Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 109: Let Luo Enxi disappear

Fu Haochen arrived at the company happily.

As soon as he arrived, Fu Haochen went to the personnel department to handle the annual leave.

This time Fu Haochen's plan was to take Luo Enxi to play with him for a week. Although City H is not very big, but with a little more time, it will not be so rushed. Playing slowly will not cause any harm to Luo Enxi's body.

The procedures for the exchange of annual leave went smoothly. When it was about to be completed, Fu Haochen inadvertently looked up and saw Luo Xirou.

And Luo Xirou also happened to see Fu Haochen.

Luo Xirou was coming to the Personnel Department to get some forms. It was indeed a surprise to meet Fu Haochen.

Although the photos of Luo Enxi and Gu Xijue were passed to Fu Haochen last time, in Luo Xirou's view, Fu Haochen did not seem to have any reaction to this.

This made Luo Xirou feel a little uneasy.

Her goal was to destroy the relationship between Luo Enxi and Fu Haochen, but now it seems that this goal has not been achieved.

And especially for the past two months, Fu Haochen has always been lukewarm to her.

It seems that since Luo Enxi shielded Fu Haochen, the focus of Fu Haochen's life began to shift to Luo Enxi.

This gave Luo Xirou a deep sense of crisis.

I had known that that day, I would pester Fu Haochen and let him take him. If he was the one who blocked Fu Haochen instead of Fu Haochen, would Fu Haochen's thoughts be with him now?

Luo Xirou asked herself this more than once.

However, life cannot tolerate if.

The fact is that Luo Enxi blocked the knife for Fu Haochen, and the fact is that Fu Haochen is now focusing on Luo Enxi's body.

When Luo Xirou thought about it, she felt like she wanted to faint.

And now, suddenly encountering Fu Haochen, Luo Xirou certainly couldn't miss this good opportunity.

Luo Xirou would not give up any opportunity to attract Fu Haochen's attention.

So Luo Xirou smiled at Fu Haochen.

However, when she was about to walk forward, Fu Haochen lightly looked away and turned around to leave.

Luo Xirou was immediately shocked. When did she receive such cold treatment!

So Luo Xirou immediately put aside what she was holding, put the staff of the personnel department aside, and hurried forward to chase Fu Haochen.

"Haochen! Haochen!" Luo Xirou exclaimed, "Wait for me!"

Fu Haochen frowned slightly.

He didn't want to see Luo Xirou at all now.

Fu Haochen and Luo Xirou used to be ambiguous, just to make Luo Enxi angry and sad, but now they don't need it anymore. Of course, Fu Haochen is worse than less.

But this Luo Xirou was actually entangled.

During this period of time, Luo Xirou often came to the office to find Fu Haochen at first, but unless it was a very important matter, Fu Haochen avoided seeing him at other times.

As soon as they met, Luo Xirou would be ambiguous with him. Fu Haochen disliked the smell of powder on Luo Xirou's body.

Compared to the gorgeous makeup, Fu Haochen still likes the light makeup like Luo Enxi, and occasionally light makeup.

Fresh and gentle, this is the style that Fu Haochen likes.

Later, Luo Xirou might have noticed Fu Haochen's refusal, and gradually reduced the number of times he came to the office to look for him.

What's more, Fu Haochen just learned that Luo Enxi and Luo Xirou are not twins, but half sisters.

Su Meilan treated Luo Enxi not well, and Fu Haochen knew that Su Meilan would not love Luo Enxi.

What Su Meilan hopes is to let her own daughter marry Fu Haochen, so naturally she is full of hatred towards Luo Enxi, she didn't like it, and now she is getting worse.

Therefore, Fu Haochen simply did not tell Luo Xirou about Luo Enxi's pregnancy.

In fact, in order to protect Luo Enxi and allow her to rest in peace, Fu Haochen hardly announced this matter except for the people of the Fu family.

At this time, Luo Xirou had already caught up from behind. "Haochen, don't go so fast, wait for me..."

"What's the matter?" Fu Haochen said with a solemn face.

Luo Xirou smiled and blinked at Fu Haochen. Even if the other party did not appreciate her, she was not discouraged, and softly asked, "Haochen, why are you here?"

"Get the annual leave ahead of time." Fu Haochen said coldly.

There is no need to conceal this matter, and there is no way to hide it. If Luo Xirou wants to know, go to the personnel to ask it clearly.

"Why do you have to advance the annual leave? Is there anything to do?" Luo Xirou asked with a smile, actually thinking about many possibilities in her heart.

"You don't need to ask so much." Fu Haochen said coldly. If it wasn't for the little blood relationship between the other party and Luo Enxi, he wouldn't even bother to say a word to her now.

Luo Xirou is also a smart person, and she continued to ask after seeing the situation, so she had to change the subject, "How is Enxi? She hasn't come to work for so long. Is she still unwell? Worried about her, but afraid that she doesn't like me, I didn't visit her either."

Luo Xirou said, really making an expression of concern.

