270 Can’t Trust Him



“You better not be thinking about what to do with me, Xander.” She caught him red-handed. He smiled at her, causing her to squint at him. “So typical. Dragons.”

Xander smiled yet again. She was a cute annoying, stubborn human. “And you... Humans. So naughty.”

“Come I won’t do anything with you. Just thinking of a way to make you more obedient if you know what I mean.”

“Nope. I am not some pet of yours or some caged animal. I am a human being and a free one at that.”

He shook his head briefly. “No one said she was not a free human being. Tsk. She just did not understand from his point of view.

“You just do not listen my tigress. I would have to take care of you properly.”



“I know you are free and it is one thing I admire. I am not holding you for ransom or something. This is for your own safety.”

“Thanks but I am Jade. I can protect myself,” she argued.

“These things, you have to think carefully about it before you act. I know you are angry, Jade and may not see things from my perspective but trust me. We have a common enemy. I would not let him be happy.”

“Fine.” She looked at his chest. She did not want to look at his face right now. So many things would be revealed. His pain, his rage, his silent wish about him wanting her.

One look and she would ve hypnotised. Anything other than that.
Raising her head back up, she peered into his eyes as a thought came to mind. “Since you can disappear, why not go in? We can have a look at what is happening with ease.”

“Things aren’t always as they seem, Jade,” Xander pointed out. He looked over her head, his eyes narrowing at something but she knew other than the mansion, nothing else was there.

If only she could see what he saw.

“What is not as they seem?” Jade inquired, not allowing the matter to die down one bit.

He lowered his gaze at her. “For some unknown reason, Zale set up a barrier against my kind. He is not dull. He is very tricky and sly.”

“I see.”

“Yes. He knows I would come for him and although I cannot say what but if I dare pass through, I would trigger the alarm system. They are connected somehow,” he explained quickly to silence every wrong idea in her mind.

“Hmm, knowing Zale, that would be something he can do.”

“Yes. So you see, it is not possible for me to get in. We can only rely on our informant to get us all the ended information and hope he doesn’t find out about the device in his room.”

“Yeah. If only there was another way...” Jade thought out loud, allowing her voice to drift away as she lowered her head again.

Soon a thought came to mind and her eyes widened. She looked back up at him, with glee on her face like a detective who found a promising clue as she voiced out her thoughts, “Wait a minute. You may not be able to go in, but I can.”

Instantly, the smile on his face dropped as his eyes became cold. “No.”

“Why?” She challenged him.

She was not willing to let things slide that way and just be told what to do. She might be a woman but she was a strong lady capable of making her decisions.

“You cannot.”

“I can. It is you who can’t.” He felt hurt slightly by her words but he knew she did not understand where he was coming from.

“Jade calm down and listen to me.”

“No, Xander. I thought you were better. I thought you saw me as an equal and not as a weak link because I am a woman.”

“No silly. I never saw you anyway other than my equal. You are not weak, Jade. You are strong and I know it. It is one of the reasons I love you along with your stubborn attitude of course.”

“Then why can’t you trust me to do this?”

He let out a deep sigh, allowing his eyes to drop briefly before looking back at her. “I trust you, Jade.”

“If you do, then what is the matter?”

“It is him I do not trust. Do you want to tell me that you do not know how tricky that idiot can be?”

She did not answer him for anything evacuee she knew he was right. Zale was tricky.

“Do you think he would not have anticipated your entry into his mansion? What if there are so many traps around? What if he has people watching, satellite maybe or something? I cannot risk it. I cannot allow him to capture you, not anymore.”

Both of them remained silent as Jade focused her gaze on his chest rather than on his face. She did not think that through. She was desperate and it would have caused her.

“Do you understand me now? This is why I do not want to allow you to go in. He wants you. With you gone, Anders can reign supreme over Moon Crest City. Every cop, every official, politician and businessmen and women would be at their fingertips.”

“He would bring doom to my city.”

“Exactly. So right now, the only reason why most people haven’t joined him is that they remain loyal to your father and are hoping that Arctic or someone from the Frost family would stand strong and take revenge.”

“And if he captures you and kills you, his win is inevitable. He would have crushed their spirits and finally, he would oppress them. Right now only the frost family and you, stand on their way to claiming what they want.”

“You are right,” she exhaled loudly, “Big time.”

“I know, so please trust me more, Jade. I love you and won’t ever hurt you.”

“Yeah. I know. So what do we do now?”

“We return home for now.”

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