Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

Chapter 99 - Truth Explained



'Macy, I am a dragon. I am a dragon. I am a dragon.' The words kept on repeating themselves in her mind, making her brain fuzzy and lightheaded that her only reaction to take the pain away and counter it all was to…




Thirty minutes later, Macy came around and found herself back in bed with her duvet securely covering her in bed.  She turned her head to the side and her eyes met the one person her heart yearned for but her mind was not ready to see.

Jay sat down on a chair not so far from her bed with his head in his hands as his thoughts seemed to eat him up.

She did not speak or say anything and just watched him from where she lay. She too was beginning to go deep in her thoughts.

Everything felt different to her all of a sudden and different thoughts began clouding her head.

It all was not real – she tried to tell herself several times but no matter how many times she did, the image of him with horns on his head kept on replaying in her mind.

It just wasn't happening as she had thought.

Jay felt it in him that she had woken up and turned around just to see her lovely face. "I am glad and I am sorry for all the mental stress I have put you." He quickly apologized before she had the time to say anything.

Macy did not even know what to say to reply to him. All she did was stare at him like she was just seeing him for the first time.

"Macy, if you want I can leave you and explain whenever you are ready but know that I would not force anything on you."

No reply!

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Jay stood up from the chair he was sitting on and was about to leave when she spoke.

"Don't go." He paused. He wasn't sure he heard clearly or it was his emotions and thoughts trying to play tricks on him that was why. "Stay."

He heard her voice loud and clear then turned around to look at her. Macy took the cue and sat up, on the bed, her gaze never leaving his.


"But you seem to be doing well without me, Macy. I think you are not yet prepared for the truth."

"I am. I want to hear it all." He was surprised by how much bravery she was trying to show when her heartbeat raced in fear and uncertainty.

A small smile appeared on his face as he went back and sat down at the edge of the bed close to her. "If you say so." Jay shifted in his seat so he could watch her closely. "I would stay and tell you."

"Thanks. Please e truthful with me, Jay."

"I promise to be. I would leave nothing out."

"Okay. I am ready," Macy said and took in a deep breath first.

Jay did not say anything and waited for her racing heart to calm down and when he was sure she would not panic or faint, he began to tell his story.

"In truth, I am not a human being. I am a dragon."

"Yes, I got that part clear."

"I know you may be wondering why I am here and thinking of the various forms in which dragons are and not a human form."

"Yup. You got that right."

Jay smiled at her. He was happy with the way she was bracing up. He felt proud of her. "We dragons have 3 different forms and our human form is one of them. We have the second form which is where our wings come out with our horns and our seemingly human form."

"So it makes you look half-human?"

"Yes. Something like that and the third and the last form, which is our dragon form. The full-blown beasts you have heard of."


Macy's heart began to thud loudly in her chest but when Jay's palm brush over her shaking hands, her trembling stopped and she looked so deep into his onyx blue eyes.

"It is okay. I am here. I am not a monster Macy. I am not."

"I believe you. I believe you. Kindly explain to me why it seems like I am feeling what you feel, I mean I can tell your emotions, I can feel them. It all started when we were having sex, I could feel everything from your point of view."

"Yes, I was going to get there. I feel it too."

"What? You mean you feel all I feel?" Her eyes widened as his words registered in her brain.

"Yes, Macy. I feel your emotions as well."

"Holy smokes!"

"Calm down."

"Wait, wait, wait." She raised both palms up in front of him to silence him. "So does your friends know? I mean Sky and Xander?"

"What do you think?" Jay asked her.

Macy did not speak and took a minute to analyze things. If she got things right and from what he said and what he knew about their friendship, that would mean they know but even more importantly, it was beyond that.

"Oh my God, do not tell me…"

Jay already knew what was going on in her mind without being told and smiled approvingly at her. She was getting the hang of things already and he was glad about it.

"Xander and Sky do not just know, but they are dragons as well." Jay nodded his reply at her and waited for her to ask more questions. "Then meaning Jenny knows as well. How did she feel dating a dragon?"

Out of all the questions running through her mind, Jay expected her to have figured this one out.

But she didn't and he decided to help her out.

"She felt normal."

"What? How can you tell me she felt normal after figuring such a thing out?"

"She did because it didn't matter." Macy gave him the confused look and he smiled at her again. "What I am trying to say is that Jenny is a dragon as well."

"A what!"

Everything was still much for Macy and adding all this information wasn't helping her much.

"That's right she is. You see, when I told you that it was not something I could change, you know, fighting for her, I would explain what I meant by that."

"Okay." Macy blinked but kept quiet. The whole story was getting interesting for her as well.

"The world is a lot more than what you see Macy. There is a whole lot of fantasy out there. You may be wondering so much now but in time it would all be clear. Just like what you have watched or read, the word mate actually exists in reality."


"Yes. It is a special kind of bond between non-human beings like dragons, werewolves, and all. It is one of the oldest and rarest kinds of magic known and the strongest bond. The mate bond supersedes all others and is no respecter of any law."


"When we were young, I fell in love with Jenny and so did Sky. Yes, he told her about his feelings first and she accepted. The truth was that even though I would have fought for her, I would still have lost."

"Don't tell me they were…"

"Yes. After their confession when they turned eighteen, the mate bond clicked into place and there was nothing anyone could do to tear them apart except death itself. At first, everyone thought it was a normal love relationship until it happened. It is the most cherished among all races and everyone obeys it.'

'I'm sorry."

"It is nothing to be sorry about. She was my close friend, that was how destiny wanted it to be and nothing more. So, yes. Jenny and Sky are mates and that was why you kissing Sky was even more painful for Jenny and no matter how much she wanted to be mad at him, the mate bond just won't allow it."


"Yes. He is her soul, her everything, her every being. The totality of herself and the half that makes her whole. It wouldn't be long when she forgives him. That was why Xander intervened, all for the sake of the mate bond."

"So, does Xander has a mate as well?"

Jay gave her a saddened smile. "For now, I am afraid not. All these years, he was the one person who believed so much in the mate bond but he still has not found his mate yet and there was nobody, man or woman, werewolf or dragon that could satisfy him or make him look like a love puppy."

"Okay, that aside. This means Quinn  doesn't know about this as well?"

"No and please do not tell her, Xander should be the one to tell her if really he loves her as he said."

"Okay. But until when were you going to tell me, Jay? Or does that mean that you did not love me enough?"

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