322 Dead



Xavier roared loudly to the hearing of everyone present. He was angry but more so, Xyler threatened to come out and finish the job, killing the scoundrel who had hurt their mate.

A sharp cry tore through Zain’s lips as the next minute he was hoisted up from the floor and thrown with full force against the wall.

Before his body got the chance to land or make a mark on the floor, Xander threw his fist right at his chest, with a force Zain had never experienced.

His eyes budged out of their socket as blood splattered out of his mouth, spraying the floor behind Xander.

“Damn you!” Xander cursed and grabbed his right hand.

Ignoring the pain searing in Zain’s eyes, he yanked on the arm with his might, tearing it straight from his body.



Another brain-turning cry erupted from around them, pulling everyone’s attention to the fight that was happening.

Still, Xander had not done enough. His fangs protruded out a bit, his horns growing on his head as his eyes blazed red with immense age.

“Oh no,” Sky muttered, seeing Xander transform more into his natural form.

There was no saving Zain at this point. It was evident what was going to happen next.

His death was inevitable.

Sky wished to prevent him from going overboard for the sake of his mate present as Jade kept her eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before her.
Xander roared again, allowing his pain to seep out, ready to end someone’s miserable life.

His eyes blazed and he snapped them back to face Zain. Fear laced the eyes of his prey as he watched his life go before his eyes but could not do anything against the crazed creature ready to break hell lose.

“You,” Xander snarled as he pulled his attention to the sight of blood oozing out from Zain’s torn arm. “How do you want to die?”

A sinister smile appeared on his handsome face and before Zain could speak or even let out a whimper, Xander dove his fingers into his chest without mercy, eliciting a sharp cry from the lips of Zain.

Rather than feel bad for his prey, his lips pulled back, revealing his breathtaking wicked smile.

He warned them but they refused to listen. Now was his turn. There was no mercy to be shown.

Taking matters further, he turned his wrist, twisting his fingers in Zain’s chest as he pressed them further into his chest.


Cold sweat broke out at the sides of Zain’s forehead as tears cascaded down his cheeks, staining his neck and shirt.

Still, Xander did not stop and basked in the sweet torturous screams of Zain while he carried out his punishment.

For these kinds of people, a fast death such as a bullet through their brain or heart was seen as mercy shown.

The best way to deal with his bloody kind was slow painful deaths that left them in agony till they finally did.

Jade, Macy and Asia watched the terror happening before them, leaving them shaken in their body.

For Jade, she braced up quickly, recalling t suffering and innocent lives lost to their power-hungry scheme.

They did not deserve a nice death and if she could tear his body to pieces, she would happily do that.

All of that was still not compared to what her family suffered nor did it ease the pain in her heart.

To Sky’s amazement, he turned to the side, thinking he would see a terrified Jade, but what he saw made him scared.

Her eyes went dull and emotionless as she watched the torture before her.

Unlike Macy who was petrified, Asia and Jade held their own. Asia on the other hand had her chin raised as she watched the scene from below, like a boss irritated by the sheer sight of Zain.

“Kill him.”

Everyone snapped their head to see if the one who spoke had really uttered those words out loud.

Shock remained plastered on their faces as they stared in bewilderment at the unaffected Jade who pressed hard on her injured arm.

Without turning to check, Xander’s lips curved upwards and when he reopened his eyes and looked at Zain, the latter could see the dangerous dark glint flashing on those eyes of his.

“With pleasure, love.”

He did not need to feel scared of anything. If there was anything his dragon particularly loved the fact that she was unaffected by their true nature.

After all, a puny human had the audacity to hurt their mate.

Without a moment to spare, Xander pulled his fingers from Zain’s chest and instantly dove his complete fingers into the area just below his chest without mercy.

An agonizing scream resonated in the warehouse but it barely had time to vibrate around before Xander yanked his hand back, tearing his heart right out of his body and flinging it to the side.

Immediately, Zain’s eyes remained wide as his last breath fell off his lips and his body stopped struggling on the wall.

“You are heartless and do not deserve to have a heart implanted in you,” Xander dissed as he threw the body away and turned around.

His gaze met with every dragon and human present, the snicker in his nostrils every now and then instilled fear in their hearts.

To all those who had not seen this side of him in a long time, they had a clear conviction now that their dragon Lord was still very much in his game.

He was not blunt and his rage was still intact.

However, Sky knew they needed to do something to calm his rage, lest Xyler becomes uncontrollable and do all within his power to let every human feels his wrath.

Xander cast a quick glance around, his brain trying to function properly and fish out his next target.

Suddenly a low growl tore through the depths of his throat as he pried his lips open to ask, “Where, is Zane?”

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