Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

Chapter 128 - Yonder Mountain 1: Another Challenge



"Hahaa hhaha let him try," Jenny laughed wickedly at her boyfriend's words of caution.

"I do not want him taunting your dragon and making you crankier than this. Who do you think would suffer at the end of the day?"

"Well since you are his friend, it is obvious you would have to go in for it, baby."

"Sigh, you see. He knows you won't do anything to him that is why he would want to taunt you."

"Says who I cannot do anything to him? Tsk, I can cause a fight between himself and his lover," Jenny threatened.

"Oh no, you wouldn't do that. I do not want a cranky girlfriend and best friend. In fact this discussion has come to an end. You are not to go anywhere, Jenny. Go and have a lovely nice sleep."

"Without you to cuddle me? Nope. I pass. It won't be lovely anymore," Jenny whined. She missed it whenever Sky was very busy and they won't sleep together. 

It wasn't like their relationship was all about sex, sex, sex. No in fact they were building something stronger. 

Even with her in his arms, Sky could stay a week without having sex with her but for the cuddling, he knew it was one thing, Jenny would not agree on.

"Calm down dear. Calm down. I better go see what that bratty friend of mine wants."

"Okay. Well technically you have used four minutes of your time, honey. I suggest you run along now."

"Yikes, who knows, Jay might first me," Sky thought out loud.

"Then it is a challenge. First Jay and I would wake you up with a blowjob for the next one week." 

Wow! Sky could not begin to imagine how his next one week would be if he won the race. " That is promising. Are you sure? You are keeping your word babe."

"Sure. All you need to do is win. Show them who is the fastest."

"Definitely." Sky gently kissed her on the lips before she pushed him off and sauntered backwards away from him.

It wasn't like that was what she did every time and that was why a week with morning blowjobs was something he was looking forward to.



By the time they arrived at Xander's house, Jay found that Sky had first him like before only that he arrived seconds earlier than before.

At first he wondered why his friend had come a few seconds before him but when he thought about his own distraction, he understood.

"Come in, you two." Xander's voice distracted them from their thoughts and they immediately shifted back to their human form before moving into this room from the balcony.

"I wonder what the emergency is this time," Sky announced the moment they stood before his big bed.

"You would know. It looks to me like the small bait has begun his work," Xander responded.

"Small bait?" Jay repeated. Feeling confused.

"Yeah. Zale has begun. Time for probation period to start."

"Are we just tailing him for this one week?" Jay asked.

"Umm, yes and no."

"Explain Xander. It is still v ery early in the morning and my brain hasn't woken up yet," Jay informed him.

"I wonder how you got here if your brain hasn't booted by this time."

"Flying is a part of me, I can do that with my eyes close so long as I can smell and sense my direction."


Both of them turned their heads to the direction the sound of the clap came from.

"If you two are done, you would move straight to the reason why we are here. Mind you," he turned his gaze to face Xander. "Jenny is pretty mad at you for disturbing her sleep."

"Tsk, she should come say it to my face."

"She wanted to, I prevented her," Sky confessed, not bothered about disclosing the truth. In fact he was tired and wanted to get this over with quickly so he could relax but here they were already insulting each other.

"Tsk, you know what is coming to her if she came here. Good thing you are sensible when you wake up unlike someone else." As he spoke he looked at Jay, intentionally provoking him.

"Aye, well what would a dragon prince know when he isn't soiling his hands? Nothing, hmm!"

"Is that a challenge?" Xander's voice turned into a deep base with his side eye looking at his friend, daringly.

"How about a challenge then."

"Fine. Challenge accepted. Then I would prove to you I am not all talk, naughty Jay."

"Sigh, no challenge you guys. I would not participate in this one. All I want is for this to end and I return to my cranky girlfriend," Sky spat at the two of them.

He already knew what was about to happen. Whenever they came to meet like this, one of them would intentionally offend the other and it always ended up in a challenge.

Although the challenges were good as it offered them a way of training, still Sky was the one who always got pulled into it.

"For crying out loud, the challenge doesn't affect me, why not let us finish with our business here and I would leave you guys to do your challenge."

"You know that is not possible. Everyone participates. No one is left out."

"Sigh, sometimes you two behave like kids that I usually wonder if you were the best friends I grew up with. Xander can't you ignore Jay?" Sky asked crossing his arms in front of his chest.

":As easy as it would be to do so, no one would teach Jay to tame that vile tongue of his. But when a challenge occurs and I always win, he knows who is boss."

"Pff, show off," Jay said to himself and turned his head away.

"Tsk, yet it pains ya. Besides, I need his sense to awaken, don't you think?" Xander asked Sky.

Sky was already tired and went over to Xander's bed, ready to fall down on it when he heard a snarl from his side.

It was Xander daring him nit to try himself and let his body touch the bed. "Get it over with already, Xyler!"


"I see, Xan is already affecting you, Xyler or is it the other way round? Anyways, you two were meant for each other."

"Pff, you wish. Anyways, what I meant earlier was simple. Even if he isn't on probation n period doesn't mean he would not be monitored. Tsk have you already forgotten what we discussed on the elevator, slow brain?"

"Naughty over grown lizard, no I haven't," Jay spat back.

"That is it, we are having this challenge."

"Gosh, I hate you two."

"We hate you two. Come time for the challenge," Xander announced.

"What challenge this time around?" Jay asked eagerly. His joy and excitement could be seen written over him from his behavior.

Out of the three of them, Jay was the one who enjoyed having fun the most. Growing up, it was what he used as a facade to mask his hurt of losing Jenny but over time it became part and parcel of him.

"Flying with our eyes close over the horizon till we get to the Yonder mountain peak."

"What!" Sky exclaimed.

"Bring it on!" Jay smiled in anticipation.

"Oh yes, scared of heights?" Xander giggled at his own joke and Sky's shocked face.

"You wish! I am not scared of anything but I do not think it is worth the risk."

"Risk?" Sky nodded at him. "We were made and born for this so called risk."

"Not interested. I would pass."

"Sky, do not be such a kill joy and let us go," Jay persuaded.

"Huh, I do not think you two recall what we did in out teenage days and where we went to."

"I do recall, Sky," Jay reasoned with him. "But we were younger back then and without much experience, now we are grown."

"No, I am sorry. You weren't the one the great dragon caught and tortured mentally when we disturbed his training in the Yonder mountain, I was."

"It brought us our greatest fear when we went there. I know but up till now that fear still affects us. I promised myself that when we were older, we would go there again and face our fear."

"We were just youngsters back then, barely thirteen and he subjected us to such illusion pain filled world."

"How about this, come and I would let you off this probation period for the remaining days of the week along as from work too."

"Tempting offer if you ask me," Jay chipped in.

"Tempting yeah," Sky thought to himself. He knew Xander, if he stayed and did not go, he would surely bring it till he accepted to go. He could be such a pain in the ass when he wanted to be.

"Fine. And no form of disturbance during my one week off?"

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