Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

Chapter 253 - Night Stroll 1



On the other hand, the second they finished with dinner, Asia decided she was going to have a stroll around the mansion to clear me had.

It was something she was already so used to in the first place as she mostly went about checking the house and surrounding to ensure Jade's safety and even though they were safe here in Xan-Man002, it did not change the fact that she needed to do her own surveillance of the place before her kind could be at ease, knowing Jade was safe and okay.

However, the moment she stood up and left, Aramis followed suit be excused himself. Upon seeing this, Astoria was already eager to follow suit so she sees what is going to happen between them when Xander flickered his hand and then glued her butt to her chair.

She frowned a bit it now matter how she pouted her lips at him, he refused to listen to her plea, till Jenny was ready to go in with her. That was when he released her with the others and als9 freed up Minerva's vocals.

Catching up to Asia, Aramis called out. He did not want to waste a good stroll with a lovely damsel, by stalking her from behind. He had always been one who loved to go for what he wanted no matter how hard it was going to be or heartbreaking it was. He still pushed on.

"Hey, Ace! Wait up."

"Ace," she muttered. "Only Jade calls me that when she wants to piss me off. What is he up to?"

He got to where she was and slowed down, signalling her to keep walking as they both faced the path in front of them leading to the garden.



"Okay, let me properly introduce myself."

"I thought you already did at dinner?" Asia asked, allowing her eyes have a clear view of him from the side.

"Yes I did. But that as a general introduction and this is..."

"An informal one?"

He stopped in his tracks and faced her, smiling from ear to ear. "If that is what you want, My Lady, I would be happy to oblige you."

"Okay then, let's hear your introduction."

"My name is Aramis Avi and I would love to properly get to know you and chase you."

"CHASE?!" With dazzling smile forming on his lips, Aramis nodded at her. "You are kidding, right?"

"Nope. Humans call it love at first sight but I... I call it..."

She did not give him a chance to finish what he as saying when she cut in and finished up for him. "Call it love?"

"Not so bad. Yes." Both do them burst out laughing, enjoying the jokes they are having. "But for reals," Aramis began after some time. "When I first saw you, I felt a connection with you. So I would love to chase after you."

"There we go again. I am sorry, Lord Aramis but first of, I do not do chasing."

"So what do you do? Sex?"

"Oooohhh, that was forward. I like you. I love the fact that you are not beating around the bush."

"Thanks, but if you woild want for me to chase you and give you all those butterfly feelings girls love in your movies then I would be happy to. Whichever you want I can do it."

"Hahhaa, okay let us watch you try."

"Yeah. Umm..." He rubbed both hands together, took in a deep breath with his eyes shutting close and reopening briefly, he shook hia hands againnabd stepped forward, closer to her. "Looking deep into your eyes, reminds me of the ocean of stars I want to forever remain lost in."

She smiled for long, trying her best not to give in and burst into laughter but her plan failed when he tried another line. 

"And Gosh oh those smiles, they make my heart flutter and my insides churn with butterflies. How I long to kiss those lips."

"Pfff, hahhaaa...." She let go, not bothering about courtsey and laughed as much as she wanted. 

Watching her laugh that way got to him and soon he joined in not understanding why it felt funny now. 

"That was... Brilliant," Asia applauded him, nodding her head as though she was congratulating him. "I bet the birds can do better."

"Ouch. That hurt my feelings. After everything I put in reciting that strictly for your perusal."

"Wow. Here we go. Jade should have given me a heads up at how the rich and royal behaved."

"I bet you did not need that considering you have been with her for long."

Instantly, Asia narrowed her eyes at him. How did he know about that? This was the first time they were meeting together. 

Sensing her thoughts, he decided to calm her down for all of her troubles. 

"Relax. I guess once an assassin always an assassin."

"Is thay so? Well, I am not an assassin. I am her bodyguard. My loyalty goes to her."

"Bodyguard, assassin, all are the same to me. Besides, I know what I am saying wjen I say once a bodyguard, always a body guard."

"Okay," she crossed her hands in front of her chest. "If you are so sure, then by all means please, kindly explain."

"As you wish, my lady." He bowed his head to her and when he raised his head again, no longer was that charming smile and face there, rather all she was the coldness of a daring assassin and the smile of wonderful mischief. He had gone into detective mode. 

"For starters, ever since you came into the residence, as much as you checked out the mansion, your expert eyes were already checking out the security cameras and bodyguards. Once you were in, you took note of the few maids you saw, the stand point of some of the guards which you coild see and the several places the security cameras on the inside were situated."

Asia scoffed. Although he was right and she was shocked as to how he managed to figure that out when he wasn't even there, she did not want to play easy and decided to deny ot.. After all, it could have been a wild guess.

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