloe was glad he was dead. "I'm sorry for your loss, Sally. I know that no matter how he acted or how he felt you still loved him. In the end, he had done everyone a favor." "That's just what I wanted to speak with you about. Phillip wasn't suicidal. He would never have killed himself. Someone set him up. No offense Chloe but he wouldn't have left his suicide note for you." Sally was hysterical almost screaming at Chloe. "Calm down Sally I am sure the police and coroners know what they are doing. What are you implying?"

"Chloe, I think someone killed Phillip." Sally broke down crying. Chloe knew what happened. She knew Sally was right. She chose to make her feel paranoid and cover for Brian. Brian has done everything for her. That is more than anyone else has bothered to do. "Sally, no one killed Phillip. The report said there was no forced entry; he shot himself. The funeral is tomorrow. I think you are just upset. I know he didn't treat either of us well. However, you still managed to love him. Through it all, you loved him much more than I ever did. I didn't plan on attending his funeral, but if you want me to go with you, I will." Chloe held Sally's hand stroking the back of her hand tenderly. " I can't attend. I am stuck in a hospital. I know he was killed. I won't drop this until I know the truth." Sally snatched her hand away from Chloe. "You may leave now. I thought you would hear me out and agree. I guess I was wrong." Chloe left Sally's room a feeling of dread washed over her. What if she does find something? What would happen to Brian? She needed to talk to him and let him know what has happened. Just when she thought things were going to be okay, this happens, and it's like a slap in the face.

Chloe picked up her phone to dial Brian's number only to realize he must still be in a meeting. She contemplated what she should do. Head home, head to his office, or head to the cafe? She wasn't sure who she could talk to about this and what would someone say about her situation. It felt like the whole world was now enemy number one. One slip up, or one person, that's all it would take to put him in jail. It hit Chloe, what if things didn't work out with Brian? She just gave him everything she was, and she knew his secret. What if he ever thought she would tell someone? Would he have her killed as well? She didn't ever think he was capable of something like this. It hit her like a ton of bricks weighed down by water. It hit her how real the situation was and what could happen. This was why he asked if she was afraid of him. At the time, she thought it to be a silly question. But, now that she has had time to think about it...and it hit her hard. She realized how afraid she truly was. "Damn Sally putting these crazy thoughts into my head." Chloe decided to drive and to keep going until the gas ran out and she couldn't drive anymore. She wanted to think and to clear her head. Thinking logically everything has happened fast. How long has Brian been watching her? How long have things been falling apart without her realizing it? What can she do at this point? How can she fix things and make them better? Deep in her thoughts, she found herself at the beach. Her phone lit up; she checked the caller I.D. She read Brian's name and allowed it to go to voicemail. She needed to think. She needed time to figure things out. Why was she now scared of him?


Brian finished at the office and returned home. Expecting to see Chloe either in the bed, wore out, or in the living room relaxing. He couldn't find her in either place. He grew worried and searched the entire house looking for her only to find it empty. He picked up the phone and dialed her number. Voicemail; what is going on here? Where did she go? He looked at the phone and dialed Ryan's number. Maybe she went to the cafe.

" Hello is everything ok, sir?" "Ryan, have you seen Chloe today or heard from her? I'm worried. I got home, and she wasn't here, and I called her but no answer. I'm just paranoid, right?" "Boss, calm down everything will be okay. She couldn't have gone far. I'm sure she is okay. I'll have Sam give her a call and see where she is." Brian sighed a breath of relief. "Yeah, okay, you do that. I'll just wait here. She probably went to the store." Brian tried to convince himself that things were okay, but this nagging feeling kept creeping its way back into his heart. He knew something was wrong.

Ryan looked at Sam who was already on the phone calling Chloe. She shook her head no when she reached her voicemail. "What is going on? Brian is really worried, and now I'm becoming worried." "Did something happen between the two?" Ryan blushed, knowing that they had both just made love the night before. "They both finally got laid." Sam dropped her jaw in shock. After staring at Ryan like he had done some kind of new trick. She finally spoke. " Chloe gave 'It' to him? Wow, she really needs someone to talk to. It is important that we find her quick. Knowing Chloe, she is probably in a downward spiral."

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