Loving The Devil

Chapter 35 - Losing Everything

Chloe awoke to Nathaniel shaking her. "Ms. Chloe! Ms. Chloe! Wake up!" She caught a glimpse of worry on his face. "What's the matter? Why are you shaking me?" "Ma'am, I have been trying to wake you for thirty minutes now. You were screaming Brian's name in your sleep. I was worried." "Nathianel, may I ask you a question?" Concern was written on his face. "Yes ma'am you may ask, and I'll do my best to answer." "When I was about ten, I ran away from home. While I was out, I got into an accident. A little boy pushed me out of the way and saved me. I was wondering whatever happened to him?" "Miss, this isn't something we should dwell on. What brought this along?" " I keep having nightmares about the event. I guess since I found out I'm going to be a mom, I worry that I won't do a good job considering I took someone else's child away. But last night. I dreamt that Brian was in his place. It was strange." "Miss, the boy lived. He didn't die that day. He was injured, but your parents took care of him and his medical expenses. I thought you knew this? The boy came around several years ago looking for you. I thought he had found you, considering you were close." "Really? Who is it? I don't remember meeting anyone several years back other than Phillip. Was it Phillip?" "No miss. I guess if he hasn't revealed himself to you yet, then it is not my place. He must have a reason to keep that part of his life a secret. Well, Miss, Breakfast is ready, and I called Sally over to visit. She has called here worried about you." "Thank you, Nathan. I'll be out in a moment, let me get changed." Chloe was left with her thoughts running wild. 'So the boy lived, and I know him or knew him. This is too much. I'm quite glad Sally is headed over. I need to vent. I still can't believe the fight I had with Brian. These stupid hormones.' Chloe left the room headed to the kitchen when a knock reverberated from the door. She opened the door to see Sally standing there with a grin on her face. "Why are you so happy?" "Because I woke up this morning. What happened? Why are you back here?" Chloe sighed. A million and one questions this early in the morning was not her cup of tea. "Come in, Sally; I was just about to sit down and eat." The girls sat at the table while Nathaniel served them. He was happy to see Chloe again, just not under these circumstances.

"What happened with you and Brian? Why are you here?" Chloe reluctantly told Sally what happened. "Now I don't know what to do. Should I keep the baby? Should I just leave him and raise it on my own?" "Hey, don't worry, you have time to figure it out. I have somewhere I need to go. Why don't you come with me? It'll be fun, I promise." Sally grinned a devilish grin. "You know what, I could use some fun. Sure I'll go. Let me go change first." "Ok. I have to make a call first. I'll be waiting outside." Sally headed outside dialing a number in her phone. "Hey, it's me. It's time. She's pregnant. Send the last one. Say we have her and his child. He will never see them. it's all his fault." She hung up the phone. "Okay, I'm ready. Where are we going?" Climbing into the car, Sally smiled. "It's about a three-hour drive. Why don't you get some sleep and I'll wake you when we get there." "Okay and thanks, I know I haven't been much of a friend but thank you for being here and dragging me along."

On Brian's way to work, all that was on his mind was Chloe. He tried everyone they knew, and no one had seen her. He couldn't figure out where she might be. He grew worried about finding out why she hadn't come home last night. Hoping he hadn't ruined everything. He wanted her, and if that meant having a child, he could live with it. He needed to find her so he could tell her. He was on his way to his office when his secretary stopped him. "Mr. Hughes, another letter came. This time it was given to the mail person." Brian snatched the letter from her and hurried into his office. "So quick? Is he getting desperate or bold?" Brian read the note and cried for a second time.

- Dear Brian,

This is one of the hardest things I'll ever have to do. I can't stay with you. I want the baby more than I have ever wanted anything in my life before. I don't blame you for not wanting children, but this means we can't be together anymore. I can't face you knowing how much it will hurt me to say these words. So I choose to write this letter instead. Don't bother looking for me. You will never find me. I loved you, Brian, but your words will forever haunt me. Maybe in the next life, we can find one another. For now, I will raise the child on my own. Maybe one day I will move on and get married to another. Hopefully, you can do the same. I wish you the best of luck in a childless life. Bye forever.

With ever ending love

Your angel


When Brian read the letter sent from Chloe, his legs gave out, causing him to fall. His heart felt like it was being torn out through a shredder and then set on fire. All he could do was cry to release the pain and anger. He couldn't believe Chloe left and wouldn't allow him to reconcile and accept the baby. He knew it was all over. His world meant nothing without her in it.

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