Loving The Devil

Chapter 40 - Space

Brian didn't like it when he heard those words from her. "Its ok Chloe, we will talk. Later, please? I just want to enjoy this time with you." "That's the thing, Brian. I don't think it can wait any longer. Sally told me some things about you. Some things that concern me." "I can only imagine what that Witch would tell you." "Please just listen and then tell me its all lies. Please." "I don't know if I can do that. It depends on what she told you." Brian gave Chloe a soulless look. He had guessed what Sally told her. However, he still wanted to hear it from Chloe. "Sally said that you'd killed more than just Phillip. You also have been stalking me for a while now. She said you bought out my company and that you have been using me all this time. Please tell me it's not true. I'll apologize for not trusting you, and we can return like normal. Please?!" Brian's features grew dark, and Chloe dreaded the next words. "It's not all true. Its lies mixed with truth to cause doubt between us." "So you haven't killed five people, and you haven't stalked me?"

"That is true." Chloe became flushed and ran to the bathroom. Her stomach turned at the thought of him being a stalker. Brian hurried behind her only to have the door slammed in his face before he could reach her. He pounded on the door. "Chloe! Please open the door. I have to explain it to you. After you hear me out if you wish it, I'll leave you alone forever. Just please allow me to explain." Brian Pounded on the door again, pleading for her to open. Chloe was inside crying, feeling betrayed, feeling as though the man she loved, she bȧrėly knew. Wishing she would have never regained her memories. "Leave! I don't want you here. I don't want to see you or hear from you. Leave now!" Chloe was a mess of emotions. She was sad, furious, lost, hurt, and felt betrayed.

Sam and Ryan rushed into the room upon hearing the commotion. "What's going on? Why are you beating on the door? Is Chloe okay?" Sam rushed to the door and heard Chloe telling Brian to leave. "Brian, I think you should leave for now. Give her some time she will remember you." Brian shot Sam an unpalatable look. "She already remembers everything. Now she hates me, and it's all that bitches fault. The worse part is she has her mind made up about me already. In her eyes, I'm the bad guy. She won't even allow me to explain the situation." Brian turned and headed out of the room, hanging his head in defeat. Ryan stopped him, "Hey, it will be okay. Let Sam talk to her and give her some space. Maybe then she will come to you wanting to talk." "Yeah, maybe...I don't know anymore." After Brian left, Sam knocked on the bathroom door. "Hey sweetie, he left. Can you come out now?" Sam pleaded for her to open the door. Slowly Chloe opened the door popping her head around the door, examining the room for Brian. When she didn't see him, she stepped out with tears running down her face. "Awe, Chloe, Sweetie." Sam held Chloe tight against her ċhėst in a hug.

"It will be ok. Come, sit, we need to talk. Ryan, Sweetie, go see about him. Please, we can't let this happen to our friends." Chloe and Sam sat down, Chloe still crying, "I... don't... know... what... how... please." "Calm down, Honey, slowly tell me what happened." "Sally... told me... that Brian staled me for years and only used me all this time. I asked him, and he didn't deny it." "Chloe, I know." Chloe shot Sam a look of betrayal.

"What do you mean? Explain!" "I saw Brian come around before you met him. He used to come in, order coffee black, and sit in a booth by himself. I asked him one day, and he said he was working the courage up to thank you for saving his life. He said that when you were younger something happened and because of that you saved his life. I didn't ask too much more. I thought you knew this. I thought that when you finally met him, he had told you that's why you were together." "No. I don't remember saving him. I have never saved anyone in my life. I couldn't even save Sally, so he must have been mistaken." "I wouldn't know maybe that's what he wanted to explain to you. As far as him using you? Chloe, honey, Do you really think...at any point...that this man didn't love you? You don't see the way he looks at you, or how worried you make him when you're not around. How about the fact that the entire time you were comatose he has been by your side day and night. He never left your side. He was here begging and pleading for you to wake up. When we were all giving up hope and ready to let you go, he fought for you and said that you wouldn't leave him. He said that his and your love was strong enough to pull you back. That you swore, you wouldn't leave him. He cried for days after finding out you miscarried. Blamed himself saying he was stupid and did enjoy the idea of being a father that he would love the kid because it was part you. That he knew no matter what the child would be great because it would have you as a mom. Does this sound like a man who used you?" Chloe sat, shocked by her friend's words. Disbelief settled in, and when reality woke her up, she bawled. She knew he loved her, and she loved him. She was stupid and allowed Sally to influence her choices. She knew what she had to do.

Brian left the hospital before Ryan could catch up with him. Ryan called his cell several times, failing to speak with Brian. Brian headed to his house. It felt weird being there without Chloe. His depression grew with each memory they shared. Every room had shared memories of Chloe. The living space where they laughed, cuddled and watched movies, the kitchen where they playfully cooked together, the stairs he carried her up every time she fell asleep in his arms, and of course, the bedroom they shared and the bedroom that was hers. Every time he shut his eyes, she was what he saw. He couldn't escape her, and he didn't want to. Brian sat in self-loathing. Wishing he would have told her the truth. He should have fought harder and kept her safe. He knew Sally was up to no good, he should have seen it and stopped her. Brian called a staff meeting within the house. "I've decided that I will be leaving. I don't know for how long. While I'm gone, Chloe will still be staying here after she gets better. I expect you to continue doing your jobs. You will still be compensated for your work, that will not change. If there is an emergency, have David call me. I'll be at the beach house in Palawan. That is all." Brian headed to the room to pack a few things. If she wanted space, he was going to give her space.

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