Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

Chapter 116 - Decree



"No. Do not involve anyone. I would do it myself. You relax."

"But I would like to be of assistance this time around."

"Jade, in as much as I love your bravery and spirit, I implore you to not get involved. Things are going to be riskier this time around."

"I was born for risk," Jade argued with him.

"I love that but I was born to protect you," Arctic retorted.

"You cannot do this to me. Not now. I am not a child anymore. Father kept that message for me. Me, Arctic, so that I can be cautioned and still carry on after him."

"No, so that you can be well off. For you to lead a normal life safe from harm so that you would not have to go through what he did."

"All that went down the drain the day they were taken from me. He must have known that. He must have known that I can never sit around waiting for a man to marry me and lead a princess-free life."

"Every parent wants and wish that for their child, Jade. I want you to see reason."

"I cannot live that life. All my life revolves around now is my revenge. I would not rest until I see they have been met with the very same fate my family was met with. An eye for an eye, Arctic and a tooth for a tooth."

"Jade please, listen to me."

'No Arctic. You listen to me. I am Jade Nova Frost. Sole heiress to the Frost Empire and daughter of the deadly iceberg. Danger resides in me. It flows through my veins and if the Anders think they have it all, then let them come to me. I would not run, I would not hide anymore. I must take that blood that was drawn."

"If that is what you want."

"Yes, that is what I want," Jade said cutting him short.

"Good then. Then as your teacher and protector, I, Arctic forbid you from getting involved in this case further."

"What! You cannot do that."

'Yes I can and I would. I promise your father I would look after you and not let any harm come to you. I would not seat and watch you waltz into death's open  arms."


"It is settled, Jade. Please. I would also cut all link with your men if I see that you disobey me."

"How could you do this? This revenge is for you and me and you know it. Please do not do this, Arctic," Jade pleaded as her eyes burned, the tears threatening to break free from their socket.

"I love you dear but I would rather take this upon myself than involve you. Secondly, I want you to live for Asia and yourself. Do not throw your life away. I  promise to revenge for you." 

As he spoke, he saw a teardrop spill free from her eyes and shook his head, closing the gap between them.

Arctic went further to wiping her tears away while gazing down at her lovingly. "A leader should not show any form of weakness, Jade. Show no fear, be strong, emotionally and physically. You are born to lead and lead you shall."

"Then it is as you said. I am a leader and as your boss, I rescind your earlier command. You must and you will report to me Arctic about all the operations we run and any news of the Anders. There shall be no cutting off of anyone. This is my decree. The fight has only just begun."

Arctic had already resigned his mind on Jade being too stubborn and when she had decreed it, he did not argue with her. There was more than one way to make her back down, he thought.


Days later, she met with Macy at the company. All through, her manager had been mega scarce and not always around her as she used to.

In as much as Jade wanted to question her, she ignored it and left her to do what she wanted doing. Her friend was in love and so was she.

In fact, her whole outlook had changed because of it. Now, she looked like she had added enough weight. 

On first look at her, Jade was tempted to say something but after proper thought on it, she swallowed her words and greeted her friend normally.

"Hello Macy, how are you?"

"How do you do too?"

"Cool. I bet you are too. Please seat down." Jade gestured for her to seat and took her seat as well. "Now, tell me, what do I need to know?"

"I do not get. What do you mean by what do you need to know?" Macy questioned her back.

"Uh… It is obvious."

"Obvious what?" Macy did not quite understand what her friend was driving out and that was because her mind wasn't even there. 

It hadn't been up to four hours since she last saw Jay but her body was already itchy and missing him so bad that her mind only found solace in reminiscing about the time they had together.

"Oh Macy, come on, do not make me say it out."

"No please, by all means, do say it out."

Jade was speechless. She thought her friend would catch on to what she meant easily but it turned out that wasn't the case at all.

"Is that how much he had successfully clouded your mind and your judgment, Macy?"

"Hehhe… Oh, that? No, Jay hasn't done much yet?"

"Much! He bloody already have you daydreaming about him, what more would he give to you?"

"Between you and I, we are still trying out several other ways or positions to make our sex life more surreal."


'Is she really serious right now? Oh my God! What has Jay done to my friend? It is like I do not know her much anymore. Things have changed. Macy has changed a lot. I wonder just how many times a day they do the deed.' 

Jade's mind was already going bonkers just thinking about how well or how much her friend was enjoying having sex with Jay.

Honestly, a part of her envied Macy. She was free, happy, able to do just anything she wanted to do and that was something she wanted so much.

She wanted Xander, all of him. She wanted to be one with him and have him cherish her as she would cherish him. 

She wanted him to take her to places she never thought was possible when they made love but the sole fact that she meeting him was because she came to this city which was as a result of what happened to her family, Jade held back.

"Jade, Jade," Macy called out to her but her friend ignored her. Her mind was too cut up in her own imagination to bother with her. "JADE!"

Jade jolted up from her seat and looked at Macy with shocked-filled eyes.

"What is the matter?" Her chest rose and fell at a fast pace, making it evident to Macy that she was startled real good just now.

"What were you thinking about that you were so engrossed in?" Macy asked her while giving her the quizzical look.

"Umm nothing," Jade lied.

"Are you sure?" Macy raised her brows at her several times in a playful manner.

"Yes, I am, Macy."

"I doubt that. You were so engrossed in your thoughts. It definitely is not nothing, my dear. Something is wrong."

"Nothing. I am just happy for you but it is just that you seem to love having sex much now or he changed you so much that you are freely talking about it."

"Hearing her friend's concern, Macy could not help but burst into an uproar of laughter. "Hahahh ahhaah … Jade, whooo! Come on, girl… hahaha."

"Okay, that is awkward…" Jade darted her eyes from side to side as she waited for Macy to get herself back.

"Baby girl. Wow, I am surprised by your genuine concern for me."

"Stop kidding. I am serious here."

"And so am I," Macy chipped in saying, "I am serious. Yes, it may look strange but you are my best friend and I would not lie to you. I love Jay and what is wrong in there if lovers were to have sex?"

"I am not saying it is wrong but you have changed babe. You changed a lot. It is just surprising how quick you did, nothing more. But do not get me wrong though, I am happy for you."

"Are you sure?" Macy gave her the quizzical look. She wasn't so sure about that.

"Yes, I am. I am happy you found love. A month ago, you weren't so sure about it but now, you are better and you love the guy drilling you."

"Yeah, who would have thought that a d…" Macy was about saying the word dragon but as soon as she recalled that Jade knew nothing and cleared her throat instead.

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