Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

Chapter 261 - [Bonus Chapter] Morning Sadness.



Without uttering any words to him, she told up from the bed and made to leave when she felt a strong hand latch unto her wrist, preventing her from leaving.

"What is the matter, Asia? Please stay."

"I am sorry, Aramis but I need to use the restroom," she lied.

Be scooted closer to her and tests his head on her shoulder. "Do you by any chance news me to go with you?"

She pulled say quickly and stood up. If she left now then any more complications would not happen between then it staying back, she may lose herself again and kiss him and in the end she would only end up getting hurt.

So before any more harm was done, mshs pulled away from him and stood up.

"No need. I can help myself. Thank you." She did not have look at him not look into his eyes because she had an idea if just how things was going to end up and how she would feel when she see those sadness in his eyes again.


"Wait." She obeyed and did not move. "Did I do something to offend you? You were happy just a few minutes ago but now you seem different like you are drifting off from me. Tell me, whatever it is, I would apologise."

"No. It is nothing. I just feel a bit uncomfortable with in my stomach. Need to use the restroom. It  would be embarrassing if I ended up farting here," she smiled at him.

Although it was embarrassing to say, she said it and stormed to look at him, wearing her best of smiles while closing her eyes.

"I see. You are the one who thinks farting in the presence of hour lover is embarrassing. It is cute. Please do, I want to hear it and perceive it."


'Okay, red alert Asia, pervert detected, run for your life!' Her mind went into warning mode on her. She just could not handle it if he wanted that.

"Hehhe, thanks but who said anything about us being lovers? Do not kid yourself, Aramis. We fare riends, remember."

"Yes, for now but as lpI said, I would chase after you as my lover and marry you."

'Wishful thinking. Sigh! Is this what you tell to those girls that makes them swoon over you? How can you say this when your ex or whoever still roams about in your mind. Now I wonder if when you see me, kiss me, if you think she is the one you are with?'

She shook her head before walking away. It was useless thinking about it. Good thing he wasn't his sister, else he would have noticed it all and what she was thinking about.

Watching her leave, Aramis laid on the bed, spreading his left arm while he lazily draped his right-hand over his face.

'Something is up with her. I know it. She may not say it and try to hide it but I can see it. I can sense it. It is as clear as day. She changed because of something. But what? We were good just now, weren't we? We kissed, she responded to my kiss and touch and... Fuck! Why can't I just get a good grip on myself?'

He lowered his hand to his crotch and touched his hard-on. "This is the first time in a long while since I felt this way for any lady. Why can she affect me so much? Is it true that she is the one? Gosh!"

He raised both hands, using them to cover his face properly. "You have got to be kidding me. Do I...?"


He heard the door to the restroom open and quickly adjusted his trousers before sitting back up.

By the time she returned, she already had her face washed and he could tell she had cried a bit from the faint redness in her eyes.

'She cried. Why? Is being with me so bad for her? If it is... I would just let her be.' Aramis concluded in his mind but for a great reason he felt a string of pain in his chest and pressed on it a bit.

Why did it hurt so much when he concluded not to have anything to do with her anymore? Unknown to him, he had been pressing so hard on his chest that Asia thought something was romh.

Forgetting her earlier thoughts she came to kneel in front of him and looked at his face with worried eyes. "Aramis, are you okay?"

He nodded at her, pulling his hand off his chest to caress her face. "I am fine. No need to worry." Instantly the pain in his chest died down at her concern and he could only help himself to caress her soft skin. "I am fine now that you're here."

"Are you sure?" She placed her hand over his and smiled a bit at him. "You sure?"

"Yes. I am with you here?"

"Okay. Anyways the day is bright. I bet we would soon be called for breakfast. Come, there is a spare toothbrush, let us get to it."

"Oh, you wanna brush me off of you, I see?"

"Hey, stop kidding when I am serious. Let's go brush our teeth. It is a normal thing to do."

"Well for us dragons, we can self clean ourselves with a spell."

"Ah, I see. Anyways, I still prefer the natural way. Come." She stood up and pulled him by the hand, ready to head for the restroom, when he pulled her, wrapped his left hand on her waist and leaned over her a little.

"Aramis," her heartbeat sped up in her chest.

The look he gave her was something else. It was more intense than his usual and more captivating. From this angle, she could see his lovely features clearly and the more she looked into his eyes, the more drawn he was to his charms.

'So handsome..' Those where the last words to cross her mind before he let their body fall, leaning over her and kissing her through it.

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