Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

Chapter 221 - Truth's Out



In as much as she did not want to recall, she found herself rushing right back at the first thought of love that came to mind.

She recalled how he kissed her, the sweetness of his lips, the joy of having to taste him, his warmth and how he sucked on her boobs, caressing and squeezing them.

Soon Jade crossed her legs. She could already feel her insides tingle and her heartbeat raced as she imagined when he brought his lips down to her pelvic region.

Her breathing ragged. She was losing control real quick.

Unfortunately for her, she was torturing herself by reliving those experiences. Soon enough she reactivated a sleeping mate bond and she found herself wanting more.

With her need rising, her thoughts continued and her arousal, heightened.

Soon just pressing and squeezing her pussy lips together wasn't enough. She really needed some way to get her release else was going to rush back into his arms and demand his attention. 

It was not that he would not give her but she knew she could not wish that just anytime and it did not tell well on her, making her feel like a sex-crazed slut!

"Boy, you look so flabbergasted right now."

Jade jolted up from her seat. She had least expected for her friend to just show out of nowhere and startle her that way.

"Oh my God!" She held her chest with her hand as she stared disbelievingly at Macy.

"Hey, I just spoke the truth, you were so flushed right now. If I did not know better, I would have thought that you were going to…"

"Don't say it. Stop it."

"Fine but I can see it all over you. The mate bond has been activated again by your thoughts and not until my dear, you consummate it, you would be this way or even worse. Speaking from experience. But mine wasn't like this because of one reason though, I didn't wait long."

"Unfortunately, my case is different."

"How is that so? You are just being too stubborn to me. You can have him. You can be with him. You know of a truth he loves and wants you so much so why suffer yourself so much? And take it from me, making love to a dragon… is the best." She winked at her friend as if to show emphasis on the last part.

"You do not understand, Mace. It isn't simple."

'How so? Xander is dying to have you. He is dying to cherish you and shower you with his love if only you would let g of your anger and forgive him. It was an honest mistake. I believe he wouldn't have done so without any reason."

"I know."

"Then why punish yourself and punish him?"

"Because it is not in my doing. I know he didn't do it deliberately without a cause and there wasn't much time, his people were threatened and it was all a ploy by the Ander."

"Seriously? Why am I not surprised."

"Yes, he showed me the truth after our…" she paused. Definitely, she was not about to voice out her time with Xander to Macy. "After that night, he showed me the truth and he plans on getting revenge on the Ander and wants us to fight together against them."

"Brilliant. Now, that dragon is speaking my language," Macy chipped in. "Sorry to cut you short, continue please."

"But even though I know he is right, I still feel angry and even if I want to forget my anger towards him and focus o fighting Zale, the bond thing would not let me do so in peace. The more I stay closer to him the more unbearable it becomes. I am in a dilemma here."

"Then for the sake of your sane health, consummate it."

"Wouldn't that be agreeing to that fact that I am his and not just his, his mate?"

"And what is so bad in that, Jade? He loves you and he is every bit as human as you. More human than most persons themselves." Jade sighed. It was just too much right now.

"Okay, even if you think you do not want to be with him like marrying him and the likes…"

"Whoa! Hold it there young lady. That's too soon. He still annihilated my family, remember."

"Technically he didn't. Zale did."

"He gave the directive," Jade reasoned.

"Notwithstanding. You can just make love to calm the mate bond and seal it, then go about your duties normally and if life means you to be together you can work it out but for now, I need my friend sane and you need to also be at your best while you plan your revenge."

"No matter what, I still can't."

"Why then, cause except you tell me a cogent reason, I suggest you do the needful, else you do not like you, you are seeing now."

"It is complicated I said before and you do not know why."

"I won't know if you do not tell me. Tell me and I can help."

"How do you except to help a situation such as this. XANDER WOULD NOT TOUCH ME, NOT UNTIL WE ARE MARRIED! Only then would he make love to me."


Macy was shocked shit out of her head. Never was she expecting such a reason.

"He said he was going to wait. I was literally at his mercy yesterday but still, he refused to do it. He said in as much as he wanted me, he could not let himself have me. He had said he would wait till our marriage and no matter how angry I am, no matter what happens he is going to make me his wife."


Macy still looked on in shock. Boy was this Dragon Lord something else. 

No one would expect that even with your mate throwing herself at you, you would still want to do the right thing knowing well, it would cost you. Irrespective of that, he still wants her close.

"I do not know how he does it, Macy but I should not expect any form of this bond nonsense disturbance ending soon."

"Then marry him."

"I would not wed a man, dragon or whatever just because my hormones are raging. It is more than that."

"But you love him."

"It still doesn't change what has been done."

"Exactly, one cannot change what has been done but one can only move forward, forging a new path," Macy advised. "I love you dear and even though I may seem crazy at times but I want what is best for you."

"His resolve is strong and if that is the case for my being okay. I would wait and see. If fate permits it that we are, we are, but if not, I would not force it."

"Fate has already spoken when she gave you, Xander. Trust more and believe."

"Till then. For now, I would be okay."

"Are you sure?" Macy asked, unsure of what her friend was actually feeling at the moment.

"Sure. Okay, you can go back to your cookies baking I would just sit and wait."

"Are you sure? You do not look good, Jade. That is why I am asking."

"What more can I do other than all I have said and explained?"

"Call him."

"What now!" Jade shook her head. There was no way she was going to yield and agree to what Macy was saying. "And say what exactly?"

"That you miss him and want him. He may not do anything but he can talk you to calm. It helps when I want Jay and he is not close by. Just call him and you would see, you would be fine in no time. Trust me."

"Not a very good idea when you say trust me," Jade joked.

"I feel offended." She pouted her lips, turning her head to the side.

"Sorry dear, but I was kidding and you know I cannot sound desperate. Besides, it is me offering myself to him."

"Stop being stubborn and let go of your pride! It is perfectly natural to want him, damn it. You are not saying anything, even just your call he would understand. Urgh!" She face-palmed herself. "You are impossible." She threw Jade's word right back at her.

She felt bad that her friend was like that to her but she knew Macy had her best interest at heart. "Fine."


Well, although Macy advised her to consummate the bond, even Macy knew that once she did, she would not be able to stop and would always want Xander.

At least she hoped that it would further help their relationship besides, it was because Jade did not know. You cannot really leave your mate, no matter how angry else your frustration would only increase daily. You cannot go against him and be okay, nope.

Unfortunately, Jade did not know this. Picking up her phone and ignoring her friend, Jade placed a call to Xander.

Ring! Ring!

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