267 [Bonus chapter]Stake Out



Once they had a little brief on the matter, Xander dispatched them.

Most of the things said were already what she and Xander had spoken about before. So she was not new to them and rather than paying keen attention, her mind could not stop running back to the kiss.

It felt like she was relieving the scene again and again especially when her eyes landed on his lovely lips. The more he spoke, addressing them, the more she imagined how his lips felt against her own lips.

If only he could read her mind now, he would have seen just how much of a naughty spree he had sent his mate into.

Unknown to her he was going crazy too with the thought of her. Who had asked him to kiss her and send her mind and his into oblivion of thoughts?

Just watching her, all he could think of was those lips, that body, her sexiness, her beautiful skin.

At some point he had made stupid mistakes by stealing long glances at her, giving skmeone lile Aramis a show of how much he was losing it.


Finally when his glances at Jade started becoming too much, Aramis had to interfere and continue the explanation.

Thankfully he uad a friend who could notice the slightest unease on his face and careless thoughts.

Although Astoria wasn’t to be left out. She too was almost dying from blushing so hard. Her Dragon Lord and his mate were something else entirely.

When Aramis took over, Xander sat down with the excuse of being tired feom the ceaseless calls and attending to the press and police.

It was already one thing that his car was identified in thw city when he saved Jade and then his comoany was attacked too, so he had his fair share.

But even at that, he coild handle things. Hkwvwr he made a mistake by kissing her and now, only thoughts of her eroded his mind.

Now that Aramis took over, he picked a seat adjacent from where she was and enjoyed the view all through.
Unfortunately for him, once the meting ended, he thought he could get some alone time with her but she disappeared first and went to her room, leaving him and the others behind.


His shoulders fell as his eyes escortedbher oit of the room. Seeing this, Sky placed a hand on his shoulder, startling him a bit.

“Do not worry. Shw would come to. Just give her time. Its just been months since her family’s deaths and even worse she recently found out about you. It is hard,” Sky advised.

“Exactly Xan,”Jay chipped in, coming to stand in between them. “You recall she took timw before accepting you. And for someone who lost everything, she sure did try yo gey back on jer feet and live someone new. Too bad that someone was you.”


Rather than Xander or Sky, Aramis ensured he smacked Jim on the head real good.

“Dimwit. Arw you trying to appease him or uou plan on making matters worse for him?”

“To appease of course but what happened to you hitting me?”

“Shut it, Jay. Yiu we’re making matters worse, my friend.”

“Did not,” Jay fought back.

“Did too. Anyways I need not argue with you. Xander, you love her. We know and she knows. Today she was only pulling your legs with yje guys and my love thing. Didn’t you understand that she wanted you to get angry, jealous even?”

“Someone get this kid away before I beat him,” Xander scrowled.

“Tsk, you this naughty overgrown...” He did not egt to finish his sentence when a death glare was shot at him.

“This overgrown what? Or have you forgotten you are an overgrown too?”

He could not argue with Xander. They were both overgrown lizards hahhaa...

“Anyways, what next?”

“Nothing. I am going to stake out,” Xander responded to Sky, standing straight.


Sneaking through the bushes, Jade maintained a low cover as she inspected her surroundings carefully.

If there was one thing she learned from the meeting, the idiot, Zale was still at his father’s mansion pretending to be sick.

If only she could pound his head into nothingness. She wouldn’t have hesitated in gutting him in the neck.

She let out a deep sigh as she made her way through the thicket of bushes surrounding the fence while peeping every now and then.

“Gosh, the security is tight.” One last look at the well armed environment, she shook her head again.

Just then, she saw a little cut on the baby wire net fence and thought that was probably her best way in without alerting a lot of attention to herself since it was close to a neatly arranged flowers.

“Even the devil loves flowers,” she muttered to herself before dashing in that direction.

At a very tall height much farther than where she was, a dashing creature overed above in the clouds with wings flapping every second to keep him steady in the sky.

He had both hands filed in front of his bare chest while keeping a steady watch.

His brows furrowed as did his eyes, narrowing to get a better view of the shiny thing that caught his sight down below.

He did not need to have a second look before he knew who that was but it also wasn’t the surprising thing.

What had baffled him was the fact that she was heading for a fence which was properly elotrocuted but one wouldn’t know.

Thanks to his sharp sight and his Xyler already waking up as soon as he sensed the danger, he noticed it.

“Damn! This stubborn tigress mate of mine do not know when to stop, does she?”

Asking no one in particular, dove right down at top speed, hoping to save her before more harm was done.

However, he knew appearing before her like that would send her into panic mode and probably scream.

Rather than do the first thing that came to mind, he landed elsewhere and snapped his fingers.


“Care to explain why you are staking out?”

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