Loving The Devil

Chapter 7 - Know Your Place!

Sam already regretted drawing attention to her self. So when Phillip confronted her, she felt obligated to speak to him. "I can spare a moment. What is wrong? Am I not doing my job correctly?" "Let us speak over here privately please."

As they walk to a secluded corner of the cafe, Chloe takes out her phone and sends a text message, simple but elegant. "Hey Ryan, can you chat? This is Chloe Wilson by the way." She hit send and anxiously waited for his reply.

"Sam, I am aware of what you saw that day. I am not gonna try and deny that it didn't happen. I plan to tell Chloe on my terms, not yours. Even if you tell her, she won't believe you, even if she did she would hate you for telling her. Cant, you see how in love with me she is? You would kill her with news like that. So if you care about her at all, you will allow me to tell her when the time is right. What am I worried about? If you told her, I could just convince her you were lying then tell her to fire you for trying to break us up."

"You know, I have seen a lot of trash lately, but who knew that it was just all falling out of your mouth. Do you think your hold on her runs deep? Do you think she is so naive, that she will simply believe the rubbish you call dialogue? How about the knives you call emotions? Let's test it out. I'm willing to lose my job but are you willing to lose your trophy?"

Phillip stared at her dumbfounded. Not sure how to handle this. Never before has a woman spoke to him this way. He is appalled, he is enraged, he is turned on...?

All he could manage to do was look at her with a glazed over expression. Sam walked away having said her peace. She knew something like this would happen and already prepared a backup plan.


Meanwhile, at Company A, on the tenth floor in a meeting room full of executives and a CEO, a small ping was heard. Once this was heard, the group grew terrified. With petrified looks on their faces looking at each other, waiting for the big icy boss to reprimand the guilty person.

To everyone's surprise, the icy boss takes out his phone, gives it a look, and...smiles? To them big boss Brian Hughes never smiled. He was known for being an icy, overbearing, and conscientious person.

It surprised the group, even more, when Brian dismissed the meeting. "We are done here. Everyone go back to work. I shouldn't have to babysit you." Once Brian left the room, he sent a message to Chloe. "Chloe, for you my dear, I will give you all my worldly time. Did you, my angel, want me to stop by?" Without waiting for a response, Brian headed to the elevator. Before the doors opened Ryan came running "Mr. Hughes, I have the information you requested. That...." Brian interrupted him, "Follow me; we shall discuss this on our way.


Back at the cafe, Chloe received a text message from Brian. After she read it, she couldn't stop smiling. "What has you so happy?" She looked up to see Phillip standing there staring at her with a serious look on his face. "We need to talk. I'll meet you in the office." As she watched Phillip walk away, she got a heavy feeling in her ċhėst. "Sam, I'll be right back. Hold down the fort." Chloe went back to the office to talk to Phillip. She started to feel like she should tell him about Ryan. The guilt was eating away at her like termites.


"Her boyfriend's name is Phillip Dawson. They have been together for Three years. He works at a small accounting firm. He has also been cheating on her for two years and nine months. He has no money and came from no status." Like a good soldier, Ryan started giving the information over and trying to be fast and smart. He feared what would happen when the boss caught on to this guy cheating on Chloe. Brian grew infuriated with this information. How could 'a nobody' cheat on a precious goddess like Chloe? "Ryan, hurry." Telling Ryan to drive faster. He didn't know if she knew, all he knew is he wanted to be there when she found out.


With Chloe and Phillip in the office talking, Sam grew worried. Worried that he wouldn't tell her, instead, he would take the cowards route and lie.

In the office, silence spreads. The pair were staring at each other intensely. Waiting for the other to speak. "Why were you so happy earlier?" "A friend of mine said something amusing. He can be a bit full of himself."

"Chloe, are you cheating?" Chloe grew angry. She couldn't believe the cheater was accusing her of cheating. Gritting her teeth "No, I would never consider it." She managed to say this much with a clenched jaw. "I kinda hope you would have been. It would have made this easier. Sally isn't sick; she's pregnant. It's my child. Yes, I've been sleeping with her for over a year now."

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