Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

Chapter 154 - Transformation



Not wanting to call her, Xander decided to sense where she was in the mansion. He closed his eyes and scanned his entire building twice before opening his eyes.

He had carefully searched for her aura but he found nothing. Where could she have gone to at this point in time?

Is heart was troubled just from the thought of it. But after a few breaths, he calmed down. It was what was best at this moment.

His mind had been scattered well enough and he wasn't feeling as aroused as he once felt. 

Everything this night was just a big mess. First, they got disturbed, then was the news of Zale, and following after that he lost concentration and what was even worse was the fact that she left his mansion on her own.

Sometimes he wondered if she really forgot she was a ladyt and walking at night was dangerous. Well, look at him bothering so much when he knew exactly who Jade was.

Never once did his mind go to the fact that she may have some connections with what was discussed or to the fact that what if Anders was her sworn enemy as most times he found her in places where Anders men were to meet.

His mind went to several places but not the most important. Finally, he picked up his phone and placed a call to her.

After about three rings, Jade answered the call. "Hey, hon."

"Quinn." He did not need to say anything more before she understood what he wanted to say. His silence proved it all.

"I am sorry."

Xander sighed into the phone. He did not want her to think that he was angry at her. "I am too. I am at fault for ruining our moment together dear. I should have sent them away nor even let that peeping Tom, Jay say those words. Sorry if that had scared you."

"It didn't dear. There was just something I needed to do quickly and most of my things were at home. I wanted to tell you but your friends were there and I…"

"Yeah, I would not want them seeing you like that. I completely understand. I am happy that you arrived home safe and sound."

"Thanks for understanding."

"Anytime." He paused and stopped talking for some time before a thought occurred.

All these while she wasn't with him, his erection was already going down but just talking to her seemed to have brought everything back again.

He was now missing her already and wanted more than anything to just hold her in his arms. If not for anything, but to sleep by her side like the previous night.

"Ah, Quinn."


"I want to hold you in my arms love."

'" know, me too. I want you to cuddle me up close but you and I know that now is not the time, right? If there is anything the interference today should pin point that out. Perhaps we are not yet ready to take this on."

"I am ready though but I need to make sure you are too. And if you do not think so, then there is no need to feel bad about it. I completely respect your decision."

"Thanks. I would get to sleep after I finish with the work at hand. You should rest on time too, you stressed yourself today,' Jade advised him.

"Hmm, definitely but it wouldn't be as peaceful as it was when you were here in my arms."

'That would give you something to look forward to till my next arrival. I miss you but I need to do this."

"Sure. Just be good and take care. Do not miss me too much or you would not be able to concentrate on the task at hand."

"Hahhaaa…. Alright, I would miss you small and by tomorrow I would miss you plenty and come visit you."

"Sure. Kisses."

"Kisses overload, honey. Goodnight and sweet dreams."

"Nighty love."

Once he had ended the call he had no other thing to do and his dragon was now less restless now that he had heard her voice again and knew she was safe.

"He looked at himself in the mirror close to where he stood and smiled at his reflection in it.

He watched as his eyes reverted to their dragon hue., a complete transformation to the bluish ones that Jade was used to. This was the real him.

Slowly his transformation began and for the first time in a long while he decided to transform on his natural form.

Just watching the change occur Xander could only smile at it. He missed being in this form, it was one that suited him most. It showed both his human and dragon side. It showed his belonging to two species of people. Although not particularly correct but he loved to view it that way.

Besides, now the world was dangerous and dragons as aged as he was knew better than to trust the humans and always come out in the open.

"Hey," Xander called out softly to his dragon. "You want to be set free/" He asked smiling.

"Tsk, naughty brat, of course I want to be set free. If you want you can choose to be staying locked up in this human form, but not I. I want to soar the heavens like I used to many years ago. I want to be in charge of each and everything. To feel the cool breeze blow against my skin while inhaling the freshness of the morning dew."


'yes, I want all that and more. Above all, Xander, I want to be able to roar to the heavens and let the mountains, skies and seas tremble at my voice. Don't you want that too/"

'I do."


"What if we were caught?" Xander tried to reason with his dragon.

"But what did Sky and Jay tell you? I think Skylar is doing a great job with Sky but you… Sigh, what a naughty you."

"Tsk, quarrel all you want. You seem to be forgetting that I choose when you can come out or not. So get on my bad side and you would stay several years inside."

"Hey do not threaten me, Xander. Besides when you finally mate with Quinn, you would need to unleash me."

"Says who?"

"Says I and Jay's experience."

'that was a different case, my friend just lost control."

"I am sorry to burst your bubble, but that is not the case. Anyhow I would await that point in time and allow you to decide what you want to do, master Xander."

'Tsk, now you are becoming grumpy again. Hmm."

Xander did not say anything anymore and walked to the balcony of his room. He had allowed his dragon speak, voicing out his complains. 

Although Xander had planned on releasing him since he knew sleeping was far from it now that he was missing Jade, he only wanted to tease his dragon some more so that when he released him, his joy would know no bound.

A light chuckle escaped Xander's lips just from thinking about it. Once he was at the balcony, he took in a deep breath, looked behind him and envisioned Jade sitting on the bed and waiting for him.

'I would one day l;et you in, baby.'

He turned his head and looked ahead of him. Without a warning to his dragon who was not even ready for anything, Xander jumped down and transformed swiftly to his natural form.

Once in hois natural form, he flew high in the sky, till the clouds covered him and he began to search for a place where there was enough covering for him to fully transform.

Meanwhile his dragon was not thrilled by him flying in this form. He wanted the real deal. "Tsk, it still beats the real deal if you ask me."

"Well no one asked you, now did I?"

"Hmm, enjoy then."

Xander once again laughed and once he found the opening he was looking for, he landed then peered deep into the sky. Right then he was standing at the base of a mountain and looked so minute there but he knew it wouldn't be for long.

"Hey… watch."

That was all he said to get the attention of his dragon before leaning downwards a bit and without warning he jumped up, flying far into the sky till he got to the top of the mountain.

He only stopped when he was now right on top of the mountain.

His smile broadened at the sight above the mountain. This was what he had been missing since.

"Hey, you wish for a transformation? You wished to roar loud, feel the morning breeze while breathing in the fresh air? Get ready for a transformation then."

His dragon's eyes widened on the inside and Xander let out one last hearty laughter before he allowed what should have been for years to be.

"It is time, buddy. I am sorry."


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