"En Xi is much better, but I hope she will rest at home for a while." Fu Haochen said, then looked at Luo Xirou, "Why, lack of staff?"

"That's not true." Luo Xirou said, her beautiful eyes rolled twice, and then she said to Fu Haochen a little aggrieved, "But I have been working a lot recently, and people are very tired!"

Although the employees around seemed to be doing their own things, no one looked up, but Fu Haochen knew that they were all waiting for a good show with their ears erected.

Therefore, Fu Haochen didn't react to Luo Xirou's act of acting as a baby. He just said indifferently, "We still have to put our body first. If you get tired from work, you should apply for paid leave."

Fu's welfare system has always been very good, which is one of the reasons why employees have been able to follow Fu Haochen with all their heart.

At this point, Luo Xirou has nothing to say. Although she is unwilling, she can only bite her lip, "Then you should also pay attention to your body, Haochen!"

Fu Haochen nodded, and walked out of the personnel department first to the office.

Luo Xirou looked at Fu Haochen's back and stomped her feet angrily.

It's all the **** Luo Enxi!

Luo Xirou thought bitterly, if not for her, she and Fu Haochen would be fine now! Why doesn't Luo Enxi disappear quickly...

Luo Xirou didn't know that the only purpose she was in Fu Haochen was to become a threat and a bargaining chip to stimulate Luo Enxi. If Luo Enxi is gone, then she has no need to exist.

Luo Xirou became unwilling to think about it, and finally decided that she still had to figure out what Fu Haochen was going to do on vacation.


Fu Haochen adjusted his vacation and walked to the office in a very good mood.

As for Luo Xirou, he was quickly left behind.

The work of the day was carried out in an orderly manner. During the period, Fu Haochen answered several calls from customers, and rejected all the meals that he needed to attend, or pushed them to the next week.

Fu Haochen didn't want anything to disturb his vacation with Luo Enxi.

There is not much time for them to live in the two-person world.

Fu Haochen thought, although he was a little regretful, he couldn't help but catch a smile when he thought of the coming new life.

Fu Haochen has always liked children, and Xiaoli's affairs have always been his biggest regret, but Fu Haochen felt that he should come out.

Luo Enxi owed Xiaoli all the facts that he had saved his life, and returned them to him.

What's more, he actually didn't see that Luo Enxi killed Xiaoli by himself.

Including once, he resented Luo Enxi's missed appointment and did not go to the auditorium. However, Luo Enxi also explained to him that she went, and even left a burn scar on the top of her head.

Lin Yu is already investigating this matter, and Fu Haochen is also waiting for the result with peace of mind.

When Fu Haochen let go of his hatred, he also began to think calmly.

Although Xiaolihui was his life's injury, Fu Haochen still decided to go and ask Luo Enxi about this when he had the opportunity.

Maybe there are not so many gaps between him and Luo Enxi.

The work was completed more than an hour earlier, so Fu Haochen decided to get home from get off work early today.

Fu Haochen turned off the computer and picked up his coat, with a clear smile on his lips.

He looked forward to returning home quickly.

Because during his lunch break today, he found a good thing on the Internet.

"Good Mother and Parenting Book".

Thinking of this name, Fu Haochen couldn't help but feel warm.

He believed Luo Enxi would be a good mother.

Fu Haochen decided to make preparations in advance so that they would not be so rushed when their child was born.

Maybe he should let Aunt He go and learn from Aunt Qin how to bring the children. Fu Haochen thought, opened the door and got in to start the car. He was impressed. When he was young, Aunt Qin took good care of him.

But at that time he was already quite old. What was it like when he was breastfeeding, Fu Haochen still decided to study hard with Luo Enxi.


When Fu Haochen returned home, Luo Enxi had already prepared a table of food and waiting for him.

Seeing Fu Haochen entering the door, Luo Enxi smiled at him.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Go wash your hands first and take a break." Luo Enxi said, wiping her hands on her apron gently.

This is the feeling. Fu Haochen sighed in his heart, this scene almost satisfied all his illusions about "home".

Fu Haochen has never enjoyed a complete family with his parents since he was a child. This will be a regret in his life.

However, he now has a virtuous wife and is about to have a lovely and healthy child.

As Fu Haochen thought, he couldn't help but start briskly.

During the meal, Fu Haochen ate in a hurry.

Luo Enxi, who has been following Fu Haochen all the time, of course discovered this. She was a little curious and a little worried, and asked, "Why is it so urgent? Is there something wrong?"

"En." Fu Haochen said, swallowing the last meal in his mouth, then put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth with a napkin, "Yes."

Fu Haochen gave Luo Enxi a mysterious smile.

"What's the matter?" Luo Enxi widened his eyes somewhat curiously.

"You'll know in a while. Come here soon after eating." Fu Haochen said, first went to the living room and turned on the TV.

When Luo Enxi heard Fu Haochen calling her, he hurriedly finished the meal in a few bites and walked to the living room.

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