Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

Chapter 249 - Introduction.



No sooner had he sat down than the door banged and the footstep of a person eagerly racing against the tiles on the floor could be heard.

For people like Jade who were humans, they had to wonder just who it was but the others knew.

They did not have to wait long though, as the next minute they saw the owner of the thundering footstep, standing at the doorway, panting a bit to catch her breath.

Yes her.

"Always the latecomer," Minerva commented.

"Tsk, if not that I am in a good mood today, Minerva, I would have shut you up for good." Saying that she stood straight and walked towards the dining table. "Greetings, Lord Xander, fellow council members. My apologies for being late."

"It's not like it is going to change," Minerva once again commented.

That was it. The lady was done playing nice. She waved her hand, taking it up a bit and instantly silenced Minerva. "I warned but someone decided to test me."

She smiled at the others and finally her eyes landed on the humans. "And who do we have here?"

Her eyes remained locked on Jade, although she spoke to the rest of them as well. "I am Astoria, my lady, what are your names?"

Understanding that she was speaking to them all, Macy cleared her throat and spoke first. "My name is Macy and she is Asia," she printed at Asia. Though it wasn't doing much good. 

Taking the cue, Jade decided to introduce herself. "I am..."

"Jade," Astoria helped her finish. "Yes. I know you. We all do. You are the human who stole the king's heart. That is why that bratty kid won't stop getting at you. By the way, I couldn't help hearing your discussion earlier. I am proud you need no one's help or saving. It shows how great of a queen you would make. I stand by any strong lady willing to take her cross and not hide behind the legs of a male."

Jade was surprised by her forward nature and sweetness but it was what made her believe she was going to love Astoria more.

One look at her, and one would see the resemblance of someone Jade already met. She had red long hair that flowed down to her waist, fluttering with every move she made. She smiled at Jade before continuing, after giving her enough time to check her out of course. Not in a bad way but in a good one. 

"To this effect, I can say, when our Lord is not around, he can rest assured that you can handle and protect yourself but do not hurt his feelings as you did earlier because of her." She pointed at Minerva and grinned at her work.

"Enough! Astoria take your seat and let the eating commence in peace," Xander ordered.

"Such a killjoy, My Lord. Anyways, I know you haven't had the chance to introduce us properly, so I would start."

"They know you already sis, obey his majesty and free Minerva," the red-haired guy interfered.

"Only his majesty can make me."

With that, Xander let out a sign and flickered his wrist, instantly Minerva regained her speech and glared at Astoria.

"You witch. I would get back at you for what you did," Minerva cursed.

"You know what, I guess keeping you shut would be okay." Ignoring anyone's plea, he flickered his wrist again and she became mute.

He was kind before, not to ruin the dinner even though Minerva had insulted Jade but now, no more pity.

"Hahaahhhaaaa...." Astoria let out and Xander did the same thing. She quickly clenched at her throat and tried to speak but got nothing out and made a puppy face at Xander.

All she got was him shutting his eyes and picking up his cutlery. Seeing as Xander was a lost cause, she turned to her brother for help and he shook his head.

"Even if Aramis were to plead on your behalf, I would only mute him too and not listen. Besides, you two have introduced yourselves."

"Oh Lord Xander, I wouldn't dream of igniting your wrath. They can bear their punishment by themselves."

He smiled at his sister and then looked back at Xander. "With your permission, I would begin the introduction."

"Very well." He dropped his cutlery and relaxed against his seat, looking at everyone and awaiting the introduction.

"Thank you. Good evening all. My name is Aramis. Aramis Avi of the House Avi. And the last who ran in just now is..."

"Your sister," Asia cut in.

"Yes, my twin sister." he corrected, smiling at her.

"I see." 

Taking the next lead, the black-haired guy decided to introduce himself. "My name is Marlon Sirius, of the house, Sirius. Nice to make your acquaintance, my ladies and to also meet our future queen, Jade."

He lowered his head a bit before relaxing and allowing Xander to take control of the conversation.

"Okay. You all have known each other's names. For better understanding, Jade, Asia, Macy, are my council members. Every one of them. Please respect them as you would me and no fighting you, d be tolerated. The same goes for all of you. I know you already have a cordial relationship with Jay, Sky and Jenny but please let us live happily."

"No worries. We won't make trouble," Jade assured him.

"Great, thanks."

"Oh," Jay lifted his finger for attention.

"Yes, what is it?" Xander asked.

"Well, let me properly introduce Macy. She is my fiance and the lady I wish to spend my life with, so beware." As he was saying this, his gaze flee straight at Minerva. He was warning her.

Xander might have swallowed her actions at Jade but he wouldn't if she brought her cunny tongue Macy's way.

Instead of replying which she couldn't, she rolled her eyes at him and relaxed.

"I am guessing we are on the same page then."

"Fine. All of the good now, so can we please eat already?" Jenny cut in, bringing their attention back to the matter that brought them to the table in the first place.

"Ah sure. Everyone digs in," Xander announce, his smile resurfacing ash his eyes swept through everyone present. He missed them being like this.. It has been a while.

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