278 Pained Past



They spent the next few seconds kissing and enjoying the warmth and love the other possessed and gave.

He broke from the kiss and caressed her cheeks softly with their faces only inches away from each other. He loved every second he could get staring into her beautiful black orbs. They had their own flicker of life hidden there.

With tender loving eyes, Aramis’s eyes glistened with joy in them and he pressed his lips on hers again.

After a few seconds, he broke free and whispered the best words she could have thought she heard that day.

“I love you.”

“Than...” she wanted to thank him but he did not give her the luxury of that and pulled her with him.

After all, Xander had given him the go-ahead to have time with their loved ones before their strategic meeting.



Together they went inside the house to a place more comfortable for their dealings.

Just because he had made his promise to give her time, he refused to take her to his room or hers for that matter so that he could refrain from doing something stupid.

“Hey babe,” Aramis drew her attention towards him.

“Yes?” She turned her head to the side, so she could stare at his beautifully well-sculptured face.

They had moved to the large balcony and sat down on the longest couch there amongst her smaller ones with Asia sitting with her back leaned against his body and legs raised halfway to her knees on it.

Aramis on the other hand, rested his back against the handle to the chair, using the leopard skin throw pillow as his backrest, while his hair fell forward adding more to the handsomeness he possessed.
He brought both legs up on the chair as well, with his right one raised and the left leg, he left to lay down close to hers while his hand rested on her waist.

“Babe,” he called out again.

“Yes?” She dropped the book in her hand she had found on the glass table when they got there.

“You smell nice.”

“Hhehee thanks.” He wondered why she was giggling at his compliment and thought it was a girl’s thing. If only he knew that she had caught him in his act.

He did not know or have anything to say but wanted to call her and get her attention since she gave it all to the book.

Now that he got it, he was utterly speechless.

“Why? You are laughing at me?”

“Yes. You are silly. A naughty boy and I caught you.”

“Hmm, but you would have allowed it even more. I enjoyed being naughty for you,” Aramis confessed.

He brought his fingers up to roll her hair in between his fingers as he got lost in playing with her hair while his mind went away from her.

He had not planned it but the more he played with her hair, the more his mind pulled him back as he had a faint recall of de javu happening to him again.


It was just like this he sat down on the balcony in his house, the house of Avi. Although, it was not Asia that was there but Asteria.

His face was filled with endless smiles and laughter as the girl in question did not busy herself with books on that very day.

Rather she leaned back against his chest with both her legs lying down between his as she laid her body, particularly on his while watching him from below and saying several jokes.

“Hahaha, you sure know how to get these guards to want to puke or urinate on their body,” Asteria’s charming voice was brought to his ears by the wind, making endless melodies with it.

“Yes, sadly for them but I was happy still. Else, I would have used Xander’s method on them,” Aramis replied with another smile.

“Good thinking but have you forgotten that they know it would not work? After all, you are not the Dragon King.”

“Well what can I say, they know me better than that and the aura of wrath I would bring down would be organ destroying.”

“Sure, you can. I know you can,” Asteria praised.

“Hahaha... Thank you so much, my heartbeat. You are a darling. Now and always.”

“Now and always?” Asteria’s cute small voice asked.

This time they were no longer seated in an overturned position. She was still lying but she had turned around to look him in the eyes. “Now and always baby?”

Forever. Till death do us part. I would be yours,” Aramis confessed with a promise.

Before she could say anything further, he brought his face closer to hers. To his surprise, she lifted her body up, wrapping her arms around his neck and he hurriedly kissed her.

It was indeed a time to remember only that he was hearing another voice calling his name with worry lace on her tongue.

*Flashback Ends*

“Ara, Aramis, what is wrong? Are you okay?” Jade asked with so much concern laced in her tone.

By now she was already half-turned to face him.

In truth, one look at her worried expression had gotten his heartbeat to increase exponentially.

They were not so alike but they were alike. While one was a calm and quiet girl, too frail to hurt anyone, the other killed at will and made sure her oppressors got her rage and now...

“Aramis, please talk to me. You seemed lost just now. I could see pain in your eyes.

‘Pain?’ he thought to himself. ‘Damn it. I lost myself just now. Come on Aramis. You are better than this.’


“It is nothing. Do not mind me. I just got so lost while playing with your hair,” he lied.

He did not know how to present it to her. He loved her so it was hard. Would she even understand him and his plight? He wondered.

How was he to tell her that he loved her but his past hunted him and he was still hung up on that love? It just did not make sense and being with her, he always had flashbacks to that time.

Memories he chose to bury for the sake of the pain they caused him now resurfaced.

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