Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

Chapter 263 - Nosy Toria.



Once they were called out to breakfast, they separatednan finally went to brush their teeth and freshen up quickly.

"Ready?" He asked when she finally came out from her closet.

"Yes. How do I look?" She did a little twirl round for him to see? She wore a simple red blouse, showing off her vibrancy with a black thigh high shorts and a two inches heel slippers to go with.

She looked like a young lady ready for the kill. 


"Thanks. You look good too," she complimented. Smiling at her, he adjusted his collar up a but and dusted his plain white T-shirt while placing both hands in his lovely blue short.

"I think we are good to go." She crossed her arm with his and together they left the room. 

The second they got out, they caught sight of Astoria leaving her room as well. She too turned around to see them and smiled. 

At the same time, Macy and Jay walked out of theirs. Within a minute, everyone got talking and greet g each other.

All except for Aramis who walked ahead of them after exchanging pleasantries. Sensing something was up, Astoria walked up to her brother and arched her brows at him.

"Hey handsome."

His lips curved upwards into a charming smile as he stared at her from his side but he ignored her words.

"Hmm, someone is playing hard. Tell me, what happened between you and missy over there, hun?"

"I knew your nosy ears won't let you be. Tsk, now you use your eyes too. Since when did you have my powers?"

"I do not have. I just saw you leave her room and from the smell on you, tsk something fishy went down. Come on tell me."


"Oh come on Ara. Please."

"Do not beg for it. There is nothing to tell."

"Come on. Are you two in a relationship or something? What did you do? I knew you did something, spill." Rather than yielding to her gossip, he pushed her face with his hand and walked on.

Rushing to catch up with him, she hugged his arm tightly and snuggled her head on his shoulder. Let go, Tori."

"Nope. I would make your girl get jealous. So choose. Spill or I won't let you be."

"Urghh, I wonder why Callum did not come on this journey with us? Well, it is not hard to make Xander summon him. I guess you would behave and be a good girl by then," he threatened.

"Tsk. You know best than to threaten me with my mate. Tsk. Naughty you."

"Hahhaa. I know how frustrating it can be but if only Asia knows that your powers has its limits too. As long as I do joy talk about it or think about it, you can not get anything out of me."

"Hahaha, sometimes I wish we were not twins so you won't know so much about me."

"Hahhaa... Right back at you but unfortunately for you kid sis, I know you like the back of my palm."

"Pff. Fine then. Since you do not want to let me in, I guess you also do not want to know why she suddenly kissed you guys when you were outside her room yesterday other than say what was on her mind."


His eyes widened for a minute but soon enough, they came back to normal and he continued on his way.

Seeing him stop, she knew she had piqued his interest. He may have been right about her having a limit go her abilities. He did also and this was one of them.

He wished to know what was going on in Asia's mind but he could only see her but and pain by could not tell. This was where her powers surpassed his. She could and now she was using it to blackmail him.

Taking this chance, she tried again, "You also wish to know the real reason behind her tears this morning and why it feels like she is hiding something from you, right?"

"Get your hands off me, Astoria. As much as I want that, I also would not give in to your demands. Try your power on someone else."

He pulled her arms from his and walked away, leaving everyone behind including Asia.

His own mind was preoccupied but the last thing he wanted was for his naughty sister to know his thoughts.

He was still trying to figure things out for himself and why he could not control his need of her even when he had...

He shook his head and snapped his fingers. Instantly he disappeared from where they were. He needed to think properly and not have her invade his mind.

Asia's was stunned when she saw this and knew he was bothered for him to runaway like that. Perhaps about them and the fact he had someone on his mind still.

Pretty soon she was back in her won thought world, replaying all the things that transpired between them within the short period of time of knowing each other.

By the time they got to the dining, they met Jade, Minerva, Sky and Jenny already seated but Aramis was not there. Even Xander was no where in sight and that had bothered Jade.

She had hoped to see him today but was informed he left very early to tend to some important business and would be back in a couple of hours.

"Good morning guys," Sky began once everyone was already seated. "Right after breakfast, we all would convene at the meeting room in the second floor for a strategic plan of our action against Anders. Xander left to fix some problems in the city and would arrive in an hours time. So everyone be prepared."

"Got it."

"Yes!" Jay exclaimed.

"Finally getting some a tion here. I was beginning to get bored," Minerva remarked and sipped her coffee.

While others conversed as the meals were bung served, Asia had her eyes glued to the seat where Aramis sat the previous day with her worry clearly showing on her face.

"Relax, he didn't leave you."

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