Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 106: the truth

Luo Enxi lived a peaceful life at home.

In the early stages of pregnancy, Luo Enxi’s reaction was relatively strong. For more than half a month, every day was uncomfortable and sick. Fu Haochen was anxious but couldn’t help, so she could only give Luo a different pattern every day. En Xi buys some tonics to condition her body.

Aunt He has also been in a high degree of mental tension. She has been watching Luo Enxi closely all day long. As long as Luo Enxi shows some uncomfortable expression, he will immediately become nervous and prepare to find corresponding emergency treatment measures. .

Although she is uncomfortable, Luo Enxi has been taken care of very well in the past half month, her complexion has slowly become ruddy, and her face has some flesh.

After half a month, Luo Enxi's physical condition was obviously better.

At this time, Luo Enxi had been pregnant for two months.

Although there is no bulge in her belly, when Luo Enxi calmly feels it, she will feel as if there is a weak pulse in her belly.

A vivid life, the child of her and Fu Haochen.

When Luo Enxi thought of this, her heart couldn't help but alive.

Luo Enxi's health is better, and she can't sit still at home. One day at dinner, Luo Enxi cooked a table full of dishes, and then when Fu Haochen was eating in a happy mood, she kept looking forward with a small look Look at him.

Fu Haochen quickly became uncomfortable when he was seen. He swallowed the food in his mouth, took a sip of porridge, put down his chopsticks, and asked, "What's wrong, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Isn't it because Luo Enxi wants to do something again? If she dared to say that she wanted to see Gu Xijue, Fu Haochen promised to keep her at home from tomorrow.

Fu Haochen had sent someone to check Gu Xijue's information. The senior Luo Enxi met when he went to the United States took care of Luo Enxi everywhere.

But when he thought that this man had taken up Luo Enxi's time for a year, Fu Haochen couldn't help but feel angry.

He almost confessed to Luo Enxi that year--

Originally, he invited Luo Enxi to the school hall to confess to her, but there was a big fire in the hall.

Fu Haochen thought Luo Enxi was waiting for him in the auditorium and hurried in to rescue her. He was stunned by a heavy object and almost died in a sea of ​​flames and almost couldn't get out. Fortunately, He Xia Nuan rescued him in time.

He was seriously injured that time. He was hit on the head by a heavy object and choked with smoke. It took several days before he fully regained consciousness.

And after he woke up from a coma, only He Xia Nuan was by his side, telling him that she had rescued him, and Luo Enxi did not appear in the auditorium that day.

And when he asked about Luo Enxi's whereabouts again, He Xia Nuan said that Luo Enxi had already gone abroad.

Fu Haochen never forgave Luo Enxi in this matter.

In the auditorium, she rushed into the fire regardless of the danger because she was worried, but Luo Enxi not only didn't come to the appointment, but also went abroad without saying hello.

On the contrary, He Xia Nuan rescued him and took care of him in every possible way during his hospitalization.

Later He Xia Nuan confessed to Fu Haochen, and Fu Haochen did not refuse.

Even if he likes Luo Enxi, what about it? Fu Haochen asked himself.

Luo Enxi was not worthy of his liking at all.

Thinking of these past events, Fu Haochen's face couldn't help but darken again.

"Yes, I think..." Luo Enxi said crampedly.

"I ask you, Luo Enxi." Fu Haochen interrupted Luo Enxi without waiting for her to finish.

Some things have been hidden in his heart for too long. He didn't ask clearly before because of his disdain. Now, Luo Enxi is pregnant, and Fu Haochen feels that he has the right to know Luo Enxi's true thoughts back then.

After Luo Enxi returned to China, Fu Haochen could still feel Luo Enxi's love for her, so why didn't she come to the appointment back then, and why did she leave the country alone without saying hello?

"Well, what's the matter?" Luo Enxi watched Fu Haochen interrupt her, and did not make trouble, but let Fu Haochen speak first.

"Back when I invited you to the school auditorium, why didn't you come?" Fu Haochen's voice was low. Although he was very angry, he knew that it was not the time to lose his temper.

He just wanted to know what Luo Enxi thought at the beginning.

Luo Enxi was completely stunned when he heard Fu Haochen's sudden questioning.

She didn't expect that Fu Haochen would suddenly ask this question.

She murmured subconsciously, "I went..."

Fu Haochen's pupils shrank instantly, "Don't lie to me, Xia Nuan said, you didn't come."

Luo Enxi stiffened and pursed her lips.

The reluctance of the past came to mind again.

Back then, she went to the appointment, but there was an accidental fire in the auditorium.

She was even worried that Fu Haochen was inside, and she rushed into the fire without fear of death.

It wasn't until Luo Enxi was taken to the hospital. When she woke up, her first reaction was to know Fu Haochen's situation.

Wearing a hospital gown, she staggered to Fu Haochen's ward.

Fu Haochen was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face.

Luo Enxi wanted to go forward to check Fu Haochen's situation, but was stopped by He Xia Nuan on the side.

