292 Who Is Asteria?



That night, the meeting between the guys happened as expected.

Neither Jade nor Asia went to meet them. Both girls knew better. It was time to get things up and kicking and ready for their attack.

By the time they had their next meeting, Asia had already finalized in her mind to ask him about Asteria right after.

It was brief, with Jade opening up about their plans to Xander. And everyone finding a common strategy and plan that would take on the Anders and deal them a huge blow.

As much as it was important to everyone, for jade it was just a stepping stone in the numerous ways eh wished to destroy Zale and have him feel what she felt.

All the while when Aramis explained their plans, with Jade and Asia giving their input, Astorua could not get her eyes off the pair. She could tell were was some kind of tension.

Not that she could complain so much, considering she had a hand in how their romantic session ended last time. She hoped though that they would be able to settle things without her.


Turns out, they didn’t. so she thought. Little did she know that their awkward behavior was as a result of his personal issue.

While the meeting went on, she watched as they stole gazes of each other and when their eyes met, they looked away like a bunch of high schoolers in love.

‘Sigh, he didn’t need me before but now, it seems like my brother has dulled out. Isn’t his dragon pestering him with such an alluring woman by his side? Gosh, men can be so densed at times.’

As soon as their meeting ended, Xander called Aramis and the other dragons with him to make some plans and put somethings in order before the day of their attack.

This had further ruined Asia’s plans and she could only wait. She sat back down on her seat, with her head lowered while her fingers played away with the hem of their shirt.

Sensing her disappointment, Astoria walked up to her and took the seat by her right hand side. “Hey.”
Lifting her eyes, she turned her head to the side to look at who decided to accompany her. “Astoria. Hey.”

“How are you doing?”

“Good. You?” She straightened up in her seat and turned fully to face her. “What’s the problem?”

The last time she walked up to her this way it was about her love life and considering how their last interruption was, she wasn’t keen on speaking with her privately.

“Umm, I am sorry about last time. I know it was wrong of me to have interrupted.” Asia did not say anything. Rather she waited for her to continue. “Even though my goal was to taunt Aramis, I neglected your feelings and that to me was a wrong move.”

“Oh, you just realized?” She did not mind that her sarcasm showed. She did not care actually. What she did was breaching her privacy.

It was one thing to catch them and walk away pretending not to have seen anything but it was another thing when she laughed it off and refused to back off.

“I know. I was stupid but please forgive me.” She flashed her eyes beady at Asia, hoping it would win her empathy but the deadly assassin could not bother with that.

Instantly, her face fell as she blew her hair from her face. “Fine. You win.”

“Always. So, what is the catch, really?”

“Nothing much. I noticed the awkwardness between you two. And secondly, I just decided to talk to you.”

“Fine then. I have forgiven you so speak up freely. As long as you do not carryout any mischievous acts involving me, we are good to go.” Asia warned.

“Got it. First of all, do you love my brother? This is between girls and be rest assured, I would not let him know. This is the last help I can render. Whatever happens next is between you two.”

“Okay.” Astoria raised her brows expectantly. “Fine. Yes. I love him. It seems sudden but these past few days, I have fallen for your brother.”

“Nice. However, I know there is a but. I have no reason to pry into your personal thoughts, so I would say what little I know from his perspective. This is the second time he is finding love. Please do not hurt Aramis. If you are sincere about your feelings for him, then let him know.”

Asia’s brows furrowed deeply at her words. In fact, she should be the one saying those to her and not the other way round.

“Listen, what I mean is, it has been a while since I last saw Aramis behave this way with any girl nor even have sex with one.”

“We didn’t.”


“We did not have sex. Just thought I should correct you on that,” Asia pointed out with a half-smiling face.

“Okay. And that is another thing. I know because he is my twin. He had not had any girl in his arms in years. And for a guy, especially when they see different females, it is not easy. However, Aramis is a little ebit more sensitive than the others.”


“That is left for you to find out if you love him. All I can ask or plead from you is to not hurt him or break his heart. If you want this, as much as he does, then go for it and do not deny each other the times you could spend together. Cherish his love because he would cherish you more than even me once he is in love.”

She did not wait for a response and stood from her seat. To her, she had given the brief advise she could. If she still sees there is no action, then she would smack some sense into her brother.

“Wait.” She heard Asia’s voice and she paused. She had not expected it but then, this could be good. And her curiosity got the best of her.

“You stated that there was a but.” she paused, watching to see Astoria’s reaction. “Indeed there is but I have my reasons.”

“Then figure it out. After all it is your but. You have the reasons not me.”

“Are you not curious as to what it is?” Asia tempted her. Knowing Astoria, she would thrill for such news.

“No.” Asia’s eyes dimmed. There was something fishy about it all. “I think I have intervened enough,” she added. “Bye.” She stepped out of her seat while Asia contemplated speaking further.

By this times, all the girls had filed out, alongside the guys, leaving the meeting room empty, save for the two of them.

At the very least, she did not have to bother about being heard.

Finally, she came to a decision and her lips parted as she stood up from her seat. “Alright then. Who is Asteria?”

Astoria remained rooted on the spot. The words she just heard kept on replaying in her mind as her heart beat sped up.


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