"Luo Enxi, see how you look now." He Xia Nuan sneered.

Luo Enxi covered her head in a panic, now covered with bandages, "No, don't look..."

The fire burned Luo Enxi's hair, and her scalp also burned a large piece. It is conceivable that there will be scars on her head in the future.

Luo Enxi was very sad, she didn't understand, why she had experienced such a thing, He Xia Nuan still said this to her.

Are they not good friends?

He Xia Nuan sneered, "Just look at Hao Chen as you are now, Luo Enxi, don't be passionate, you are so ugly now, how could Hao Chen like you."

With that said, she deliberately took out a mirror.

"I can hardly dare to look at you now." He Xia Nuan's face was full of mockery.

"No! No! I don't want to look!" Luo Enxi saw herself in the mirror, with bandages on her head and some areas of her face coated with medicine, which was so ugly, he quickly covered her eyes.

"Heh, Luo Enxi, you know that you are ugly now. I tell you, Fu Haochen fainted in the fire, I rescued him, and it will be me who will be with Haochen in the future, you Get out of here! Don't get in the way of my eyes! Look at how Hao Chen has been hurt for you!"

He Xia Nuan rudely pushed Luo Enxi outside.

"Xia Nuan, what are you talking about Xia Nuan! How did you become like this!" Luo Enxi looked at He Xia Nuan incredulously.

"Why, do you think I am your good friend?" He Xia Nuan looked at Luo Enxi mockingly, "Don't dream, Luo Enxi, I'm friends with you just to get close to Haochen!"

Luo Enxi looked at He Xia Nuan in shock.

"You can go, please don't bother me and Haochen anymore." He Xia Nuan said coldly, "You are so ugly now, I believe Hao Chen will not want to look at you more."

Luo Enxi was deeply hit by He Xia Nuan.

He Xia Nuan unexpectedly approached her because of such a purpose, she was such a vicious woman!

It turns out that the relationship for so long was fake, and everything was too naive for her.

Is she going to watch He Xia Nuan and Fu Haochen together like this? How could Luo Enxi be willing!

But Luo Enxi knew that she was really ugly and ugly now, she was really scared, so scared that Fu Haochen would really be like He Xia Nuan said, and he didn't want to look at her again.

In the end, Luo Enxi almost ran away.

She dare not face the reality, let alone face herself.

The reality is too cruel, and He Xia Nuan, who she was so sincere about, approached her with this purpose.

But now she is even more ugly, making herself afraid to look in the mirror.

Everything is too difficult for Luo Enxi to face.

Finally, Luo Enxi decided to go abroad for treatment.

Except for her family, Luo Enxi never said hello to anyone.

Did not tell Fu Haochen, or even Xia Xiaoxi.

Because Luo Enxi didn't know who else beside her could believe.

Life abroad is difficult. Luo Enxi had just been hit hard, and she was withdrawn from a place where she was not familiar with her life.

It wasn't until he met Gu Xijue, and under Gu Xijue's careful care, that Luo Enxi's condition slowly improved.

After the injury was completely healed, Luo Enxi returned home almost impatiently.

She couldn't wait for a minute, she wanted to see Fu Haochen, wanted to know that everything was fine with him.

However, after returning home, things were worse than Luo Enxi had imagined.

Fu Haochen and He Xia Nuan are together.

Even when they pass by, indifferent is like a stranger.

Luo Enxi's heart sank completely.

She thought that her fate with Fu Haochen would end here.

But good luck tricks people, and the final outcome is that she married Fu Haochen, and He Xia Nuan's child aborted, and she went crazy. It is very likely that the rest of her life will be spent in a mental hospital.

Thinking of these unpleasant, even heart-wrenching memories, Luo Enxi couldn't help lowering her head slightly.

"Answer me, where have you been." Fu Haochen was reluctant.

"I'm going." Luo Enxi raised her head and looked at Fu Haochen.

Seeing Fu Haochen's distrustful eyes, Luo Enxi couldn't help but want to laugh at her position in Fu Haochen's heart.

She and He Xia Nuan, Fu Haochen will always choose to trust He Xia Nuan unconditionally.

"Since you don't believe me, why do you want to ask again." Luo Enxi sighed quietly.

"You made me unconscious in the fire, and Xia Nuan rescued me from the fire. I don't believe her, should I believe you?" Fu Haochen's expression turned cold.

Luo Enxi froze obviously.

Just when Fu Haochen thought that Luo Enxi stopped talking because of a bad reason, Luo Enxi suddenly moved.

I saw Luo Enxi slowly and slowly spread out the bundled hair, then lifted up the hair, revealing the scars, and showed it to Fu Haochen.

Although the scars left by the burns that year were densely covered by the hair, if you look closely, you can still see how thrilling the wounds back then were.

Luo Enxi opened her mouth, her voice unconsciously choked. "Fu Haochen, you can see clearly, did I go to the appointment back then?"

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